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Molten Core Raider
So right now I have an old Drobo 5n that's just hosting my media files and whatever I backup to it, but I'm expecting it to hit end-of-life soon. As a replacement, I'm trying to figure out a setup that gives me Pi-Hole for ad blocking, True Nas Scale to hold my media files, and a OneDrive/Dropbox alternative like OwnCloud or NextCloud. I've been trying to make head or tails of it, but I can't decide what's going to be the easiest/best option. A Docker setup? Something else?

Basically, just looking for options.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I built my own 16 TB FreeNAS server (now upgraded to TrueNAS Core) a few years back and it's been great. I run Plex, Sonarr, NZBGet, NextCloud, Transmission (restricted to VPN access only). I'd just head over to their forums and see what people are recommending these days for hardware. If you've got the time and patience to do a little learning it'll be pretty much bulletproof once running.


Molten Core Raider
Gotcha. It didn't occur to me to read their forums. pfft.
Kinda sucks 'cause I've been happy with my Drobo (it was wicked easy), but the whole fucking company went under so now I'm like... uh, how does this shit work? lol


Vyemm Raider
If you're like me and have alot of old hardware from previous pc builds Unraid might be an option. It has the added benefit of if your redundancy fails you wont lose all your data, just the drives that failed. I installed a 4 bay hotswap on an old pc and have been using that setup for years, upgrading it as I upgrade my main pc. They have an app section for dockers and plugins in the main OS that has just about everything you could want.

Unraid does have a bit of a learning curve though, especially if you're new to Linux. This guys videos helped me alot to get started so you could get an idea of the setup: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZDfnUn74N0WeAPvMqTOrtA.
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