Justice for Zimmerman

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Musty Nester
It's the original reporting. I even vaugely remember the Jay Leno joke. The punchline being something like, "he was armed with a bag of skittles".

The first story was that Z mistook the bag of skittles for a gun. Where did that come from? Some editor somewhere just made it up whole cloth.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How Skittles became a symbol of Trayvon Martin's innocence


the Skittles especially, with their bright playground colours and "Taste the Rainbow" slogan, have become a symbol of Martin's innocence. He may have been suspended from school at the time, and had traces of cannabis in his blood, but when you look behind the appearance of a menacing black teenager, those Skittles say, you find the child inside.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Can't imagine trying to get high off cough syrup. I use that tripe when I get sick just to get a good night's sleep and it's awful.
Its awful. Don't bother.

You can get pure DXM or whatever it is (I think its DXM...) in pill form now, or could during the raver days. Its the same high with less hassle. Its still a really shitty high though

Smokin' Banana Peels sounds like this.

I had a friend that SWORE by gypsum seeds. And he'd eat allspice like a fiend. It is one of the few accomplishments in my life that I was never even tempted to eat gypsum seeds.

Did the robotussin thing though. Slept for like 16 hours straight and pissed the bed. Good times. Good times.
Gypsum seeds actually work though.

And its an awful, 3 day long confusion fugue state where you can interact, in the moment, with people normally, but when you try to recall anything, day, time, your NAME anything, you just can't access it, at all. And for the first like two or three hours after eating them, you have to constantly drink something, or your throat closes up because it dries you out so much. I thought I was going to choke to death at one point my throat closed up so much before I could get to water.

It was one of those decisions you come to instantly regret...

All this shit sounds like something 14 year olds do because they heard an urban legend about it.
Where we got all our stupid ideas before the internet was invented to deliver them to our eyes directly



Elisha Dushku
Do you really think Trayvon would have continued punching GZ in the face for 5 minutes? Do you know how long that is to do something like that? I couldn't even embarrass myself on a heavy bag for more than 1 minute without being exhausted.
I thought the guy was pounding Zimmerman's head into concrete? That's much easier than punching.


Its awful. Don't bother.

You can get pure DXM or whatever it is (I think its DXM...) in pill form now, or could during the raver days. Its the same high with less hassle. Its still a really shitty high though

Gypsum seeds actually work though.

And its an awful, 3 day long confusion fugue state where you can interact, in the moment, with people normally, but when you try to recall anything, day, time, your NAME anything, you just can't access it, at all. And for the first like two or three hours after eating them, you have to constantly drink something, or your throat closes up because it dries you out so much. I thought I was going to choke to death at one point my throat closed up so much before I could get to water.

It was one of those decisions you come to instantly regret...

Where we got all our stupid ideas before the internet was invented to deliver them to our eyes directly

I read that link about the dudes research on lean, that's some bad shit, I would not put myself through that. you could end up with serious mental issues or even death.


The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.


The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.
Would you let your child post like that on facebook, let him walk around the town while he's suspended already? I would be on fucking lock down with regular belt beatings if I tried to pull that shit on my parents.


Molten Core Raider
The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.
Congrats on your first post. I suggest you read back through some of the pages on this thread. Search feature is helpful for specifics. We go over everything in pretty high detail.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.
Nobody cares that you don't like guns. Nobody at all.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.
Basically this:

If this thread is going to continue for any length of time, I petition that one/many of the informed members make a FAQ that is linked any time a random idiot comes in with opinions based on media and facebook statues. And if they dont take the time to read said FAQ, they are RRP'd for 2 weeks for being an idiot that brings nothing but facebook knowledge to the table.
plz read before commenting:


The thing that upsets me most about this, is that Zimmerman was the arbiter of life and death and apparently that's A o.k. It makes me sick to think my children's life could be in the hands of a wannabe at some point. I think of the average person I know, and it makes me quesy to think that they could be meting out justice simply acquiring a gun license. The jury did what they were supposed to, but that doesn't make it right. I barely believe that law enforcement should have the ability to shoot people, and I have consistently supported them. Its easy to joke about the homeless guy with a snickers who got shot when he refused to lay down and drop the "weapon", but this takes it to a whole new level.
Hey Veil,

I think the most important fact for you to consider is that, after having run away from Zimmerman, Martin turned around and came back to where Zimmerman was, presumably for the explicit purpose of attacking him. Zimmerman actually did stop following Martin as soon as he was advised to do so, and there was no evidence to suggest that he initiated the fight that ensued. I understand the worry you have for your kids, but as long as you teach them not to attack someone who makes them uncomfortable, they won't find themselves in the same situation Treyvon was in.


Apparently the jury's initial vote was:
3 not guilty
1 2nd degree murder
2 manslaughter

The verdict could have really easily went the other way with another random 6 jurors.


oh, I enjoy guns as much as he next person, probably more. Its bad deduction skills like you've demonstrated that I have a problem with. In response to some of the other replies, I admit I have not read every post in this thread. As has been said many times, no one really knows what happned that night except George Zimmerman. My point remains as stated, I don't think its a good idea for most people I know to be the judge jury and executioner. I barely accept the fact that officers of law have that responsibility. Regarless of whether a few of you believe trayvon got what he deserved doesn't matter. My opinion is that as a father, I don't want people like Zimmerman deciding the fate of my child.


Millie's Staff Member
These johny come latelies are never going to end. Its giving me Luclin flashbacks. Dickhead guildies going awol when we were keying up for emp/VT and only after we did all the heavy lifting and started lootraping VT did they magically reappear expecting us to drop everything and key them up.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Apparently the jury's initial vote was:
3 not guilty
1 2nd degree murder
2 manslaughter

The verdict could have really easily went the other way with another random 6 jurors.
Maybe. I don't know how jury voting works but with any kind of voting when you know the vote isn't going to succeed you don't necessarily vote the same way.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well, the evidence was clearly enough to convince 3 people outright, and the other three on review, so how do you conclude it could have easily went the other way?

Initial votes are irrelevant. Final votes are the only ones that matter.

But did this come from that juror interview on Anderson Cooper earlier? I've only been able to find snippets of it so far. Would like to see the whole thing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
oh, I enjoy guns as much as he next person, probably more. Its bad deduction skills like you've demonstrated that I have a problem with. In response to some of the other replies, I admit I have not read every post in this thread. As has been said many times, no one really knows what happned that night except George Zimmerman. My point remains as stated, I don't think its a good idea for most people I know to be the judge jury and executioner. I barely accept the fact that officers of law have that responsibility. Regarless of whether a few of you believe trayvon got what he deserved doesn't matter. My opinion is that as a father, I don't want people like Zimmerman deciding the fate of my child.
Have you read the timeline image?


Molten Core Raider
oh, I enjoy guns as much as he next person, probably more. Its bad deduction skills like you've demonstrated that I have a problem with. In response to some of the other replies, I admit I have not read every post in this thread. As has been said many times, no one really knows what happned that night except George Zimmerman. My point remains as stated, I don't think its a good idea for most people I know to be the judge jury and executioner. I barely accept the fact that officers of law have that responsibility. Regarless of whether a few of you believe trayvon got what he deserved doesn't matter. My opinion is that as a father, I don't want people like Zimmerman deciding the fate of my child.
Teach your kid not to enjoy fighting,to use his words instead, and teach him not to be a racist or use racial slurs, and to find someone of authority to report any strange people to, and I'm sure he'll be fine.
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