Justice for Zimmerman

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Wow that chart is so telling, this at the WORD ASSOCIATION TRAINING you receive

the justice system works = racist
the were both at fault = racist
the jury decided = racist
you're over reacting = racist
trayvon could have killed him = racist
you didn't even know him = racist
think about zimmermans psyche = racist
brings up trayvons character = racist
blames trayvons attire = racist
disregarding 9/11 dispatch = racist
why do you only care about this one case = racist
explaining the trial was about justifying the defense, not the fact that someone died = racist
you just like acting mad = racist
sounds like a feminist logic.




You don't think it is appropriate for a conversation on the wording and reasoning of laws that left a dead kid with no one responsible?
Actually, I hate to say it because I think the death of a 17 year old is tragic whatever the circumstances, but Martin was pretty much responsible for his death. Just because it ended in the worst possible way for him, it doesn't mean it wasn't a result of extremely reckless behavior on his part.

If it weren't for the tremendous outrage and backlash it would cause, it would almost be worth putting Martin on trial post-humously so we'd have a reason to look more at the circumstances from his point of view. Sounds disgusting, I know, but as long as Martin's actions are one big question mark nobody's allowed to talk about, people are just going to assume he was killed for no reason.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That juror has a lawyer hubby, so it doesn't surprise me they set up a book deal that fast, its the jurors who sign first who make the most money.

the justice system works = racist
the were both at fault = racist
the jury decided = racist
you're over reacting = racist
trayvon could have killed him = racist
you didn't even know him = racist
think about zimmermans psyche = racist
brings up trayvons character = racist
blames trayvons attire = racist
disregarding 9/11 dispatch = racist
why do you only care about this one case = racist
explaining the trial was about justifying the defense, not the fact that someone died = racist
you just like acting mad = racist
Sounds like certain people's arguments in this, and other, threads, frankly.

If you disagree with me = You're racist is about the weakest, most pathetic, and in fact laziest, attempt to silence opposition through slander possible to make.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well then lets review the evidence.

Martin attacked Zimmerman.

Ok review over, Martin is the one responsible.


Unelected Mod
You don't think it is appropriate for a conversation on the wording and reasoning of laws that left a dead kid with no one responsible?
The only way to change it would be to invalidate your right of self-defense if you had said something to 'anger' someone or 'followed' them. Then we would live in a world where someone could physically assault you because you had offended them or 'crowded' them.

Now that would be a great world to live in if you were 17, fit and loved fighting. I don't think it would be a great world to live in for many other people.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I find it interesting that in our little forum of assberger, INTJ, min-maxers; most of the posters in this thread fall on the opposite side of many internet communities in regards to this case.


Now that would be a great world to live in if you were 17, fit and loved fighting. I don't think it would be a great world to live in for many other people.
Start working out panzy. But, I don't think the world would be overrun with people attacking each other if you couldn't shoot people at the slightest hint of breaking one of your nails.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Start working out panzy. But, I don't think the world would be overrun with people attacking each other if you couldn't shoot people at the slightest hint of breaking one of your nails.
history and current reality disagrees with you, everywhere there is less guns with few exception there is MORE VIOLENCE RAPE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER.

guns protect woman, the weak, the elderly it's called "the great equalizer" for a reason.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Jackson says he does not accept the verdict, and is calling on the U.S. Justice Department to file criminal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. He expects a civil suit to be filed as well.

"Not one black lawyer on either side, not one black on the jury, not one male on the jury, and so something about it was stacked from the very beginning," Jackson said.


why is jesse jackson treating all the black people like they are sheep to be lead?
So racist. Only a black male can empathize with another black male.


history and current reality disagrees with you, everywhere there is less guns with few exception there is MORE VIOLENCE RAPE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER.

guns protect woman, the weak, the elderly it's called "the great equalizer" for a reason.
but drunk woman having sex is considered rape. how can they protect themselves from getting drunk.


You're so full of shit.
Numbers, at what point can we say that somebody isn't responsible for their actions? As a kid I was taught that it's never OK to hit someone and I took it to heart. As I got older I realized things weren't that simple, like that episode of Roseanne where John Goodman punches a guy out for calling his wife fat. But the point is I knew getting into physical fights with people was a terrible idea and could lead to serious injury so I abstained from fighting. Now, Trayvon and I didn't grow up in the same circumstances, but since when does being seventeen and part of a minority give you free reign to attack whomever you please because they looked at you suspiciously? If I was Martin I would have felt angry, frustrated, scared, violated even, and with good reason, but none of that justifies attacking a stranger. Shit, Zimmerman wasn't even fighting back so it's not like he wanted to go mano a mano with the guy. I asked about drugs because that's the only explanation that makes sense to me, but whether or not he was under the influence of substances it was inexcusable for Martin to attack and continue to beat Zimmerman. There's just no justification for that, even if Zimmerman had yelled racial slurs and followed him all the way home yelling "Come at me, n*gger!" (which, of course, didn't happen).

It's hard to hear about the death of a 17 year old and not get emotional, but sometimes you have to detach the emotional aspect and just look at what happened.


Old people, women, yeah, they wouldn't have free speech in your world, but thats great right? As long as we do what we can to protect those that want to physically assault others!
Do you think there would be a rash of assaults if the current situation of any tard with a gun and a hero complex being made out to be something to strive for, was suddenly reversed?
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