

Trakanon Raider

Anyway Adebisi asked me to post the latest Hunter goofiness I'm playing so here it is. I think this is basically the hunter deck Reynad was playing last night, -2 Fel Reavers, +1 Mech Yeti +1 Piloted Shredder

Nice. Looks about exactly what I expected. This is the next 3 weeks of HS until Undertaker is nerfed haha. How is Glaivezooka doing for you?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Glaivezooka is a pretty amazing followup to a one drop. Also helps smooth out the early game since this version of hunter has a much higher curve than normal.


Trakanon Raider
I've opened 6 packs and have opened 4 epics. It can be weird like that sometimes.

Oh and if Soot Spewer has lower stats for being Mech. Then why was the already extremely good, one of the best commons in the game, Harvest Golem, given a free Mech type? Yeah it's just a bad design.


I've opened 6 packs and have opened 4 epics. It can be weird like that sometimes.

Oh and if Soot Spewer has lower stats for being Mech. Then why was the already extremely good, one of the best commons in the game, Harvest Golem, given a free Mech type? Yeah it's just a bad design.
Because when they designed Harvest Golem he was balanced. Then 2 years later they made a mech set and realized it would look REALLY silly if they didn't turn all the other obvious Mechs into Mechs.

It's just Lore over design, Not every card needs to be "balanced" to fit a perfect formula, that makes a boring game.

I'm very against nerfing over used cards I feel with frequent set updates you can balance cards with out nerfing them. Look at the Anti-Death Rattle stuff in this set.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How's that deck working out so far?
I'd say it's a slight improvement over the hunter list i was running, but it could still use some tinkering. I'm definitely not dropping 800 dust on fel reavers yet.

Look at the Anti-Death Rattle stuff in this set.
It pretty much all sucks. The taunt is the only decent one. Soot Spewer is kinda bad mainly because mages don't really benefit from spellpower like other classes do. It's a bit weak for a class rare but Blizzard is a bit inconsistent with how they value spellpower.


<Bronze Donator>
How does the deck do when you don't get an Undertaker? It seems to rely even more on Undertaker than before and has less "to the face".


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fine. I have better mid-range creatures now, and I usually get either an Undertaker or a Glaivezooka opening, so it's rare that I don't control the board from the beginning of the game.


<Bronze Donator>
Ah, so that deck doesn't play to the face like the previous undertaker did?

Wonder if a feign death or 2 couldn't be shoehorned in there with all those rattles. Or a Baron Rivendare.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Midrange huntertaker has never been a face deck. You will sometimes ignore the board because you don't have favorable trades, or they are getting low on health, but you generally use your weapons and undertaker to protect your lesser minions unless you fear mass removal.


My mid-game undertaker plays are now a lot better too.


Trakanon Raider
Because when they designed Harvest Golem he was balanced. Then 2 years later they made a mech set and realized it would look REALLY silly if they didn't turn all the other obvious Mechs into Mechs.

It's just Lore over design, Not every card needs to be "balanced" to fit a perfect formula, that makes a boring game.

I'm very against nerfing over used cards I feel with frequent set updates you can balance cards with out nerfing them. Look at the Anti-Death Rattle stuff in this set.
Well there's quite a few less powerful cards than Harvest Golem that should obviously be Mechs. Ship's Cannon? If Fel Cannon is mech, so should Ship's Cannon. War Golem? Potentially. There are a few others as well, but from a lore standpoint, they aren't all that consistent either. There's a few cards that are Pirates in WoW's lore as well, but aren't in HS. No ifs ands or buts about Soot Spewer being badly designed and underpowered, but ah well, boring convo now.


Here's two I've been working on. I just wanted to see if the Metaltooth Leaper was any good, and all the deck has really showed me is that Steamwheedle Sniper is an amazing card. Ogre Ninja and the Trade Prince have been my favorites out of the set so far though. My current dilemma is whether to run Harvest Golems or Spider Tanks in mech decks and I think the answer is one of each if you're also trying to squeeze in Tinkertown Technician in the three slot too. Making room for all this new shit is hard. Still undecided if Gazlowe and Toshley are worth the slots.


The Ancient_sl

Am I missing something about Gazlowe? You are running him in a hunter deck that has no 1-mana spells? I guess you are counting on the spare parts?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just made the following play in arena, already had Gazlowe on the board

Faceless Gazlowe, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Unstable portal. Unstable portal got me Alex, and a 6 mana Alex let me set up exact lethal 2 turns later with the cobalt guardian/iron sensei combo I drew from my double Gazlowe.

fucking rofl