

Its a variation on the bestial wrath deck, that's heavy on secrets/spells/hero powers to buy time to launch a 17 hit combo.
They were talking about how powerful it was on trumps stream, and I saw it played against me.

Its not your A standard hunter gimmick deck using low level minions and hounds, its much more complex.

Basically if you dont have taunts up you are dead, which isn't the easiest thing to do considering hes using those spells/secrets to destroy those early taunts.

A mage could prepare for it with invul, but everyone else has to just get lucky on the hunter getting a bad draw.
It's not a deck I've seen on Hearthpwn yet, but I've seen most of it to get an idea of how to construct it myself..

Its not unbeatable. I was exaggerating. It's just really fucking strong for a turn 8 deck

Heres the way you could beat it, if you know the hunter has that deck.

1) kill him in 8 rounds before he can kill you
2) its based off of 8x2. so any healing/shielding in the first 8 rounds will throw it off
3) have taunts up before the 7th-8th turn. Even with taunts you still might die in the later rounds.
Here's Kripp using it. I feel like he used it a turn too soon (turn 6 rather than waiting), but still freaking strong. He probably popped it earlier because he realized his opponent was using the same deck. Although if his opponent had put up an explosive trap, Kripp would've been boned.



Molten Core Raider
What rank are you?
I can check when I get home - it is mostly a funzie deck but it seems to work rather well. Some Cabal Masters (the 4/2 that draws a card when a minion dies) and Acolytes of Pain really help keep the engine of pain running once you have one legendary down. It becomes the focal point of destruction, and then it replenishes itself usually with card draw + your normal draw each turn. Cards like Rag, Cenarius, Ysera and Baron do something at your EOT so it is never a dead drop.

Edit: You can throw an alarm-o-bot in there too with a 5 drop like Sylvannas or Cenarius to ensure that they have to deal with your legendary + the threat of another entering the board via Alarmo. It really puts people on the defensive, which is where you want them since you can play non stop threats till you run out of cards.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Do Alarm-o-bots forgo battlecry effects? For example if it pulled in a dark iron dwarf would I get to give a minion +2 attack, or would it just replace the bot with the dwarf?


Blackwing Lair Raider
8-3 actually gives more gold than 9-2 in Arena. But you don't get the free pack.
NM, I see what you're saying now. It could potentially give you more gold because instead of the 2nd pack/gold card you will have a chance at gold or dust, which I'm guessing rolls between 50-100. So if you're buying packs you could at best hope for the same amount of gold. The only way you could consider retiring at 8 wins ahead is if you only want gold for arenas.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I think the only card that saves battlecrys is Faceless, but I could be forgetting another one out there.
How is it that you can be so cocksure and yet so wrong all the time =/ (faceless do not save battlecries).


<- looking for a beta key, giving you access to a secret mmorpg beta in exchange


Lord Nagafen Raider
Divine Shield doesn't seem to be battlecry. I know if you Redemption with Scarlet Crusader you get the shield again when it returns to play. Even if Alarm-o-Bot is the same, no real biggies worth the effort.


How is it that you can be so cocksure and yet so wrong all the time =/ (faceless do not save battlecries).
Can you read you fucking Nerd?? The first two words say I THINK...

That constitutes a statement that I don't know if its true, or not.

Divine shield, and Charge which I assumed were battlecrys because they are played the moment you the play the card, or not. Hence the thought that faceless may copy battlecrys since Ive cloned Argent so many times, and he always get the charge.


Molten Core Raider
If it doesn't have the text Battlecry then you can Ancestral Recall / Redemption the unit and it'll still have the ability. It has to explicitly state Battlecry for it to not work with non-played ways of getting the minion on the battlefield.


Hachima still losing with your hunter? want me to bring up that section of the thread as well =)

Over extend like a champ man


Molten Core Raider
haha right... My biggest problem right now is my hotel internet disconnecting me right when I'm about to win a match...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dude, stop picking on the guy. If you are nice maybe he'll show you the hack where you get Faceless Manipulator in the majority of your drafts.


haha right... My biggest problem right now is my hotel internet disconnecting me right when I'm about to win a match...
Even as bad as you are, and I've seen it first hand in Beta 1. I'm sure you are having a field day since it sounds like half the people playing cant even pass the tutorial.
Speaking of picking on, that match with you Hachima should have put me in jail for for abusing the retarded.

Dtrym , still crying about MC in arena cause you acutely have to play now, and not have to rely on your constructed decks???

Scrubs will be scrubs


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
A member of my raid group that made it in has lost to the tutorial 12 times now.

The in-chat shaming is continuous.


Dtrym , still crying about MC in arena cause you acutely have to play now, and not have to rely on your constructed decks???

Scrubs will be scrubs
Arena is laughable in its current form. Absolutely no one takes that draft seriously.
The draft makes absolutely no sense for allot of the classes even playing.

People only care about constructed, it is where the tournament scene is at. When Arena has a true drafting system with support for tournaments then people will care about.
This is fun.


I like how you post my impressions from Beta 1, with my comments from Beta 2.
Arena being totally different between the two betas.

But you knew that right cause you play hearthstone? O wait you don't.
Love my little fanboys.

Now he probly going to write me another love letter to my inbox.
You must be like one of those abused wives, keep coming back for more haha.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I worked at a game shop for a few years when i was younger. My Pokemon league kids had a better grasp on ccg's than Column has.