I think I have become a shitty human being


Tranny Chaser
what kind of deranged piece of shit calls his employees retarded?



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My opinion is that this human being's well-being is more important than the tasks he had to perform at your worksite. As a manager, I would've given him the most menial tasks possible and let him complete them at pace he could.
lulz. No surprise that Dumar thinks someone has a job so they can be coddled rather than perform.

Another tidbit of advice I heard a long time ago, if you've got a few really shitty employees that are being carried by everyone else, group them up together and assign a non-critical project to them. Since they don't have anyone to carry their weight they'll either change or fail, and when they do their failure will be untenable enough that you can fire them easily.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
by the sound of it, Op's shitty employee was protected by union if I am getting it right.


Tranny Chaser
lulz. No surprise that Dumar thinks someone has a job so they can be coddled rather than perform.

Another tidbit of advice I heard a long time ago, if you've got a few really shitty employees that are being carried by everyone else, group them up together and assign a non-critical project to them. Since they don't have anyone to carry their weight they'll either change or fail, and when they do their failure will be untenable enough that you can fire them easily.
Don't we cater to everyone's weakness and strengths in some form or another? Isn't it the managers job to make the best of what he's got? Or do you rely on an endless stream of healthy, capably workers so you can simply can the old, weak, lesser capable? I'm not sure I understand the society or system here. Could you elaborate - is the US job market a survival of the fittest situation or is there a shred of moral obligation for employers? Does everyone in your nation consider non-healthy or lesser productive workers inferior? It looks like everyone here is ready to jump the worker and not even once think that the employer / manager / OP might be the one to blame here. What piece of shit manager calls his workers retards to their face? Holy shit I don't envy the citizens of 'the land of the free' here.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The funny thing here is smokers are hugely less productive but not fired for it. It's all about what society accepts or doesn't.


Tranny Chaser
The funny thing here is smokers are hugely less productive but not fired for it. It's all about what society accepts or doesn't.
Oooh, that's beautiful, Chanur. ('Good post' - Translation for you, Tarrant).


<Prior Amod>
The funny thing here is smokers are hugely less productive but not fired for it. It's all about what society accepts or doesn't.
This is an interesting point, I just banned cigarette breaks a few weeks ago for this very reason. The sheer amount of entitlement that smokers had to get those breaks was mind boggling. I have one guy who is about to quit over it I think.

EDIT: Izo, this is your last warning. Stop trying to bait/troll.


Tranny Chaser
This is an interesting point, I just banned cigarette breaks a few weeks ago for this very reason. The sheer amount of entitlement that smokers had to get those breaks was mind boggling. I have one guy who is about to quit over it I think.

EDIT: Izo, this is your last warning. Stop trying to bait/troll.
We need nets, and you know it - troll or no troll - you even resort to stupid posting yourself because of the lack of method - unless you're giving infractions (like you did).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why is it you numb nuts behave as if management needs to be likeLord of the Flies? This was excellent advice, OneofOne - empathic and smart given the situation imho.
No Izo, someone who just hangs around work not doing anything deserves to be let go asap. You have to decide if you run a business or a charity, it's as simply as that.


Tranny Chaser
Yep. and it's been like this for a very long time here unfortunately.
I doesn't surprise me, liberalism incarnate. But truly fucking someone for their genetics, or I don't know, lack of skills? That's just brutal.


Tranny Chaser
No Izo, someone who just hangs around work not doing anything deserves to be let go asap. You have to decide if you run a business or a charity, it's as simply as that.
To you, maybe. Come live in socio-liberal northern Europe for a few years. I promise you'll see the light - and the horrendous and inhumane nature of what you're saying - you're fitting the description of the worker to suit your argument. He wans't 'not doing anything', on the contrary - and OP was being a massive faggot worthy of a sacking. Get a desk job, OP.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Actually Izo, had you bothered to read what the OP has been saying, he's said exactly that.


Tranny Chaser
Actually Izo, had you bothered to read what the OP has been saying, he's said exactly that.

Well, duh, with your world view influenced by your society's raw liberalism vs my socio-liberalism it's not hard to understand we come to different conclusions as to the true events behind OPs words. He may seem trustworthy to you for admitting to be a scum of the earth. To me he's simply that, scum of the earth, for abusing his subordinates - and even trying to justify it, as well as saying there is no ombudsman - his word is law. That's not a great leader. That's a fucking dictator. Desk job for OP is a mild sentence. You condoning this behavior says a lot about your society and you. Holy cow, I'd hate to be blue collar in the states.


It's the neo-liberal doctrine for the laborers like this poor guy who gets fired for, as the OP admitted, always being too nice. While management, as every single person who has been in a managerial role knows, sometimes does less work than this guy ever didn't do. But those neo-liberal policies don't apply to that class of people, only the poor shmucks not in white-collars.

That's America for you.

A real manager would take into account this job, his worksite, AND the people he manages. A manager has to account for and take into consideration the needs of his workers, even the shitty ones: he has to manage them just as effectively. You don't just axe someone for doing poorly, even consistently; you find a task that he can do. That's YOUR job as a good manager. Most Americans are totally shitty managers of people, and the result is a revolving door of a cynical, distressed workforce. Don't like this one? Next! is American HR policy.

A bunch of monkeys gouging each other's eyes for the banana.


Tranny Chaser
It's the neo-liberal doctrine for the laborers like this poor guy who gets fired for, as the OP admitted, always being too nice. While management, as every single person who has been in a managerial role knows, sometimes does less work than this guy ever didn't do. But those neo-liberal policies don't apply to that class of people, only the poor shmucks not in white-collars.

That's America for you.

A real manager would take into account this job, his worksite, AND the people he manages. A manager has to account for and take into consideration the needs of his workers, even the shitty ones: he has to manage them just as effectively. You don't just axe someone for doing poorly, even consistently; you find a task that he can do. That's YOUR job as a good manager. Most Americans are totally shitty managers of people, and the result is a revolving door of a cynical, distressed workforce. Don't like this one? Next! is American HR policy.

A bunch of monkeys gouging each other's eyes for the banana.
This explains so much on a rerolled moderator level too. I'm used to speaking my mind to my superiors if I see a problem, not catering to their ego while groveling. Respect is earned, not given.