

Trakanon Raider
It's one of the reasons that Yeti is still a decent card despite having no other abilities. Something like a Yeti, at full health, sticks around after a Flamestrike. And if a Mage pings a yeti on turn 5 or 6 with no other real play, it's a safe bet that they're holding a Flamestrike so you know to play around it (though you should always be playing around Flamestrike it's a definite tell when they ping your yeti).


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I switched to this bad boy after making little progress with face hunter, and promptly went on like a 7 win tear. I'm sure I'm jinxing myself by posting it but whatever. Deathlord is fucking unstoppable in this meta.



Trakanon Raider
Shieldmaiden is awful. Mark my words... No question about it. Mayyyybe if it was a 5/6 it would be playable, but not as a 5/5 for 6 mana. 5 Armor does not even remotely come close to comparing to the wide variety of other effects you can get in the 6 mana creature slot. She's terrible. Although I do agree she will probably be used in tournament environments. Sometimes it's hard to get a decent armor count late game and Shield Slam becomes a dead card, so with Shieldmaiden that's decent, but yeah, I hold firm that she is bad.

Illuminator is pretty cool (surprised it doesn't randomly heal anything on the board FFS). I wish they would give healing to more classes (although not that much, particularly for non healing classes), but a small amount would be nice. It still blows my mind that Shamans have no healing. It's like the devs have never even played WoW. Druid is by far my favorite class in WoW AND in HS because of its versatility, I love it. They correctly designed the Druid in HS as well, it has tools from all 3 specs in WoW, tanking, dps, and healing, hell, there are even Moonkin cards, so there's like 4 specs that are represented in HS for the Druid. Yet Shaman gets totally shafted.


Trakanon Raider
So I beat a control warrior (nightmare matchup) with a lucky beast topdeck with double KC in hand. He sends a friend request afterwards and this is what transpired.


Best part I was thinking about opening with some pre-emptive gloating before he could shit talk and immediately unfriend me, and at the last second I decided to take the high road. Man would I have felt like such a dick.
This happens to me all the time, but I'm the one sending friend requests and then being nice, and it really frustrates me when I play against someone that is quite good and is playing an innovative deck and plays reasonably quickly etc and I want to befriend them, but they're too conditioned to think all friend requests = grief. It's a shame really.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always accept but if its some dickhead b.net kid I just don't respond. They usually defriend you as soon as they had their say anyway, and its amusing to me to see what will be said.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Shieldmaiden is awful. Mark my words... No question about it. Mayyyybe if it was a 5/6 it would be playable, but not as a 5/5 for 6 mana. 5 Armor does not even remotely come close to comparing to the wide variety of other effects you can get in the 6 mana creature slot. She's terrible. Although I do agree she will probably be used in tournament environments. Sometimes it's hard to get a decent armor count late game and Shield Slam becomes a dead card, so with Shieldmaiden that's decent, but yeah, I hold firm that she is bad.

Illuminator is pretty cool (surprised it doesn't randomly heal anything on the board FFS). I wish they would give healing to more classes (although not that much, particularly for non healing classes), but a small amount would be nice. It still blows my mind that Shamans have no healing. It's like the devs have never even played WoW. Druid is by far my favorite class in WoW AND in HS because of its versatility, I love it. They correctly designed the Druid in HS as well, it has tools from all 3 specs in WoW, tanking, dps, and healing, hell, there are even Moonkin cards, so there's like 4 specs that are represented in HS for the Druid. Yet Shaman gets totally shafted.
I agree sheldmaiden is pretty bad except it will be good in Arena and you might see some people swapping Shield Block for her. For 2 more mana you get a body on the field and can shield slam for 5, could be good, but still expensive. Card draw is still premiere but maybe there will be other solutions.

The new card is kinda interesting.
At end of each player's turn, that player draws until they have 3 cards

The Master

Bronze Squire
I'm actually going to try replacing Shield Block with double Maiden when it comes out. In the control games the problem isn't usually draw, it is fatigue/not getting enough value per card. It'll be worse vs agro, but I think an anti-agro list would want to run Block and Maiden tbh.
I faced Firebat on the ladder last night. I was rank 3, he was legend 120. Hunter mirror match. He totally fizzled with no turn 1 or 2 play so I wrecked him. Friended him after to apologize. What a nice fucking guy.


Trakanon Raider
Just had a hunter go Undertaker coin Webspinner.

In Arena.

Fuck this game.
Yup. Been there, done that. Losing to Hunters in arena is the absolute worst, because you just know they are fucking literal Huntards and they just play net decks in ranked and mindlessly roll through ranked with face decks and then they go into arena and get excited when they see Hunter, thinking Hunters must be amazing in arena, they're so good in ranked! And despite how wrong they are, they get a ridiculous draft and roll through you relentlessly and... rage. Hunters with a perfect draft are imo the most deadly, fucked up, broken shit out there. It may be relatively rare, but when it does happen, omfg does it make you mad. They make terrible plays, their deck is riddled with dumb picks, and yet they still win because of a set of ridiculous synergistic bullshit.


Unelected Mod
Yup. Been there, done that. Losing to Hunters in arena is the absolute worst, because you just know they are fucking literal Huntards and they just play net decks in ranked and mindlessly roll through ranked with face decks and then they go into arena and get excited when they see Hunter, thinking Hunters must be amazing in arena, they're so good in ranked! And despite how wrong they are, they get a ridiculous draft and roll through you relentlessly and... rage. Hunters with a perfect draft are imo the most deadly, fucked up, broken shit out there. It may be relatively rare, but when it does happen, omfg does it make you mad. They make terrible plays, their deck is riddled with dumb picks, and yet they still win because of a set of ridiculous synergistic bullshit.
Holy fuck dude. You sound deranged. You might want to step away from Hearthstone for awhile.


Trakanon Raider
I just played 4 games of Face Hunter in the last 10 minutes and won them all. I had one person concede before the match started and a second person conceded as soon as my turn 1 Undertaker hit the table. Played against Zoo where I opened with T1 Undertaker, T2 Undertaker + Leper Gnome, T3 Knife Juggler + Leper Gnome. That game went 6 turns. Last match was against a Warrior where I ignored everything except for a Sludge Belcher (was silenced) and went straight face. That game went 7 turns.


Trakanon Raider
Holy fuck dude. You sound deranged. You might want to step away from Hearthstone for awhile.
Describing Hunters perfectly in Arena with passionate language makes me deranged? Okay...

Speaking of "fuck this game" -- here's an Arena game I just played where I dominated the entire game and outplayed my opponent, only for this to happen:

And yeah, it happens, particularly in arena, but this is the underlying theme of why I am pretty much done with Hearthstone and have little hope for it after seeing some of the Goblins vs. Gnomes previews. More and more RNG, which allows inferior players to win on luck, and even if it happens less often than more often, it's still frustrating enough that it's simply not worth it. Their philosophy seems to be to reduce the skill required to play as much as possible and turn the game into a random flashy silly little shiny dingleberry.


Trakanon Raider
Deck is simply stupid. I've won 6 of 6 now. My last game was against a Druid who had lethal but didn't know it (I had an Explosive Trap down and he must have thought it was Freezing).


Trakanon Raider
So literally the very next draft after posting the screenshot where I got double Pyroblasted, I drafted this... funny world. I also did it with the arena value calculator someone linked a few days ago, just for shits and giggles and to test it out. Decided I'd follow exactly what it told me to, even if I disagreed. Gave me a really weird ass mana curve. I find it strange how different the IcyVeins arena guide is to the Arena Calculator... the disparity between the two is just too wide... odd.