

Trakanon Raider
My casual MMR must have gotten fairly high because I am facing some ridiculous decks in it. I'm talking decks with 5+ Legendary cards in it played by people who know what they're doing (i.e. rarely make obvious mistakes). I like Ranked mode but I've decided to not play it until they reset it. No real reason but just how I want to play right now. You also see a lot of different deck types that you would never see in Ranked since everyone is afraid of deranking.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't believe it. Not based on what I've seen.
I second this, it is very inconsistent from my experience as well I play people that are really good with multiple legendaries as well in casual and frankly I'm still not very good at this game (I think I'm at rank 14 currently for reference).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I suspected it. I feel like once I got a legendary in my decks I started getting matched with people who had better decks and ran legendaries also. I thought I was imagining this but now maybe not. If its just based on wins then it could be coincidence, but I thought maybe the cards you are running have an effect on the matchmaking.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That could be it, I'm not running any legendaries in mine except maybe Gelbin the only other I have is Malygos and I just got it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My like 8th casual game with my level 2 something or other was against a mage with almost all gold cards. I was like wtf is going on.


Tranny Chaser
For every casual game I win I try and lose two. Get like 5-6 turns in and just concede. I figure people are working on dailies and if there is some matchmaking system for it I see no reason to ever advance in it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For every casual game I win I try and lose two. Get like 5-6 turns in and just concede. I figure people are working on dailies and if there is some matchmaking system for it I see no reason to ever advance in it.
Do you feel like that actually keeps you facing easier opponents? I've just been doing my dailies in ranked or even arena depending on what the dailies are, if I have a rank higher than what I think I can consistently win with on a given class/deck I'll go grind it out until I can squeak the wins in casual.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can agree casual is anything but. I thought maybe I inflated my casual mmr because I was playtesting decks before the patch and winning a lot with them. I figured that rank would also be reset when the new ladder came out so I wasn't worried about it. The first time I go to play casual after the patch I'm trying out new decks and I'm facing people right off the bat with 2-3 legendaries so either they didn't reset casual mmr or it does take into consideration something like dust cost of the deck. Just guesstimating my win rate in casual since the patch is somewhere around 25% whereas it is probably somewhere around 55-60% in ranked.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well they didn't reset anything. I figure people playtest deck changes in casual rather than de-rank, and also just farm wins/dailies often there. Some of the people I face in casual HAVE to be ranked far higher than I am in ranked mode. Whatever the formula is for casual MMR it needs work. They should add in your ranked rating too maybe and weight that heavier the better your rank.


Trakanon Raider
I think something that is happening with the Casual mode is people are prepping for the next ranked season and playtesting decks that are super competitive so they can get all of the kinks worked out now. I know that's what I'm doing and it's pretty discouraging to see decks I thought would work well aren't performing as well as hoped.

Oh also an obligatory "fuck warrior OTK decks." I fought one, knew what was happening but hit a point where I had to go all in because he had pinged himself to 11 health. I had 35, effective, health and after shooting off everything I had, he was left with 1 hitpoint and then proceeded to kill me from 35 to death. While charge makes the combo work, I still think the Giants are the actual problem. If you nerf charge, someone else will find a new way to abuse the giants. If not today then the first time new cards are released.


Man I love to hate this game. Drafted a decent warlock deck and faced two sham in a row that had down 2 unbound ele and 2 feral spirit by turn 5. The one also equipped that overload wep and lusted. The fuck...

The Ancient_sl

I think something that is happening with the Casual mode is people are prepping for the next ranked season and playtesting decks that are super competitive so they can get all of the kinks worked out now. I know that's what I'm doing and it's pretty discouraging to see decks I thought would work well aren't performing as well as hoped.
Still not an explanation for why there doesn't appear to be any MMR when they claim there is. My ranked play settles at about a 50% win rate until I get better/get more cards. My Casual win rate is much much lower than this and I face crazy good decks all the time. This doesn't jive with a match making system being in place.

Either the matchmaking system in Casual is completely broken or the Blizzard rep was just plain wrong. I suspect the latter.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
To the people that rage at RNG (for a card game...), what do you think is the issue or what could be done?

- Do you simply think the RNG method they use is not random enough or too random?
- Do you want factors you can influence more instead of being random?
- Is it a draw/opening hand/Limited picks issue or do you hate the RNG during actual play like bomberman?

Personally I'm annoyed by the in-game random cards and feel the opening hand could use +1 card to give you a bit more wiggle room, or possibly dont put those you put away back into your hand at times (I think it can happen? not sure).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mainly card draw/opening hand issue to me. RNG in terms of the card effects I don't mind as much, and there's not as many of them anyway. I've gotten over it though, I used to rage at this game a lot harder. I don't pretend to know card games well enough to suggest good fixes either.
I feel like they should tone down the in game random cards. Doubling up RNG when drawing is already random stinks. Almost 10% of the card pool has the word random on it...


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't mind the random but arena drafts with no choices offered for key class cards, sweeps, removals, silence etc is super shitty. Also like has been mentioned opening hand and initial draw can be a huge statistical anomaly and can lose you games.


Lord Nagafen Raider
To the people that rage at RNG (for a card game...), what do you think is the issue or what could be done?

- Do you simply think the RNG method they use is not random enough or too random?
- Do you want factors you can influence more instead of being random?
- Is it a draw/opening hand/Limited picks issue or do you hate the RNG during actual play like bomberman?

Personally I'm annoyed by the in-game random cards and feel the opening hand could use +1 card to give you a bit more wiggle room, or possibly dont put those you put away back into your hand at times (I think it can happen? not sure).
I look at people like Kripp and Trump and see them gaining positive gold with 9+ Arena wins and then I try and figure out just what I am doing wrong. I've come to the conclusion that mistakes are punished MUCH harder. I don't know what else it could be. I know the deck you draft is important but I've seen Kripp build some god awful shitty decks and go 12-1 with them and then draft a multiple weapon warrior deck that looked constructed worthy and go 3-3 with it. And some cards are so individually powerful that unless you have an immediate response to them you are fucked 99% of the time.