

Grinding out access to all the basic cards is really boring.
There's really no reason to grind that out, though. Deck construction is limited by your access to cards from packs/crafting anyway. Play arena until you decide to craft the cards for a constructed deck. If you still need any basic cards for that deck, just grind that specific class to 10. You've probably got some levels there from dailies and arena already.


I hope they make changes to the draft system, like a card can't show up again if you have 2 and maybe every x you get 3 class cards to pick from. Class cards are so important for every champion, you can really get hosed if you don't get some staples.
The problem is that commons (basic rarity) are too strong. MTG learned this lesson a long time ago - if you make colored commons too strong, limited decks can potentially get really disgusting. Overpowered cards are part of the game in limited, but when they are common and you can get multiples easily, it gets out of hand. Bombs like Firestorm and especially Mind Control should be rare.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pretty easy to make an all beast deck for the hunter. I hear pirates suck, but murlock decks can be dangerous, but it takes a bit of dust to craft all the murlocks necessary. Divine shield is another option for theme deck, of course it is best with pallies because of the give a minion divine shield for 1, the 2/2 minion for 2 that gives another minion divine shield, and the 1 cost secret that brings a minion back to life with 1 will bring minions with divine shield back with divine shield.


Had my first 9-0 arena last night. On a warlock of all classes. All I gotta say is Blood Imp OP. I had 3. I pretty much always opened with one. One game I coined and double imped. Adding 1 health in the first 4-5 turns is insanely huge. Doesn't sound like much but its 100%, 50%, 33% more health for early game minions basically. 1 for 1 trades turn into 2 for 1s. Or your minions trade with minions with 2 more casting cost. I had 2 summoning portals, so I basically stomped early game and made sure to have enemy board clean for turn 4. Without silence or charge, they couldn't do anything about the portals. Then it was stormwind champs turn 5 for even more health. Throw in some defenders of argus and random taunts to keep the portal up... Lifetap for cards with a portal up is straight rape. I think my first 5 games I won with full 7 creature boards, green stats across the board by turn 9. Only one of the games was even close.


Vyemm Raider
Pirates work well in warrior and paladin decks. the 3/3 taunt can be either 1 mana with a fiery waraxe, or 0 mana with a trusilver champ, allowing you to often play it on the same turn you get a weapon and clear their board. the 2/3 that gains attack based on weapon damage is also a good fit if you have the aforementioned. If you have both of those pirates, the one that gives +1/+1 to all other pirates can be an acceptable addition as well.

Other than that, they are not good.

The Master

Bronze Squire
There's really no reason to grind that out, though. Deck construction is limited by your access to cards from packs/crafting anyway. Play arena until you decide to craft the cards for a constructed deck. If you still need any basic cards for that deck, just grind that specific class to 10. You've probably got some levels there from dailies and arena already.
I'm one-star platinum with my constructed deck. I just like building decks and for that I need more cards. It isn't about the decks being good either, I just like making themed decks, like I said.

Thanks elidib, I'll think about that. The obvious thematic choice would be Rogue but Warrior could be fun. Going to be a while before I get all the cards in any case.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm having fun with a Shaman Murloc deck in constructed.

You either win by turn 4/5 or you lose. Great deck if you want to grind out gold in constructed I guess.
There's really no reason to grind that out, though. Deck construction is limited by your access to cards from packs/crafting anyway. Play arena until you decide to craft the cards for a constructed deck. If you still need any basic cards for that deck, just grind that specific class to 10. You've probably got some levels there from dailies and arena already.
It should probably be mentioned that you get 100 gold for leveling all classes to level 10 and another 100 for beating all expert AI classes, that should be motivation enough right?


Beating all expert AI classes takes 10 games. They are all terrible.

Sure, you can get 100 gold by playing 100+ games to level everything to 10, but that's a pretty bad payoff.
I just leveled everything to 10+ by playing arenas. I'm yet to play any constructed thou, just playing arena and getting more packs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I just leveled everything to 10+ by playing arenas. I'm yet to play any constructed thou, just playing arena and getting more packs.
That might not be a bad policy if you've watched a ton of streams. I wouldn't endorse that kind of trial by fire when it's $2 a pop.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm on my 2nd account now as my previous one was a shared thing between a bunch of friends. Don't know if this applies to a lot of others, but now that's actually on my battle.net account I'm just burning through my ~200$ worth of blizzard fun bucks from botting gold in Diablo 3, so it's all arena all the time for me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw him reach 9 wins with a stream picked trollololol deck last week, it seemed like every one of his opponents was playing a strategy card game for the first time though, like smite and mind blast directly to his face turn 1 bad. Also, he had an angry chicken and almost got it to enrage, he buffed with shattered sun cleric and could have pinged it the following turn, but his opponent cleared it during their turn.


Trakanon Raider
I just can't get how disconnected you are from all the other players. And I wish there was some mechanic that allowed for card play during your opponents turn. I realize a lot of people are loving this, but if you've ever drafted in MTG at all does this do it for you? The strategy in drafting seems so light and hyper random compared to the pass/pull round table style where you at least get to see what cards have dropped in the pool. I realize the drafting is done in a vacuum right now, maybe they will add a mode later. The class abilities also seem almost impossible to balance in a meaningful way.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The game is not MTG and never will be. It's super casual/shallow by design and will stay that way in all likelihood. The no instants/interaction during opponents turn is also by design because it allows it to flow better and feel smoother. If you're ever played MTGO you know how retarded and clunky the system can feel with it pausing to ask for responses after every action/during every phase, and that would turn away the player base Blizzard is after.

The 0 communication thing is pretty retarded though and I'm not sure why they did it that way. My only guess is to keep the "community" that is known to populate most pvp games from showing up, but no chat at all seems like a pretty nuclear option for that problem.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If there was chat I would probably wait until the fuse ran out every single turn and talk shit in between. No chat is a good thing for the community as a whole imo. Plus they save money by not having to hire a bunch of new people for customer service.