

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Just watched it last night.

First one was alright for what it was. There's was an interesting world building and the story albeit with the usual contrived love story was pretty well done.

Insurgent however turns the teen angst dial to 11 right off the bat. Within 15 minutes from the start, the main character gets in fights for no good reason and both times that obviously gets them in trouble (although some Hollywood magic make it all go away np). I mean, they don't even try: at some point a character decides to split from the group, when asked where he's going he says he's going to Abnegation, then it's pointed out they have been destroyed, he just shrugs his shoulders and walk away anyway and nobody questions it). It just goes on and on, pretty much every scene has a wtf are they doing moment. The basic drive of the movie is to forgo rationality and just follow whatever emotion you feel right now, and that's quite literally the moral of the story they throw in our face at the end.

Unless you're a 14yo girl, watch something else.

Don't get me started on
The whole thing was all an experiment


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I liked it. It wasn't as good as the first one, but I will be watching #3. The one thing I kept wondering through both of them was after hundreds of years in this limited space, why the fuck are so many buildings still in ruins? Was it because they don't have a construction worker faction?

I knew from the get go that the item wasn't going to be what she thought it was. But the experiment was more or less a surprise. The one dude from dauntless talking about sometimes seeing lights beyond the walls at night told me they weren't alone though, but I thought it was more of a self imposed exile.

Anyway, I like that the experiment looks like it failed. That's what you get from strict class systems.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
There just was too much nonsense.

The boyfriend is in a jail cell with a glass door. Yet they still feel it is necessary to walk him out of his cell, a well known turbo-badass fighter with no handcuffs, just so he can get 2 feet closer of his dead girlfriend. Why?

How about the guy they just took in their rank being in charge to walk the girl from her cell to the simulation machine all by himself. Oh yeah, that guy apparently already has admin privilege and can change the access list to the building. Those guys sure are trusting.

Hell, before they leave she goes "we need to get the cube, my mom would have wanted it to be destroyed" or something similar. Uh no bitch, your mom hid the thing in her basement for 30 years, she didn't want it destroyed. Then she just decide to unlock it, because feels.

As mentioned in the first post :the fight in the train with factionless. They just killed like half a dozen of their friends and finally he decide to tell them who he is. Oh ok, nevermind you just killed a bunch of our friends, we're cool now. I guess those who got thrown off the train or clubbed to death were the uncool kids of the group.

I could probably go on with something about every scene in the movie.

I can let a lot of shit go in block busters, I'm totally ok with leaving my brain at the door and going for a ride, entertainment for entertainment sake, but with that movie I just couldn't. It was just that unnerving. Characters are just being flat out idiots throughout the entire flick and they are praised for being themselves.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I think you misunderstood a few things leijina

The dude let him out on purpose. I'm betting there was no order to 'let him see his girlfriend' at all. He just bullshitted the guards. Almost as if it were some sort of plan. If not that, then he decided at the last minute to switch sides again after realizing his place in the erudites would be guard.

As for the admin priviledges, he had to steal them. Remember he could only do it from the control room where everyone was because they were already logged in. IIRC, he even had to wait for someone to get up from the station.

What she said was, if the cube contained what cunty mccunterson thinks it contains, mom would have destroyed it, therefore it must be something good

Did you notice how apparently the door to the simulation room was wide open while she was trying to shoot cunty and threatening to kill that dude? Cause when she relented, he just walked around the glass and exited the room.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Shaileeeeeeeeeene is cute as fuck but why would anyone over 15 watch this shit?


Watched this with my two nephews (10 and 13 years old), absolute shit film, with some of the worst acting, and probably the worst 3d ever made... It was like watching 3d with blue/red glasses again. Christ.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I saw this with my 15 year old daughter who had read the series. I asked her if it was going to be a good film she said "no, no one really liked the second book, but I want to see it anyhow" well it was as annoying as hell for me to sit through.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Does that mean the third book was better? Or did your daughter just keep reading because she's too hard headed to stop?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thats what I dont get, I hear of people seeing movies all the time for that reasoning. If I know a movie is not going to be very good I stay away from it like Kickass 2 until I catch it on TV or something.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Does that mean the third book was better? Or did your daughter just keep reading because she's too hard headed to stop?
She said the third book was better. She is like a lot of us here, if her friends have read or watched something she will read or watch it as well to discuss it with them.
I don't mind going to a movie I know I am not going to like if that's what the kids want to do, that's really not the point of going to a movie with your kids. It is a bonus if it is something that also entertains you. Plus I made her go to the of the LotR and Hobbit movies with me


Poet Warrior
In an effort to make a connection with a niece, I read this entire trilogy a couple of years ago.

It is pulp fiction for modern strong-willed girls. As such, it is fairly well done and I did manage to get my niece fairly into it, but it is nothing more than what it is. And for what it is, Hunger Games is ten times better.

That said, the first movie wasn't bad compared to the book. I didn't really like the books very much. They were janky and really obsessed with Tobias. But they were mildly interesting and inventive so I stayed with them. The movies appear to be the same, but the action flows much better in the screenplay than it did in the book. The girly-feels aimed at Four weren't flowing during the action in the movie nearly as much as they do in the book. Because of this, I considered the first movie to be one of those rare cases of a movie being better than its book.

I'm sure the rest of them will follow suit. For what it's worth, the third book was atrocious and painful to finish. It was a complete deviation of style and I don't think it succeeded.

I'm sure I'll still watch all three movies though, whenever they trickle down to HBO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I read the trilogy too, and if the 2nd movie was bad, the 3rd is probably going to be atrocious (the 3rd book certainly was). Completely different writing style for book 3, Four became a whiny bitch teenager (he was so bad that I often had to flip back to the chapter title to see which characters perspective the story was being told from at that point because it sounded just like Beatrice...which could just be poor writing by the author and fixable for a movie adaptation?), and the ended was completely unnecessary the way it played out. One of the worst trilogy conclusions I've ever read/seen, to be honest.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I read the trilogy too, and if the 2nd movie was bad, the 3rd is probably going to be atrocious (the 3rd book certainly was). Completely different writing style for book 3, Four became a whiny bitch teenager (he was so bad that I often had to flip back to the chapter title to see which characters perspective the story was being told from at that point because it sounded just like Beatrice...which could just be poor writing by the author and fixable for a movie adaptation?), and the ended was completely unnecessary the way it played out. One of the worst trilogy conclusions I've ever read/seen, to be honest.

I'll admit to reading the trilogy. The second book was terrible, and the third book was so horrid that the the only reason I kept reading was because I was curious as to how much worse it was going to be chapter by chapter.