Jason Bourne (2016)


<Gold Donor>
6/10. 1st part standard bourne, 2nd part barely cobbled together plot and uninteresting action.


Log Wizard
Mediocre Bourne movie. 6.5/10. Some of the dialogue was fucking horrendous. Needed more Bourning.


<Gold Donor>
I think the biggest problem with the movie is that it just feels unnecessary. Not terrible but not on par with the first 3 even though it had all the elements. Nikki looked and acted like shit too, was not impressed. Tommy Lee Jones looks half dead in this and did a better job.

Who am I? makes for a better arc than daddy issues

Both this and Independence Day 2 were lacking, though this was better.
What's disappointing is we know how good they can be.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Before they had a clear distinction between dirty CIA higher ups versus managers doing shady spy stuff. Seemed like this time around the writers were more interested in making a political statement about the CIA in general so Tommy Lee Jones and the Nightfox were killing their own agents left and right. Zero mention of Alpha+Bravo after the fact or even questioning if Bourne did it during because "oh look, locator blip" makes it redundant to even ask for either the characters or the audience's sake.


<Prior Amod>
Lol most Borne movies, you're better off just watching and going "lol what's Borne gonna do next to one up these asshole, lol?"

Otherwise you're put off by the horrible Julia Stiles "acting"??? here spoken lines were horrible, she felt like a E-List actress, not someone who has had staring roles for over 10years, it's like her acting actually regressed to shitty shit.

Tommy Lee, eh, i got tired of him 20years ago with the fugitive, same shitty roles.

Ex-Machina chick was good tho.


The political aspects of this movie were too preachy. To top it off the subject matter they are preaching about is mostly old news. It would have been more relevant a few years ago. The absolute worst part of this movie (maybe just because I have first hand experience with it) is the technology used in this movie is so fucking stupid and ridiculous that I just lost all sense of belief and it took me out of the enjoyment. Bourne films never really had the James Bond style gadgets or wizardry. If I wasn't so interested in ogling the CIA "hacker" woman for 90% of the movie I'd have walked out. When she hacks into a cellphone remotely to break into a computer I just shook my head. I love the Bourne trilogy (even the fourth movie was alright) but this movie is trash in comparison.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I still think it's hilarious how anyone, in the real world, would cheer for the CIA chief in a conference about internet privacy.
That shit was purely retarded lulz


Lord Nagafen Raider
I saw it today and it's the worst of the 4 easily and they should really stop at this one. The first part of the movie had that Bourne feel then the second half is kind of meh. I liked it but it should have been better. The shaky cam has never bothered me in these movies so it's never a sore point for me. Ultimatum is one of the best action movies ever made, imho.

I wasn't bothered by it in past movies when its done to make scenes appear more frenetic, however this movie the camera is never stationary - its like Michael J Fox is holding the camera, its actually giving me motion sickness.