

Lord Nagafen Raider
I sort of get where they're going with the Dana drama now, at least. The part with Jessica and Carrie made it clear they're going with a parallel between Carrie and Dana and them both going after guys they know aren't good for them. Because of that, like Sean says, I doubt it's over. This is similar to the trajectory Carrie had where she realized Brody really was the person she suspected, but continued to pursue him regardless. Either that, or crazy boyfriend will go full stalker mode, kidnap Dana, and Brody will have to come rescue her or some shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or maybe it's just bad writing, when bipolar people manage to discard pharmacology and control their own emotions for the sake of it ?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Actually it's extremely common for bipolar or schizophrenic people to refuse to take their meds. Lots of homeless people are schizos that could be pretty normal on their meds but refuse to take them for whatever reason.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Actually it's extremely common for bipolar or schizophrenic people to refuse to take their meds. Lots of homeless people are schizos that could be pretty normal on their meds but refuse to take them for whatever reason.
Not to mention, it's pretty common for people on psychotropic drugs to go off their meds because they falsely believe they no longer need them. It's also been established that Carrie believes she's more effective at her job when she's not medicated. They make her miss things and "foggy".

However, if I recall correctly, Carrie's release from the mental hospital was contingent on her doing out-patient check-ups, and given her history, I find it really hard to believe that medication checks wouldn't be part of that. Or did whatever strings Javadi's men pulled to get her out conveniently negate that requirement?


I would assume something like out-patient check-ups happen once a week or once a month, so it has yet to affect the story id she has to go through something like that.


FPS noob
off her meds will be a plot device used to fool lie detectors, cuz i guess torturing carrie would be too much for TV


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Actually it's extremely common for bipolar or schizophrenic people to refuse to take their meds. Lots of homeless people are schizos that could be pretty normal on their meds but refuse to take them for whatever reason.
Yeah but it's never implied Carrie skipped meds when she was on psych ward. Anyway bipolar disorders aren't really canon, therefore I'm being a tool arguing about it. On the other hand, Carrie being harshly abducted when you can just sit on a laptop reading thermal satellite activity in 2013 is just dumb, especially when GTI (genuine target intelligence) is so common these days. I know ground intel is a huge topic these days, but tbh it felt a lot like 24 show when tech failed for the sake of the plot.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah but it's never implied Carrie skipped meds when she was on psych ward. Anyway bipolar disorders aren't really canon, therefore I'm being a tool arguing about it. On the other hand, Carrie being harshly abducted when you can just sit on a laptop reading thermal satellite activity in 2013 is just dumb, especially when GTI (genuine target intelligence) is so common these days. I know ground intel is a huge topic these days, but tbh it felt a lot like 24 show when tech failed for the sake of the plot.
That is the whole theme of the CIA plotline this season, that human intelligence still has a place in a technological world. In some ways they have already proved that, Carrie got into a room with Abu-Whatshisname where technology had a hard time proving he even existed outside of like 2 photos in 10+ years. The idea is, as I see it now, that the technology is never more than a supplement to the human element.

The same goes from the terrorist perspective. There is no replacement for Carrie's knowledge and experience. Even if they had the tech to just sit on a laptop and track her (being Iranian, they don't) it wouldn't give them what they want.


I'm kind of annoyed that they're contradicting earlier scenes so they can trick the audience with these big reveals. First you have Carrie genuinely shocked by Saul's testimony to the Senate when they've already planned this big operation. Now you have Carrie's pregnancy after she was committed to a mental institution where they would have undoubtedly tested her.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not common enough to show up on a google search :/ What is it?
Translated it from French sorry, it means intelligence gathered through /with people rather than tech.

First you have Carrie genuinely shocked by Saul's testimony to the Senate when they've already planned this big operation. Now you have Carrie's pregnancy after she was committed to a mental institution where they would have undoubtedly tested her.
Yeah the pregnancy thing isn't making any sense, also the arranged meeting between Javadi and Carrie was stupid writing : Javadi's guys are too well trained for him to attract suspicion, yes he GOES ALONE meeting a unstable crazy chick who's double agent for like 7 hours just after her first assignment ? Bah.


Life's a Dream
So I just finished watching last night's episode. As Carrie sat with Javadi during the lie detector scene, I swore that I knew him from somewhere.

Then during my shower it popped into my mind. He was the angry shop owner that got robbed in Crash. The one that went on to shoot the security company installer guy with a blank and everyone thinks his daughter gets shot instead.

That fucker!


Buzzfeed Editor
It never really occurred to me that she was actually pregnant, since we didn't see the positive I figured that was just her obsessive behavior manifesting. She had dozens of those things in the drawer. If she is actually pregnant, yeah, the first thing they do to a woman being admitted anywhere is a pregnancy test, so that is a bit of a fuckup. It isn't really a big deal though, this isn't the "totally realistic medical inprocessing show".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
All the tests had a +. And it is a big deal because the last thing Carrie (or any active field agent) should be doing is babies. Pumping her full of lithium and other crazy people drugs will do wonders for that kid. Plus they're probably going to do something retarded like make it Brodys. Homeland don't need no baby mamma drama.