

<Gold Donor>
No way, Allison gets away scott free to her mango island or whatever, and we see a closing shot of Quinn following her, end season!
I told my wife last night how disappointed I'd be with her just randomly dying. I want a full on torture/guantanamo bay type ending. Pretty tense episode, I'm really enjoying this season - to be honest, I've enjoyed the seasons much more after the ginger left the show. It's different now, but more enjoyable to me.


<Bronze Donator>
I told my wife last night how disappointed I'd be with her just randomly dying. I want a full on torture/guantanamo bay type ending. Pretty tense episode, I'm really enjoying this season - to be honest, I've enjoyed the seasons much more after the ginger left the show. It's different now, but more enjoyable to me.
Agreed with anything involving Brody after season 1. The show got really silly for a stretch there but the last two seasons have both been very well done.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, really what made the show go downhill was them trying to continue Brody's story after it had played out. They should have had him die either as a hero or villain at the end of S1 and moved on. Show got good again as soon as he was gone.


Molten Core Raider
Thought it was a solid episode, except for the bodyguard handing over his gun. That was pants-on-head retarded. He knows she has a gun of her own, no one would ever do that.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Maybe the writers weren't sure if Carrie(Claire Danes) could carry the show on her own, and kept Brody around until it was no longer feasible. Then it turns out that she has no problem carrying the show plus some minor characters added.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Seriously. One episode without Carrie crying. ITS ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS!


Really enjoyed this season. Yes, Carrie's completely ridiculous over-emotional states make it tough to watch, but that makes the fact that the show is enjoyable all the more interesting.


FPS noob
Season 1 was far different than any other show though. It was a spy thriller with real world politik and a bad guy with interesting motivations and it felt very nuanced and "right". Brodie was decent but Abu Nazir was just awesome, you felt his rage as he relived his family being killed by drone strikes. season 2-3 just moved into soap opera territory and were not good. season 4-5 have gone full on 24 mode, with spies acting like rambo or retards, and the bad guys basically turning into comic book villains. They attempt to make the conflict a little more grey with good guys doing bad things and more bystanders caught in the middle (the doctor, the hezbollah guy, etc) but most of it comes off as eye rolling.

i still have enjoyed this season, cuz its ISIS vs. CIA vs. Russia vs. Israel vs. Hezbollah and its fun to see how that stuff shakes out, but man so many stupid things keep happening to move the plot forward in the way the writers want. It would be a better show if they sketched out the entire season ahead of time and had more interesting bad guys and more quality over major action beats, but oh well. and yeah, whoever decided that Carrie's quivering face is her superpower needs to be fucking fired



Lord Nagafen Raider
Thought it was a solid episode, except for the bodyguard handing over his gun. That was pants-on-head retarded. He knows she has a gun of her own, no one would ever do that.
I can't believe she was still allowed to carry her gun. If Dar Adal was worried enough that she was a traitor to have someone follow her around 24/7, why the hell would he let her carry a weapon?


<Bronze Donator>
Season 1 was far different than any other show though. It was a spy thriller with real world politik and a bad guy with interesting motivations and it felt very nuanced and "right". Brodie was decent but Abu Nazir was just awesome, you felt his rage as he relived his family being killed by drone strikes. season 2-3 just moved into soap opera territory and were not good. season 4-5 have gone full on 24 mode, with spies acting like rambo or retards, and the bad guys basically turning into comic book villains. They attempt to make the conflict a little more grey with good guys doing bad things and more bystanders caught in the middle (the doctor, the hezbollah guy, etc) but most of it comes off as eye rolling.

i still have enjoyed this season, cuz its ISIS vs. CIA vs. Russia vs. Israel vs. Hezbollah and its fun to see how that stuff shakes out, but man so many stupid things keep happening to move the plot forward in the way the writers want. It would be a better show if they sketched out the entire season ahead of time and had more interesting bad guys and more quality over major action beats, but oh well. and yeah, whoever decided that Carrie's quivering face is her superpower needs to be fucking fired

Don't get me wrong. I think season 1 of this show is perfect and I won't say that about many television seasons. It is legitimately one of the very best single seasons of TV ever made.

2 and 3 were silly. We're all in agreement there.

4 and 5 have settled into this more traditional spy/espionage type show we've seen before but I definitely give this show credit for the acting and the politics. Both of those things make this show quite a bit more intelligent than something like 24, but I understand the comparisons.

This show has rebounded into something pretty decent. I won't ever say what we're getting now holds up to the start, but it's worth watching.


I enjoyed the episode, but it's hopping over a number of baby sharks... No cell phone coverage in a german station? A fake shootout that cannot withstand 10 minutes of scrutiny? Zero follow up or "just in case" evacuation of the train station despite a credible lead that it might be the target? Russian spies everywhere who know everything? Let's leave the guy we interrogate alone in a room with a window that can be opened? Blogger so hip she has a permanent invitation on german television? The bomb with a bright "I am a bomb" panel? Yeah...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also when Allison stages the shootout, she leaves her fingerprints on both weapons. Which is irrelevant anyway, because there's so much plotholes at this point no one will care about that.



In all fairness, we do not know exactly what her instructions were, so maybe she just had to craft something that could be believable for 3 hours as she knew she was about to get exfiltrated. But yeah: prints, gun residue, anyone hearing the delays between gun shots, shot angles... CSI: Berlin will crack that case fast!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The bodyguard didn't necessarily know she had a gun, maybe she was not supposed to be carrying it since she was technically in custody and just managed to sneak it past him.

FWIW, you need to suspend disbelief in almost every TV show/movie. It will be much more enjoyable if you don't try to overthink every aspect of the plot and post about it on your favorite message board.


Log Wizard
"Hey a brown guy just ran into a subway tunnel after terrorist threats"
"Hey brown guys are chaining subway gates after a terrorist threats"

Prettttty sure about 10 people would have called 911 instantly during that stuff. Can't wait for Carrie to shoot the good terrorist and have the bomb go off and end the series.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't get why the Russians would so obviously indicate their involvement in such a serious international incident.

Also, why didn't Carrie tell everyone to get the fuck out of the train platform instead of just standing exactly where the gas would be. Pull a fire alarm...shoot your gun in the air...something.

Can't wait for Carrie to shoot the good terrorist and have the bomb go off and end the series.
Kill Carrie and have a Quinn spin off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well the Russians were telling their 'agent' that they were not to interfere with the operation. That's not really indicating their involvement in it to anyone else other than their people.