

Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Bought it! We'll see how it goes! First I've heard of it but looks fun.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
So an hour into it. Having a hard time enjoying it because DS4 keeps disconnecting my controller. Not the games fault but this only is happening on this game, it doesnt happen to other games. Kinda weird. So far it looks fun but from the start its got this

I'm a strong indian girl and these men are fucking stupid

vibe to it, but it's early so we'll see. This stuff never bothers me, but when its so in your face its eyerollworthy. The platforming is kinda nice so far, but I find sometimes when I want to just do a normal jump it keeps trying to wall jump causing me to jump away. I'm sure I'm just fucking up the controls on it and it's something I need to get used to.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Ok, so I've played 4 hours, I know I have a long way to go but...

... game is ... ok. It's not like stellar or anything. If this game really was hyped for years, it's going to be a dud in that respect (It will still do well, but it will be overhyped). So far I'd give it a 6.5 MAYBE 7 out of 10. All these really high reviews and piled of praise this game is getting is baffling me and I have to assume its solely because it has a strong female lead and she's a badass and runs circles over all the guys who are cliched and dumb (I believe this is reviewing in the low 90% so far, but on steam it's averaging a 7/10). Don't get me wrong, I'm totally down for a badass female lead in games, but it seems very forced in this game like LOOK AT ME IM A BADASS, rather than just showing off your badassness because you are.

The controls are god awful. I find myself constantly jumping away from walls when I'm trying to do the side jumps. It's really awkward, especially when you need to swing your axe to hold, hop up, then do side jumps. You have to time your axe swing for initiative almost perfectly to get initiative, and if you don't the monster will get it and you are almost guaranteed to lose the fight because you usually start off at half health. Then let's add the fact that the battle controls add a layer of complexity that would be OK if needed, but it's not. For example, monsters you have to fight with Anja only to break defense (Up+X, then Down+X to break defense). Then, everyone else can attack. Just seems.. awkward. The aforementioned complexity makes things rather difficult for a rather unnecessary reason. I do not fully understand the design choices here. There seems to be a lot of things added that serve little to no purpose. Maybe I have to continue more? Combat while a unique take on real time battle system, boils down to do as much damage as you can as fast as you can and be done with it so all this added strategy does nothing but annoy.

The platforming is simple, yet not terribly fun given the controls mentioned earlier. But even if you did master the controls, you don't really get a lot for exploring besides maybe some stat boosts, and the like through the crystal things to pick up. The rewards for really exploring everything seems rather weak.

Good things? Well again like I said the battle system is a really unique take on real time battles. The "transitioning" in and out of battles is rather unique and there's very little to no load time in this entire game aftrer the initial loading. Even when you die BOOM your back to pre-battle next to what killed you. Not very often do you actually lose progress. The female lead IS a well written character, and I like her attitude. She's a bitch, and I totally dig that. The level design is fantastic. The music is generic but decent, more good than bad for sure.

I'll write one more review/write up after I finish the game, I do want to, despite the issues.


Trakanon Raider
That sounds about right, i put 5ish hours as well. Combat is wacky- there are probably way too many characters you can have in your party and they all have different shenanigans you use. But at least so far having the healer/chemist for incidental heals and then just pretty much whoever else you don't hate seems to work just fine. There is definitely the option to do some silly chain juggles with the right characters but it's not been needed so far. I don't think i've actually wiped in a fight yet, but ending at 10-20% life on everyone happens often. Boss fights are interesting- tossing the platforming elements into them is different but kind of annoying.
The platforming is probably more difficult than it needs to be. Tho once you get sort of decent at the wall hang then triangle jump you can get to where you need to go. Sadly the controls to do that consistently are not quite up to par. Most of the time you actively don't want to be hitting a direction while triangle jumping, but sometimes you need to. Hitting the axe to hang at the right spot has a bit of delay- so you're not at the right height to jump properly afterwards. It's a bit aggravating.

That said- i think a 7/10 is in the right ballpark. It is quite a nice looking game, definitely didn't slack on animating the characters- good music. The writing isn't stellar- but it's weirdly charming in it's own way.
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