Justice for Zimmerman

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White people are leaderless. Blacks have leaders that they will follow blindly no matter what, without question, and will all rally behind. Whites are very divided on everything and won't use force to get what they want even when they are very unhappy, blacks will.

Whites always want to appease blacks, blacks don't care about appeasing whites.

When a black leader stands up and says this is what we are doing, they do it. Even Obama had to put his two cents in about Trayvon.

Zimmerman is going to be convicted. After everyone forgets about the trial he will get his appeal and the media wont cover it.


Millie's Staff Member
Hes right tho. zimmerman is likely going to be convicted. If hes found not guilty the blacks will burn the state down


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have asked people every day what it is about the Trayvon Martin killing that gets it in the press. Is it the racial angle? If so, why doesn't this case get any press?


Two black teenagers shot a BABY because its mother wouldn't give them money.
This was in the news Cad I remember it. I think they caught the guys. It's not the feeding frenzy this turned into though unfortunately.


The jury still has limited contact with the outside world even though they are in sequestration. Their cell phones are given back to them once a day so they can call family and friends. You don't think their friends and family ask them if they are scared if Zimmerman walks? If my daughter or wife was on this jury i would be worried about them and tell them to vote guilty. Why do you think the judge was so quick to denie the acquittal.


Avatar of War Slayer
This was in the news Cad I remember it. I think they caught the guys. It's not the feeding frenzy this turned into though unfortunately.
that was black people doing something absolutely deplorable that has no place in humanity... But Zimmerman is a non black doing something that may or may not have been self defense .. So obviously the media is focused on that.

the media is messed up, that is something this board I think can actually agree on.


Molten Core Raider
Hes right tho. zimmerman is likely going to be convicted. If hes found not guilty the blacks will burn the state down
Not gonna happen, there might be enough angry black mobs to burn down callifornia /shrug. The demographics just don't support that happening in florida though, especially now that the hispanics realize it's one of their people the liberals are trying to throw under the bus to appease the angry blacks.


The jury still has limited contact with the outside world even though they are in sequestration. Their cell phones are given back to them once a day so they can call family and friends. You don't think their friends and family ask them if they are scared if Zimmerman walks? If my daughter or wife was on this jury i would be worried about them and tell them to vote guilty. Why do you think the judge was so quick to denie the acquittal.
Two things...Judge Nelson never grants directed verdict, she's a pro prosecution judge. O'Mara's argument was basically to the 5th DCA in the very unlikely event George is convicted.

And the jury's phone calls are monitored. Family telling them to vote guilty would kick them off the jury at best, or mistrial at worst.


I thought it was proven that GZ did in fact retreat and it was TM who went looking for him? Its really gonna be interesting to see how retarded this all female jury will be. I expect at least some kind of conviction or hung jury due to fear of reprisals from black people. You gotta be a moron to agree to be on this jury, that or hiding an agenda
They knew Judge Nelson would refuse to grant immunity, so the plan is to get an acquittal, then if the Scheme Team tries to sue, to get immunity in civil court.


Musty Nester
They don't exactly tell you what case you're going to be called for when you get called for jury duty, and you don't exactly get to agree or disagree to sit on the jury.


Millie's Staff Member
during voir dire (yes my latin sucks) they ask a number of questions you can totally give fucked up answers that will scare the fuck out of both lawyers. all you have to say is. "i believe in street justice" and boom you are sent home just like that.


Musty Nester
during voir dire (yes my latin sucks) they ask a number of questions you can totally give fucked up answers that will scare the fuck out of both lawyers. all you have to say is. "i believe in street justice" and boom you are sent home just like that.
If you actually try that though the judge will slap your hand for the first offense and tell you to stop being an asshole. It's a guessing game as to how fucked up you can make your answers and get them to send you home. You have to sell it to the lawyers at the same time as slipping it past the judge all while not having any idea what the case you're being considered for is even about. So you might say something completely loony but one lawyer wants that style of loony and the other lawyer figures it could be worse.

So unless you really really really just don't want to be there and would prefer to be in jail instead, the jokes that comedians tell about how to get out of jury duty are just jokes. You really can't go in there and shout, "The south will rise again!" without either spending a couple of days in jail or being fined a few hundred dollars for being a smartass.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider

The George Zimmerman defense has recently gotten a lucky break. Angela Corey, Florida's state attorney and the prosecutor against Zimmerman, has been indicted by a citizens' grand jury for allegedly falsifying an arrest warrant and the complaint that led to Zimmerman being charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin.

The indictment accuses Corey of allegedly withholding photographs of Zimmerman's head after the incident. Also, Corey allegedly falsely signed an arrest warrant under oath without including the pictures as evidence. Critics claim that Corey rushed the arrest warrant through because activists were rallying around the Trayvon Martin shooting, demanding that Zimmerman be charged with murder. Critics argue that Corey was attempting to secure a reelection with the support of the activists.
I hope these patriots string this whore up and cut her fucking head off.


Molten Core Raider
It's the people that want to be on the jury that would concern me.

Susan Constantine, a jury consultant, told ABC News, "This is a very high-profile trial, so who wouldn't want to sit on it? It's one reason we get people who would love to be in the position of being that one juror in the middle of all the limelight they never had before."

When the assistant state attorney, Bernie De La Rionda, first questioned potential juror E7 this morning, he asked whether the prospective juror was exposed to the case in February 2012 or whether he kept up with it. E7 answered, "No."

The potential juror was then asked what else he knew about the Zimmerman case beyond what was listed on his questionnaire.
"Hmm. To be strictly honest, it's hard to remember," the potential juror said.

He was asked whether he used Facebook or posted anything about the Trayvon Martin shooting.
"No. Best to avoid, at times," E7 said, adding he had not formed an opinion on the case.
Moments later, both counsels approached the bench and had a discussion over a piece of paper. Potential juror E7 came back into the courtroom and was handed a piece of paper by Judge Nelson.
"There was a posting on Facebook from March 21 under Coffee Party Progressives," Nelson said. "Is that your writing?"

The prospective juror confirmed it was his posting and left.


Registered Hutt
Yea, neither FL nor the Orlando metropolitan area have the black people to make much of an impact. Oakland's population is ~3k. They'd have to import the rage.


I love how people here just take it for granted that the judges will not do their responsibility under the law without a care in the world. Start telling people that these fucking cockroaches who won't do their job should be killed. You all need to change your way of thinking before things will get better.
Dude, I like your passion. I really do. But when each of your posts reads "Kill 'em all" it becomes harder to take you seriously and easier to consider you a psychopath who's two posts away from becoming the next big "mass shooting" flavor of the month.
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