Justice for Zimmerman

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Oh great, looks like a hung jury right there. Though I guess she might be a cuban or something, escaping chicago for greener pastures in florida? Having to go through the whole trial again is gonna be such a cockblock, anyone know what florida's procedures are for a hung jury?
b-29 is also supposedly the juror who was tearing up during kevin costner's retarded rebuttal about hearts and shit



Buzzfeed Editor
If Zimmerman doesn't walk i owe my boss a coke. Jury needs to get their shit together, I will not be shamed.


Molten Core Raider
are you being sarcastic?
About the skinhead comment? Ya, it was sarcasm. Sorry - I thought it was obvious.

Still don't get why everyone says he called 911 when his lawyers are saying it was 311. Minor detail, maybe.

This guy a Kiwi? I like him.


Vyemm Raider
Not to be too misogynistic, but it seems plausible that a woman would agree with the prosecution in their argument that being followed briefly by a 5'8" brown man is a horrifyingly traumatic event that justifies the beating he was getting.

After all nearly every "Fry Zimmerman" post I see consists of two points:
1) Trayvon was a sweet innocent child, a full year away from the magic age where you become a worthless sack of meat
2) Omg Zimmerman was STALKING him he must have been so scared omg I'd have taken out my assault machette and chopped him up into pieces if he'd been following me like that

But then I remember that these jurors were actually at the trial, so odds are they were probably listening at least half the time.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Let?s examine the undisputed evidence:

3. The man was told by the police not to chase and pursue the teen.

9. The teen was not committing any crime.

12. The man and the teen fought, wrestled to the ground, and punches were exchanged.

16. There is no evidence that the teen was committing a crime or about to commit any crime.

17. But for the man chasing and pursuing the teen, there would have been no physical confrontation.

20. But for the shot, the teen would be alive.
3. He was not told by police not to follow him. he was told by a dispatcher that they didn't need him to do that. Not only are you not required to follow orders from a dispatcher (who are rarely officers), that wasn't even a lawful order. We don't need you to do that.

9. He most certainly was. Assault is still a crime. If you doubt this, look at T-dawg's arrest record and you'll see he had every reason to be fully aware it was illegal.

12. No evidence punches were exchanged. Other than the gunshot, there were no wounds on T-dawg. There were no defensive wounds on zimzam. This was a one sided fight until the victim managed to get his gun out.

16. You probably only saw the doctored photos NBC put out. Zimzam was clearly assaulted. As I covered earlier, assault is a crime.

17. T-dawg was the first one to commit an illegal act. If you want to include perfectly legal acts in your root cause analysis, don't forget T's brother wanting skittles. In fact, how far back ya wanna go? If T-dawg hadn't been selling drugs, he wouldn't have been suspended and would not have been there that night.

20. you don't know that. If zimzam hadn't ended that thugs career that night, there's a good chance someone else would have killed him by now. Odds are T-dawg wasn't living more than 5 more years anyway unless he got out of the life.

And an opposing group will immediately take it to court for judicial review. You sleep through your civics class?
Yeah and the judge will rule they have no standing. the whole standing thing is utter bullshit.

Its summertime. I'm dubious that a school official would be worried about this or able to investigate it at all.

Legitimate question, with all these people threatening Zimmerman - if he goes free do the jurors need to fear for their lives as well? What kind of protection do you get?
I don't think they get any protection beyond that no one officially knows who they are. But their faces are not hidden in court, so anyone in the courtroom can ID them later. I was reading the justice for trayvon page earlier today, and they are apparently collecting as much information as they can on the jurors.

Yeah. Agree 100% It's what I'd do anyway. The victim deserves our full due diligence.
The victim deserves to not be put on trial like this, and police protection to protect him the people who put a price on his head.


Unelected Mod
Good video Chuk, the first 25 minutes really lays out all the facts and background to the case, much of which hasn't been addressed at all by the media.

While his last 10 minutes was really other stuff, I also enjoyed that. Most people think spanking is just perfectly fine with kids and you are a pussy if you don't. Certainly I was spanked many many times as a child. Yet as he rightly points out, almost all studies have shown that it is very detrimental to children and tends to increase their aggression.


Potato del Grande
So what does it take to have a hung jury in Florida? Is it the same as everywhere else? Do we just need 1 person to say, "Fuck you guys, not guilty?


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Well shit. I am going to my a birthday party for my aunts 95th birthday today, and it is at some country club in... Oakland. Hope an acquittal doesn't come in while we are there!


Haven't been following this too closely since last year, but the consensus is Z man walks if the jury isn't a bunch of dicks?
Haven't been following this too closely since last year, but the consensus is Z man walks if the jury isn't a bunch of dicks?
or that Z-man goes down for 30 years because the jury thinks they're slapping him on the wrist with a manslaughter conviction.


Trakanon Raider
How many minutes into eq next launch till an erudite Trayvon is born? I know I made an OJ back in 99.
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