Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea anything that can run orcs in it is as warrior is great. Orc warrior is savage as well since you can run Hunger guys plus all the normal stuff, and your battles do like 6 damage I think when you have everything iirc.

The Vennen rewards are all really really good.
So do we need to run through most of the campaign 2-4 times with each different race in order to collect all the rewards? I guess I ran through it all twice now with humans so I have 2x of the human rewards. I'm most of the way through it on a shin'hare one time now. Next I'm definitely trying out this dwarf deck. That is a crap ton of grinding if you want to complete a playset of cards. Not complaining though, I think it is great.


Trakanon Raider
So do we need to run through most of the campaign 2-4 times with each different race in order to collect all the rewards?
Not really, the fixed race rewards are all in the first bit of the campaign. You can get a new character through it in an hour or so.

Doing the full campaign with a new character gets you a pile of stuff though, there's heaps of az1 packs as rewards and you get double dungeon packs the first time you run a dungeon. Unique one off cards from world bosses too.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wintermoon Control feels like it was made to tailor to everything I love in CCGs: Control, Card Draw, Recursion, Mitigating Resource-Flood, Stupidly Game-Changing Unique Characters.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is It Viable to play as a F2P option, to try to talk friends into playing?
F2P can definitely make it through the front half of the campaign but I don't know that you can beat the last two dungeon bosses with the F2P decks. You could use them as a base and buy a few cards to round them out for less than $5 though.


Trakanon Raider
Is It Viable to play as a F2P option, to try to talk friends into playing?
Yes, it is. Finally 8)

It is arguably more fun to play the pve part like that rather than dumping a few years worth of rare and legendary cards into a deck and then face rolling it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is It Viable to play as a F2P option, to try to talk friends into playing?
Easily beat anything with just the starter decks and cards you accumulate.

Been playing a thematic deck of dwarven cleric with just mono blue (sorry using the mtg colors screw the hex ones) and artifacts mostly, with random amazing cards like Dream Eagle. Card should go in any deck you make unless you have a gloves equip that is key to your deck, its just too good. I generally see an Adaptatron in my opening hand and know Im going to win, especially with the chest piece equip that gives lifegain. If I dotn get it, I can dig and dig till I find one or the random lucky ass Saarthu I got out of a pack.


Trakanon Raider
Been running all the races through to the first city to get all the racial cards. I also clear the dream dungeon each run for the first time bonus pack to try to get all the parts for a dream deck to use in arena. Have the dream deck built now with all equipment except I'm still short 1 enter the dream. Looking forward to trying it once it's complete.

Some of the decks I've been using to power through early campaign for farming on a budget are:

Human, Orc, Dwarf: Warrior -- pure red orc agro deck, fast games that can win by turn 4-5 on average although I find that if I stall out a turn or two early, these decks struggle to catch back up.

Coyotle, Elf, Shinhare: Cleric -- green plant based using briar legion, briar patch, vine trap (with gloves), and bramble creeper. I splash red/blue/blood depending which race I'm running since green doesn't have much removal on it's own. This deck is a little slow in the early turns, but once I start to play a few briar legions, it's a win.

Necrotic, Vennen: Warrior -- pure blood orc agro. Similar to the red version, but this time using the blood orcs. Blood agro is a little more consistent than the red version since it has a lot of life drain so you aren't on a clock to win before turn 6'ish.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I beat Wiktor last night with that Dwarf warrior deck you posted, holy cow that thing is sick. I think a large part of how sick it is may be due to the bug where the AI won't even play a land if you use the power. Pretty much turn 4 or 5 kills every game, never lost a round. I think I also got pretty lucky because I pulled the lady Devonshire card out of the pack and that thing looks like a beast.

Next I want to run 3 or 4 orcs through and get the 2/2 black card, I think it is Hunger of the Mountain God. I got the equipment for it that pumps it up, looks very powerful.

3 questions for you guys:

1. what is AoM6? I fought Armies of Myth and it was an easy fight, it sounds like you can fight it over and over and it grows in strength each time? If you beat it 6 times do you get a special reward? And if that is really what it is, did I miss some quest line that tells me to keep fighting that thing? I just did a 1 and done.

2. I saw on the hex forum that some guy posted a cool looking red/blue deck built around some artifact cards called "slaughtergear" when I checked my account I saw I had 3x of the uncommon slaughtergear but none of the rare or legendary ones. I decided that I would dump some cash into buying plat and just pick these up on the AH...until I actually went into the AH and checked the price on them. There were none of the legendary available for sale at all but the rare ones were 3500 or more plat each. WTF????

3. I still see a bunch of people running the arena, is that just a more efficient method of farming gold or is there some other reason to run that?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Will need to try this. Haven't touched the game in ages but now I have a reason to!


Trakanon Raider
1. what is AoM6? I fought Armies of Myth and it was an easy fight, it sounds like you can fight it over and over and it grows in strength each time? If you beat it 6 times do you get a special reward? And if that is really what it is, did I miss some quest line that tells me to keep fighting that thing? I just did a 1 and done.
After you beat army of myth once and turn in the quest, just go back to the same area and fight it again. Now it will ask you which version you want to challenge 1-6. The number is how much resource they start the game with, so AoM6 means army starts with 6 resources already active. You get spectral caller if you can beat level 6, but aom6 is also ridiculously hard, probably the hardest encounter of pve.

3. I still see a bunch of people running the arena, is that just a more efficient method of farming gold or is there some other reason to run that?
It's more gold per time spent if you can clear it with minimal losses. There's also some cards that only come from arena.


I beat the campaign last night with mono green accel deck and then took out the killpede. I think I need to custom make a deck to beat the piranhas and then will give aom a shot. Been orc warrior so far but I'm interested in trying a mage out. And yes, hunger of the mountain gods is fantastic.


Trakanon Raider
2. I saw on the hex forum that some guy posted a cool looking red/blue deck built around some artifact cards called "slaughtergear" when I checked my account I saw I had 3x of the uncommon slaughtergear but none of the rare or legendary ones. I decided that I would dump some cash into buying plat and just pick these up on the AH...until I actually went into the AH and checked the price on them. There were none of the legendary available for sale at all but the rare ones were 3500 or more plat each. WTF????

3. I still see a bunch of people running the arena, is that just a more efficient method of farming gold or is there some other reason to run that?
The slaughtergear cards are an extremely rare reward for spending gold on rolling chests. The reaver and replicator are total powerhouses, and the core of most of the best arena farming decks, which is why the crazy prices.

Arena is probably more gold/hour than campaign, so good for farming I guess ? I'd just make new characters are do campaign, the difference isn't that big and campaign is far more interesting.


Golden Squire
I beat the campaign last night with mono green accel deck and then took out the killpede. I think I need to custom make a deck to beat the piranhas and then will give aom a shot. Been orc warrior so far but I'm interested in trying a mage out. And yes, hunger of the mountain gods is fantastic.
Heat wave, if you have it, makes the fight much more manageable. Myth 6 and the momma worm are the ones take a custom deck and a lot of luck to beat in my experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like for almost all of the pve stuff playing more defensively is detrimental as almost all of their design is to race against some op/dumb charge abilities (which hurts countermagic decks as a result as well) and just going to the face blindly before they can blow you up is almost always better.

Its like the Hex version of Vaelestraz.....kill it before it does something really bad...but its most everything. I guess how they handle actual group part of pve will determine if this is a failure or not.


Trakanon Raider
Clerics can play slow decks if built properly. The talent point that gives every cleric unit in your deck lifedrain means you can outlast almost all of the enemy specials. White/blood clerics (necrotic, higher level shinhare) do this exceptionally well since most of the best units of those colors are cleric units anyway, and they have units that synergize super well like righteous paladin (gain +1/+1 every time you gain a point of life), and legionares of adamath which give every friendly cleric on the field +1/1 when you play an inspire.

My shinhare cleric is so far the only deck that's been able to clear devonshire (final dungeon) since yeah all of the enemy specials are sick amount of incoming dps, so none of my non-heal decks could survive very long. I started with one of the budget decks Nicosharp posted on the official forums then modified it some to my own tastes. Ended the fight against Wiktor with 114 life and a sick board. Took a screenshot of the final turn:

I do agree it's a flaw in their design though that it's either build a deck with sick healing, or win by turn 5 or so. It means control mages etc are just really not viable for a lot of the content. 14 starting life total and no healing means you would unavoidably die from like half of the hero powers in devonshire before round 6.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dwarf Cleric has been a nice combination of slow and fast. You have your explosive robots games where you straight murder folks right off, but also the healing and silly Soul Vessel synergy to go long. You attack from the ground and from the air. Being able to run 3 sapper's charge, 3 burn, 3 crackling bolt, with equipment to make them all deal 3, gives a ton of reach and control to supplement the flexibility. Starting with 2 artifacts in play is really nice for Rocket Ragers/Construction dudes, and the Steadfast Monument lets you swing freely while still building up new plans. If you manage to make it to the midgame without turning your Healing-Rod into a 3/3 Bot, your Blessings do a good job pumping Reactor Bots for silly turns, too.

Electroid is nowhere near as good without Craghaven's free worker bot, though. He sits there useless in most games where the AI has removal, since they realize they can knock you off of having 4 dorfs/robots.