Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm not denying or arguing that. I think that it was ridiculous to try to charge Zimmerman with murder. He clearly didn't murder Martin. But he did play a part in starting a fight that resulted in Martin's death. For that I feel that he should be held responsible for something.

In all fairness there needs to be a law that holds both parties accountable for their actions. Zimmerman and Martin played their own part and they should both be punished in my completely unbiased view. As we know Martin is no longer able to be punished and Zimmerman is not being held accountable for his actions. That's wrong in my view. That isn't balanced or fair.
Your view sucks.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Trayvon Martin was so scared shitless from being followed that after getting away from that creepy ass cracker he decided to double back to have a few words with Zimmerman.

This is a fact. This happened.
This. All the latecomers with your 'scared kid was stalked and just fought back' shit didn't listen to the prosecution witness that confirmed Trayvon being almost home and then turning back to go confront Zimmerman. This has been discussed ad naseum.




Musty Nester
Z walked toe up on that line. You have to admit that, even while admitting that he stayed on the right side of it.

Go figgure. When 2 men fight, not everything that happens is completely rational. Men are prone to emotional argument as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm not denying or arguing that. I think that it was ridiculous to try to charge Zimmerman with murder. He clearly didn't murder Martin. But he did play a part in starting a fight that resulted in Martin's death. For that I feel that he should be held responsible for something.

In all fairness there needs to be a law that holds both parties accountable for their actions. Zimmerman and Martin played their own part and they should both be punished in my completely unbiased view. As we know Martin is no longer able to be punished and Zimmerman is not being held accountable for his actions. That's wrong in my view. That isn't balanced or fair.
A good start would be to have every 911 or 311 dispatcher everywhere tell people who call to stay in their vehicle and stay in your home as the first thing. Don't wait till the guy is actually trying to see where the person is going to tell them we don't need you to do that. It was a bad situation that got blown up because people decided to exploit it for personal gains.


Nefarious intentions? says who faggot? harassing when? by who's word?

Was it before or after martin got home and decided to walk 75-100 yards back to attack that creepy ass cracker?

Did you watchanyof the actual fucking trial or look at any of the fucking evidence presented? or do you just get your opinions from shitstains like Al Sharpton and then stomp around like you're a real grownup whose opinions matter?
That isn't how a person who was welcomed into this community as a guest should have been treated.

I couldn't imagine such a thing happening to me. Me, walking down the street, being followed by someone, having the police called on me and my walking reported, being made to feel that I had to fight. That's ridiculous. That shouldn't happen.

That isn't to say that you can't or shouldn't keep an eye on your neighborhood. If you find someone suspicious, sure, go ahead and keep an eye on them. But you don't make them feel threatened for no good reason. They haven't done anything wrong. If anyone is doing something wrong it's you as the person harassing a welcomed guest.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That isn't how a person who was welcomed into this community as a guest should have been treated.
Martin was "welcomed into this community" in so far as he was "sent to live with his father when he got in too much trouble at home with his mother".

What the fuck are you on, peyote?


It's not illegal to follow someone. It's not illegal to yell "what are you doing here American Inventor?"

What is illegal is attacking someone who did either of those things.
i'm not familiar with those types of laws, but i would think following would become terrorizing at some point.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
i'm not familiar with those types of laws, but i would think following would become terrorizing at one point.
No, the legal definition of terrorizing and stalking require you to know someone and to involve multiple contacts over an extended period of time.


Millie's Staff Member
lol what line did he toe? he saw some strange man in a hoody during a rain storm skulking around a neighborhood thats suffered a rash of breakins. he went to look what he was up to and called the cops. he started following while on the phone with cops. they said they dont need him to follow and he stopped. thugvon saw him watching him. ran off. got all paranoid and came back swinging. at what point did zimzam come close to breaking any laws?

and seriously if you saw anyone hanging around your house even if it wasnt midnight during a rainstorm you wouldnt at least come out and ask him what he wanted or was doing?


I don't find this reasonable.

In my view, in the world of right and wrong, if you start something, a fight in this case, and someone ends up dying, then you are responsible for it in some way. I don't agree that it should have been 2nd-degree murder but it seems like there should be some law that hold people responsible for starting something and it resulting in a death.

Justifiable use of deadly force is fine in my book but it wasn't fine in this case. In the case of Martin, this is a person walking through a neighborhood that he was welcomed into as a guest. Zimmerman then started a fight with Martin by harassing and following him.
I have not been rabidly keeping track like some but as I understand it Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle when Martin followed, then attacked him. So assuming this is true... Zimmerman didn't "start a fight". I don't give a fuck what leads up to it there is NEVER a valid reason to touch another person with violent intent unless it is to protect yourself or someone else from harm. FUCKING NEVER.

I have been the victim of violent crime. I was left for dead on the side of the road because the five dollars I had in my wallet was worth more to three people than a strangers life. If anyone ever attacks me and I cannot get away I will use deadly force to protect myself without a second thought. If you attack start a physical confrontation anything, including your own death is entirely your fault. The person you attacked has no way of knowing when or even if the assault will stop before they are dead.

So with the "facts" as I understand them and my own experience I am glad Trayvon Martin is dead. He was a 17 year old who felt it was correct to follow , attack, and beat a much larger man in public with witnesses. What would happen when he was offended by someone who couldn't defend themselves? No one will ever know, but I'm glad no one will ever have to find out. Because I almost died. "Luckily" I only incurred 50+ thousand dollars in medical expenses, obvious facial scars, embarrassing and visible dental damage, over a year of my life I have no memory of and during which I was unable to work and nine months where I was incapable of even taking care of myself, and permanent brain damage resulting in monthly visits to a doctor for narcotics to maintain something that barely resembles normal brain chemistry for the rest of my life.


Musty Nester
I think the thing is that he had a good enough reason.

If I see a kid skulking around where he has no obvious reason to be I'm going to go up to him and say, "Whatcha up to? Need a hand?". I've done that before and I'll do it again.

I've had it happen to me on multiple occassions, and I'm a fat old white dude who likes to wander into places that he has no obvious reason to be. Haven't had to kill anybody yet.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
That isn't how a person who was welcomed into this community as a guest should have been treated.
What does that even mean? They don't sit down with the neighborhood tribunal and welcome an individual in to their 20x20 mile gated commune. They didn't sit down at a table, break bread, and invoke the right of guest. George Zimmerman != Walder Frey.


A good start would be to have every 911 or 311 dispatcher everywhere tell people who call to stay in their vehicle and stay in your home as the first thing. Don't wait till the guy is actually trying to see where the person is going to tell them we don't need you to do that. It was a bad situation that got blown up because people decided to exploit it for personal gains.
I think that's reasonable. Learned from my own experiences I know not to do things to cause trouble with people on the street. I certainly wouldn't be following someone around, or if I were to do that for some reason that I would do it in a more discreet manner than Zimmerman seemed to have.

Honestly some of the things that I've read about this case, not only here although we do have some crazy fuckers on these forums, make me want to get my concealed carry permit as soon as possible. Just the thought that I could be followed around and harassed for no good reason and then be responsible for an ensuing altercation boggles my mind. I would rather be the guy with the gun. In fact I'm going to be the guy with the gun. I've already made the decision because that shit is ridiculous.


Buzzfeed Editor
We all know his intentions. He was trying to protect his neighborhood. I'm fine with that, I'm all for that, I love that shit. Protect your neighborhood. But you don't protect your neighborhood by stalking and following someone who is a welcomed guest in it! That's ridiculous for you to even think, let alone say.

I've lived in a city all my life, I am experienced in dealing with crazy people walking down the street with me. I personally stay aware of my surroundings, if I realized that someone was following me I would be cautious and prepare myself for defense, and yes that may very well include having to physically defend myself. That's never happened to me, where I had to physically defend myself, in general a stern voice and simply being a large man takes care of the problem, but I think that mounting a physical defense is reasonable if it were to come down to that.
You're using loaded words like"stalking". He was just walking down the street on the phone. With police. And he stopped following Martin, and Martin was almost home, then turned around and instigated a physical confrontation with Zimmerman.

I have lived in cities most of my life, also. I've been followed. I've been beaten. But I have never once thought "I got away from that guy who was following me. Let me turn around and fuck him up because I'm scared." Never once.

If I was walking down my street tonight and someone was following me at a distance, I would continue quickly to my house. If they stopped following me, I would be grateful. Then I would go home and not get shot in the fucking chest.
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