Investing General Discussion

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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Maybe Americans are smarter than I give us credit for. They realize it's all make believe, inflation will erode the dollars anyway so may as well spend into oblivion, and the government might even just forgive it all.
Supermarket prices and house prices are ultimately set at whatever people will pay for them. Whatever price the market will bear.

If everyone has less money, things will cost less.


what Suineg set it to
Maybe Americans are smarter than I give us credit for. They realize it's all make believe, inflation will erode the dollars anyway so may as well spend into oblivion, and the government might even just forgive it all.

Yes but they're putting it on 30%+ APR credit cards, that's a bit more than erosion.
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Got something right about marriage
So "Keeping up with the Jones's" is now "Revenge or Doom spending"?
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What other people are doing really doesn't matter, just be smart with your money so you'll always have more than other people you're economically competing with for goods and services.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes but they're putting it on 30%+ APR credit cards, that's a bit more than erosion.
Only 30%?

Actual photo from my phone:
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Musk is persona non grata, they aren’t giving him any contracts to do shit because he stole their propaganda tool from them.
I wasn’t envisioning Musk doing nuclear power plants. More along the lines of what I think Blazin Blazin was implying in an earlier post - Musk will seize the opportunity for downstream energy infrastructure for storage. Right now he’s doing that at the consumer level it seems with those powerwalls.

Sanrith Descartes

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Today we commemorate the crucifixion. In honor of our Lord and Savior's sacrifice, I offer up some data I have been working on. Buying in an up-market is much tougher in my opinion than in a down market. Others might feel the opposite. When everything is running hot and hitting 52-highs its all gotta be over-priced, amirite? Not necessarily. Excluding the hypergrowth, no earnings stocks, what you are generally buying is a company's earnings. How many turns of a company's earnings does it take to equal what you are paying for it? Luckily, there is a metric for that.

Below (spoilered for size), is a 5-year look at the the PE ratios of a dozen of the bigs. I have been buying some of them because relative to their historical numbers I see them as reasonably priced for a long term hold. I am definitely not backing up a truck and loading up but I am adding on pullbacks (shallow and short-lived though they are) for a couple of them. This data uses trailing PE, it can also be done with forward looking PE. One thing to watch is industry averages. The average PE for a bank isn't the same average for a tech company. So use the historic to look at a company against itself looking backward. Don't use it to compare JPM to AAPL.

The list:



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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Today we commemorate the crucifixion. In honor of our Lord and Savior's sacrifice, I offer up some data I have been working on. Buying in an up-market is much tougher in my opinion than in a down market. Others might feel the opposite. When everything is running hot and hitting 52-highs its all gotta be over-priced, amirite? Not necessarily. Excluding the hypergrowth, no earnings stocks, what you are generally buying is a company's earnings. How many turns of a company's earnings does it take to equal what you are paying for it? Luckily, there is a metric for that.

Below (spoilered for size), is a 5-year look at the the PE ratios of a dozen of the bigs. I have been buying some of them because relative to their historical numbers I see them as reasonably priced for a long term hold. I am definitely not backing up a truck and loading up but I am adding on pullbacks (shallow and short-lived though they are) for a couple of them. This data uses trailing PE, it can also be done with forward looking PE. One thing to watch is industry averages. The average PE for a bank isn't the same average for a tech company. So use the historic to look at a company against itself looking backward. Don't use it to compare JPM to AAPL.

The list:
View attachment 522011

So you're loading up on stocks that have a relatively low P/E?

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Today we commemorate the crucifixion. In honor of our Lord and Savior's sacrifice, I offer up some data I have been working on. Buying in an up-market is much tougher in my opinion than in a down market. Others might feel the opposite. When everything is running hot and hitting 52-highs its all gotta be over-priced, amirite? Not necessarily. Excluding the hypergrowth, no earnings stocks, what you are generally buying is a company's earnings. How many turns of a company's earnings does it take to equal what you are paying for it? Luckily, there is a metric for that.

Below (spoilered for size), is a 5-year look at the the PE ratios of a dozen of the bigs. I have been buying some of them because relative to their historical numbers I see them as reasonably priced for a long term hold. I am definitely not backing up a truck and loading up but I am adding on pullbacks (shallow and short-lived though they are) for a couple of them. This data uses trailing PE, it can also be done with forward looking PE. One thing to watch is industry averages. The average PE for a bank isn't the same average for a tech company. So use the historic to look at a company against itself looking backward. Don't use it to compare JPM to AAPL.

The list:
View attachment 522011

What are your thoughts on AMZN?

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
AGI = A Guy in India:

Uh yeah that’s a bit misleading. They were labeling for the CV models they were training. I guess I’m not surprised for that nuance to be lost on someone who works as a call center tech 🤷‍♂️.

Looks like they’re pivoting towards a different means of tracking/checkout via smart carts. Amazon really isn’t, or historically speaking hasn’t been one to kill off entire products. That would go against Jeffy’s mentality of customer obsession and earning trust. We’re in a post Jeffy Amazon now and Jassy has made it clear this isn’t the same company, and not in a good way.. We’ll see how it plays out..
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