

<Silver Donator>
If you play control, I don't see why you'd bother with a gamble play on turn 3. Just play a harvest golem, or your hero power and pass. You'll win later anyway in almost all cases. If you play against an aggro lock there's a good chance you haven't been clearing enough for him not to kill the mukla either with a power overwhelming, soulfire+shit mob or a banana on a murloc that has murloc buffs. It really doesn't do that much, if you want to play an early annoying mob in a control deck, the ancient guardians+taunt options or pyromancer+0/1cost spells are a ton better.

I think the only time mukla would be really good is if you go first and innervate it on turn 1. That's most likely game right there, maybe a mage can deal with it by coining a frostbolt then playing another frostbolt and such stuff but a 5/5 on turn 1 when going first is just stupid. Bonus point for mark of the wild turn 2 on it ^^.

Also drawing Mukla lategame tends to be complete shit. A 5/5 is nice but the reduced cost doesn't do much and giving the bananas lategame to an opponent is awful.

The Ancient_sl

If you play against an aggro lock there's a good chance you haven't been clearing enough for him not to kill the mukla either with a power overwhelming, soulfire+shit mob or a banana on a murloc that has murloc buffs.
And here you've traded 3 mana and 1 card for 2-3 mana and 2+ cards. Value.

He's got 2 Harvest golems in the deck I believe, the argument that they are better isn't applicable.


<Silver Donator>
And here you've traded 3 mana and 1 card for 2-3 mana and 2+ cards. Value.

He's got 2 Harvest golems in the deck I believe, the argument that they are better isn't applicable.
Oh it's still about Curi's warlock control deck, didn't read all the posts just skimmed and saw mukla discussion in control decks. In warlock I could see it being ok because you can tap to keep up so might not be as bad.

That said, it's 1card for 2cards but you also give them 2 +1/+1 cards. They're not great cards but in a warlock aggro deck, a 1cost +1/+1 is actually pretty fucking good with all the shit mobs you get out each turn. They also serve as RNG fodder for soulfire.

I'm sure he played with it a bit and find it better than other cards, I just don't really see how against all the locks currently. I think he'd be better off with a thalnos for 2pt mortal coil/5pt soulfire or something like that.

The Ancient_sl

I also see him being sort of crappy against priests who can use a SW: Death on him and with only Sylvanas as your other 5+ in your deck, that's a cheap removal(of course if you are playing him when you shoud, they probably don't have that in hand).


Blackwing Lair Raider
He's been taking mukla in and out since he first made the deck so I guess it is more consistent with mukla, but I do believe we are going to see more pyromancers and giving 2 bananas to someone running pyromancers would be bad, a 5/2 and 2 damage to all minions for 4 mana?, yes please.

For the same reason mukla works in control decks and after drafting the beast in an arena run, I'm surprised more decks don't run the beast. Particularly, I would think it makes sense in the druid control decks because then you may also have the luxury of a silence from a keeper. That sucker won me 3 or 4 games in the run because I had him in hand turn 6 with board control. Unless your opponent has hard removal they're pretty much boned from a 9/7 for 6 mana, and the druid control deck's case even if worst case scenario they are running hard removal and have it in hand that'll save one of your other big legendaries down the road.


Trakanon Raider
The deck is solid but I still need some practice with it. I'm also playing in "casual" mode which, as you all know, is anything but casual. The decks in casual mode are super competitive and some are a little goofy as people are trying things out without risking their rank. The one nice thing is that I usually know by about turn 3 or 4 if I'm going to win or lose.

As far as Mukla goes, if you get him out early he's a beast (no pun intended). Even with the bananas, your opponent will jump through some pretty creative hoops to kill him and it, almost always, results in an extremely inefficient trade for them (which is what the deck is all about). It goes without saying that you don't want to play him against certain matchups and should be swapped out based on where the meta is at on a particular day.


The Warlock Aggro deck and the Warlock board control deck are very similar. They both share a lot of base cards (Blood Imps, Flame Imps, Void Walkers, Knife Jugglers and so on). However, there are differences between the two decks. Board Control favors Sylvanas more than Leeroy as an example. Beyond that it's a vastly different playstyle mindset. This is one of the reasons I like the Board Control Warlock deck as opposed to the typical aggro style of play. Aggro style of play doesn't require nearly as much thought. The main premise to to keep throwing things at your opponent until they die (yeah I'm overly simplifying things there...). That's not my preferred style of play at all.
Yes, you're overly simplifying things. Just because you use Leeroy instead of Sylvanas and Power Overwhelming instead of Mortal Coil doesn't suddenly transform the deck into something else entirely. It makes you slightly more likely to be the beatdown against mid-range decks, but both decks will still be playing the same role in most matchups (control against mage rush / murlocs, beatdown against druid/slow pala, etc).


<Silver Donator>
Was watching some chinese hearthstone tournament earlier, koyuki and monk were casting it, it's the games they play inbetween dota2 games. Anyway, was some fairly interesting stuff but the most interesting was an OTK druid. Not like 30hp OTK, even though that's possible too, but some insane damage. He managed to deal 24 damage even though there was an ancient of war in taunt mode on the board(and he actually ended up overkilling it by like 3damage since he didn't have the right numbers). That was with iirc only 4mobs on the board but he had a stupid hand to get that amount. Granted unlike warrior OTK and shit like that, it requires you to have stuff on the board, since it relies on Savage Roar obviously, but he combined it with Savagery and claw/bite for more burst damage. He then won against the last deck of his opponent, some control lock that got raped all game from a bad start and by the time he recovered(shadowflame) he had lost too much hp and cards to be able to actually win.

Anyway was a pretty interesting deck, it's fairly similar to control druid but trades some of the cards for bite/savagery/savage roar and violet teacher(lots of spells so lots of tokens and tokens are deadly if they're not cleared regularily). I might check it out cause it seemed pretty fun, not many people expect a seemingly control druid(few creatures mostly killing shit as you drop it) to go and burst 15-20 damage in one turn. Don't have an alextraza though.


Second 12-win arena in a row. 12-1 Mage this time. No Flamestrike, no Blizzard, just mostly solid creatures, 2 Fireballs and a Pyro. So close to the 12-0 dream!


Molten Core Raider
My paladin deck hit a standstill - so I decided to make my own Warlock Control Deck:

1x Soulfire
2x Blood Imp
1x Voidwalker
1x Bloodmage Thalnos
1x Nat Pagle
2x Novice Engineer
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Drain Life
1x Shadow Bolt
1x Hellfire
2x Shadowflame
2x Defender of Argus
2x Twilight Drake
1x Sylvannas Windrunner
1x Siphon Soul
1x Dread Infernal
1x The Black Knight
1x Twisting Nether
1x Ragnaros the Firelord
1x Alextrasza
1x Mountain Giant

I -might- do -1 Black Knight and +1 Mountain Giant. So far I only have lost to Iceblock Pyro mage, working to rank 5 now.

Lots of solid creatures, early game is hero power + novice engineers. Pagle and Thalnos are great trash early drops for card draw, plus people prioritize them highly. Once you hit 4 mana you start droppin Mountain Giants and Twilight Drakes, and everyone immediately starts throwing resources and making terrible trades to remove them. You draw out silences or bad trades so your Late game / low life Molten Giants with Sunfury/Defender of Argus cannot be avoided. If people don't get your HP low enough to do giant drops, well you have about 3 different amazing legendaries to utilize at higher mana drop cost, forcing people to respond or die.

You have about 5-6 different ways to wipe a board as well once you get past 4 mana with Shadowflame. Sylvannas steals divine shielded mobs (sorry Tirion.)


<Silver Donator>
Sounds like Onyxia might be good in that type of deck. Could it work with Shaman and Bloodlust, too?
Onyxia is kinda slow, need to play it then hope the opponent doesn't have a sweep to kill all the whelps. Alex works by either doing 15damage instantly, or healing you up so you can live one more turn, potentially 2, to get the combo.

For shamans I don't know, Bloodlust is a lot more mana for one, it does 1more damage per mob but also doesn't buff your hero so unless you have a large amount of mobs, the mana efficiency is awful compared to savage roar. And then you're missing out on the claw/bite/hero power/savage roar+savagery combo which adds a large amount of burst to your combo. It gives you more ways to deal large damage too, not just hoping to draw a savage roar, you can for example bite+hero power+savagery to do 10damage, and that's just 2 cards together. Shaman can get Windfury and Rockbiter on a mob to increase the damage a lot too though, it's just a lot more reliant on your board.

I think the main issue might be the other cards. Druid can run stuff like druid of the claw and keeper of the grove to control shit/make room, and Ancient of Lore/Regrowth to draw the cards for your combo, especially ancient of lore. Also Innervates to get as much value as possible in a single turn.

In comparison, Shaman has shit for draws other than neutrals and it's mostly reliant on having certain minions up(mana totem, having cult master before you suicide shit, having auctioneer before casting a couple of spells etc). It's just not good at drawing cards. Then the shaman great cards, earth elem and fire elem, aren't really that good for that style of play, they need to be up before you bloodlust as they don't have a direct effect(I mean fire elem does 3 but that's not gonna kill a big taunter and isn't very good to the face, plus you can't fire elem and bloodlust in the same turn). If you compare to dropping a 4/4charge druid of the claw before a savagery for added burst or a keeper to silence a taunter, it's not nearly as good. The only good aspect is shamans are as good if not better than druids in terms of spell removal, but the issue is all of it overloads you, which makes doing OTK combos a lot harder when you might not have your full mana every turn because of having to clear shit.

On the other hand, a shaman can OTK with a single minion on the board assuming you have windfury, 2rockbiters and bloodlust in your hand. Depends on the minion and how much life left the opponent has, but even on a totem with 0base attack, that's 18damage in one turn.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyway was a pretty interesting deck, it's fairly similar to control druid but trades some of the cards for bite/savagery/savage roar and violet teacher(lots of spells so lots of tokens and tokens are deadly if they're not cleared regularily). I might check it out cause it seemed pretty fun, not many people expect a seemingly control druid(few creatures mostly killing shit as you drop it) to go and burst 15-20 damage in one turn. Don't have an alextraza though.
id love to know how this works out for you, i just dont think it sounds very good.


It does sound pretty far fetched. The deck is supposed to have enough cards/mana to
- Kill all the opponent's minions
- Get some minions on the board
- Play 2-3 cards for a "OTK" kill

It sounds really unfocused and greedy, but I'd be happy to see a new archetype arrive on the scene.


<Silver Donator>
Really? Don't seem so bad to me, you don't need a lot of minions and you don't really need to necessarily OTK, you can play control and simply use the combo cards to do a finisher. Savage Roar+Force of Nature is a 2card combo for 14damage, Bite+Savagery+Hero power is a 2cards combo for 10, add a claw and it's 14 dmg combo.

Here's a decklist I put together fairly quickly, there might be some tweaks here and there. At the core, it's very much like the normal control druid. You trade one swipe and one starfall for 2 bites, 2 ancient of war for 2 violet teachers, Ragnaros for Alexstraza then you make room for 2x Savage Roar, 1x Savagery and 1x Force of Nature by removing stuff like ancient guardians or pyromancer, free cards really. The tweaks would be removing some of the druid mobs or the argus to add one more savagery or more early game with ancient guardians+another argus and such. Adding the combo stuff makes some aspects weaker, like the lategame, but it adds another win condition with the OTK potential.

Deck Builder - Hearthstone

Edit: Forgot Leeroy, replace whatever for it, Argus, Black Knight, depends I guess.


Weird shit happens in arena. I've had five of one card before (knife thrower... went well!) and I'm reasonably sure there's no cap.

It makes arena kinda silly but still fun. From draw to draw you can just see nothing but shit and sometimes nothing but amazing cards. I seem to be a magnet for fantastic early cards that never, ever, ever get the cards they pair with. Ah well though, it is a silly game!

On the plus side, I'm finding the Shaman quite rejuvenating. The whole overload mechanic actually lends itself to some fun constructed decks and the card base is actually quite strong! I'm sure I'll hate it next week but it's been interesting for the moment at least.
There are some youtube videos from some random guy that drafted 6 fireballs. He just starts spamming them after turn 4, without even trying to strategy really.



<Silver Donator>
let us know how it goes.
I don't have most of the cards and don't wanna bother disenchanting stuff I could need later just to make the deck, that and I don't really play constructed either. I'm playing a traditional control druid and a semi OTK rogue atm(it's not like super OTK but it can easily do 15+damage burst in a turn and with perfect hand it could do 30) whenever I do play.

The Master

Bronze Squire
The problem is card draw and getting stuck with certain cards+having a, relatively, weak board. It wouldn't do well against Warlock agro or Warlock control, they'd be able to either rush you down faster or make better trades. And any deck that can't beat Warlock isn't going to fare well on the ladder.

It'd probably beat control decks.

I tried it for a bit since I am experimenting with decks atm. It lost to the efficient removal of Rogues, I beat a Mage, another Druid, and two Paladins with the idea. Each was really close and unstable.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw someone on ladder using a savage roar druid deck, they basically just put in all the neutral card draw minions in just for some board presence and to get the savage roars / power of the wilds. I tried making my own before this and it went pretty poorly, basically just couldn't get any kind of board presence or didn't have savage roar in my hand when I could have used it so the card draw might be on to something.

Edit - Also, savagery is minions only.