High Fidelity


<Bronze Donator>
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: High Fidelity

Genre: Comedy

First aired: 2020-02-14

Creator: Veronica West, Sarah Kucserka

Cast: Zoë Kravitz, David H. Holmes, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Jake Lacy

Overview: Rob Brooks, a female record store owner in the rapidly gentrified neighborhood of Crown Heights, Brooklyn revisit past relationships through music and pop culture, while trying to get over her one true love.


<Bronze Donator>
Really awesome remake. Lots of good callbacks to the original without being in your face. Kind of gives like a "remix" vibe of the original.... one of the 5 exes doubles as the quiet effeminate coworker at the record shop, little stuff like that...

Main character is played by Zoe Kravitz, daughter of Lenny Kravitz and actress Lisa Bonet (who played Marie StClair or whatever the rocksinger chick's name was in the movie).

I saw an article or two before release about how they were adding a homosexual relationship to the list of 5 breakups from the main character, and that had me worried that it was going to be annoyingly PC. But it's pretty fine... It's actually implied that the lesbian ex is racist, so at least they're willing to paint minorities as being something other than perfect haha. I'm only on episodetwo, but they also just had a debate about why it's okay to listen to Michael Jackson even if he's a child molester. So I think we're good.


<Bronze Donator>
Was originally supposed to be on Disney+. I was surprised when they switched it to Hulu, but that ended up being for a good reason... There's a few things that make it deserving of it's TV-MA rating


And here I was just thinking that what we needed was another white male roll being recast as a bi female poc. A shitty actress that only gets work thanks to nepotism as well. Sounds grand.
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Potato del Grande
Yea, sorry Kathleen Kennedy, but this is a hard pass. I really didn't need to see yet another remake of a great movie but female.

Sorry, but its lazy. Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. Amazing. Female. Original story. More of that please. Great writing, great characters. But simply rehashing something with a Gender swap? Yea, ill hard pass on that every time.
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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
You get to see her titties. She is trying to act like John Cusack playing Rob. Probably a good thing. There are so many scenes that are pretty much shot for shot from the movie. There is a lot wrong with the show, but there is something that makes me not hate it. It is probably because it is a great story, and they have not strayed far (except for the obvious) from the movie.

On ep07

Notable Cameos: Blondie instead of Bruce Springsteen. Parker Posey doing what she does best.

Definitely not recommended for most people here. However, if you don't mind the gender/sexuality swap stuff, it is not half bad. It is miles better than the horseshit Netflix has been shoveling lately.
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French Madman
Eeeh, I don't know....Part of why the book and the movie worked a lot for me was because I could somehow relate with Rob.

Sure wouldn't work the same with a genderswap.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Does it reproduce the best scene of the movie? him beating the shit out of the guy with the rotary phone


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Does it reproduce the best scene of the movie? him beating the shit out of the guy with the rotary phone

Sadly no. They did something different, but nothing near as epic.


<Bronze Donator>
And here I was just thinking that what we needed was another white male roll being recast as a bi female poc. A shitty actress that only gets work thanks to nepotism as well. Sounds grand.

yeah man i was EXTREMELY cautious going in, but it works


<Bronze Donator>
the fact that it's the daughter of Lenny Kravitz and the woman who played Maria DeSalle in the OG movie helped me get past that barrier


Mr. Poopybutthole
The nice thing about this here internet we live on is that I dont have to watch this to see those tittys, but thanks for the search criteria
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Watching something for her tits is like paying for a vegan to give you their opinions on food. Both are easily acquired and both are bad.
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