Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How many black leaders actually went out on a limb, and did the thing that takes courage to do, go against the grain and say this whole thing was a media creation and hurtful to the nation, black people, and white/black relations as a whole by trying to divide us. The only American black leader of actual character I've noticed in my lifetime is Bill Cosby.

apon typing that I decided to see if bill cosby's twiiter had anythig on trayvon martin, it did not(which tells me something), it did have a tweet about

Let's #notforget the day the world regardless of religion, race, gender or age celebrated @NelsonMandela's release

which is an example of a great person in history who started the process ending apartheid in south Africa by getting the black people to support the white rugby team and trying to actually UNITE the population instead of divide it. Notice how Nelson Mandela is a person of true character who actually united a country instead of a race troll like AL SHARPTON who continues to promote the idea that black people are different than whites and they are owed something, this only re affirms my viewpoint.


Musty Nester
I have a very serious issue with federal hate crime laws.

This world would be a better place without them. It would be great if the threat of them against Zimmerman made people evaluate that cancer, but it won't.

Worst thing Willy ever did. And that includes sticking that cigar up that cow's coochie then licking it.

You -KNOW- he licked it.


Media narrative vs actual narrative.
Sure, but the case is over now. All the information is there. It's just grossly irresponsible to keep repeating that Zimmerman got out of his car after he was told not to. How are these people not losing their jobs or at least being forced to correct themselves? Journalists can't just say whatever the hell they want, especially when it contradicts facts. This is really irritating.


Musty Nester
No, journalists can say whatever the hell they want even if it contradicts the facts. This is America. They are free to do so.

They should be responsible enough not to, but they ARE free to.

Edit: And even if it was 100% zimmerman 100% of the time, I would still not argue they should be restricted. I'd just stop paying attention to them and look elsewhere.

Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert both make a very good living making fun of them for being irresponsible.


Buzzfeed Editor
Did I miss something? Why do so many sources consistently state that Zimmerman got out of his car after being told not to?
Hasn't it been clearly shown that he was only told not to follow Martinafterhe had already left his car?
Yep. I've made numerous posts on news sites linking Jeantel's testimony and showing how because of the calls being dropped and started, we know Zimmerman was not following Martin after the dispatcher told him not to. Beyond ANY doubt. This is one of the sure facts in the case because two unrelated witnesses both state it. (911 call has Zimmerman saying he "lost trayvon" and was headed back to his car--and Jeantel stating at the same time (Which we know because the call reconnected) that Trayvon was at his father's house and the "creepy" guy was no longer following him.)

Huff Post just began to stop accepting my posts....I guess facts annoy them. Their opinion pieces are just ignorant garbage from people who haven't actually watched the trial.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Journalists can't just say whatever the hell they want, especially when it contradicts facts.
Sure they can. They do it all the time. Journalists SHOULDN'T just say whatever the hell they want, but they do. All the time.

Its the only reason this issue was ever a nationwide issue in the first place.


Musty Nester
Yep. I've made numerous posts on news sites linking Jeantel's testimony and showing how because of the calls being dropped and started, we know Zimmerman was not following Martin after the dispatcher told him not to. Beyond ANY doubt. This is one of the sure facts in the case because two unrelated witnesses both state it. (911 call has Zimmerman saying he "lost trayvon" and was headed back to his car--and Jeantel stating at the same time (Which we know because the call reconnected) that Trayvon was at his father's house and the "creepy" guy was no longer following him.)

Huff Post just began to stop accepting my posts....I guess facts annoy them. Their opinion pieces are just ignorant garbage from people who haven't actually watched the trial.
Wait... wait. What? You TROLL HUFFPO?

You just kicked that shit to the next level man. I don't get to use this word often and I'm going to use it right now: Flabbergasted.

Next you're going to tell us that you get published through letters to the editor in the NYT.


OK, journalists can say whatever they want according to the constitution (as can anyone else), I get that, but not according to their jobs.

Paula Deen lost all the business deals she had going for stuff she said. She was allowed to say it, but there were consequences. Journalists who make their living supplying people with what is supposed to be accurate information should absolutely be fired or made to correct themselves if they aren't doing their job properly.


Registered Hutt
This is somewhat amusing:

I had to google that to be sure it wasn't BS. Damn straight, it's true.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
OK, journalists can say whatever they want according to the constitution (as can anyone else), I get that, but not according to their jobs.

Paula Deen lost all the business deals she had going for stuff she said. She was allowed to say it, but there were consequences. Journalists who make their living supplying people with what is supposed to be accurate information should absolutely be fired or made to correct themselves if they aren't doing their job properly.
Welcome to understanding that the entire media system in this country is a joke that has completely abandoned its Constitutionally mandated role as the fourth pillar, the one that is meant to hold the government and citizens accountable for their actions, as well as itself.


Welcome to understanding that the entire media system in this country is a joke that has completely abandoned its Constitutionally mandated role as the fourth pillar, the one that is meant to hold the government and citizens accountable for their actions, as well as itself.
Odd how we acquired all this Nazi science and things seemed to change after the war.
The news media is little more than entertainment at this point.


Unelected Mod
Journalists who make their living supplying people with what is supposed to be accurate information should absolutely be fired or made to correct themselves if they aren't doing their job properly.
Well, here is hoping that Zimmerman wins his suits against NBC and others. However, even if he wins, it will be nothing compared to the extra money they earned causing this bs in the first place.


Silver Squire
Welcome to understanding that the entire media system in this country is a joke that has completely abandoned its Constitutionally mandated role as the fourth pillar, the one that is meant to hold the government and citizens accountable for their actions, as well as itself.
I'd hypothesize this is mostly a function of media being profit maximizing and myself being aroused by salacious theatrics and not reasoned, empirically backed polemics.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Welcome to understanding that the entire media system in this country is a joke that has completely abandoned its Constitutionally mandated role as the fourth pillar, the one that is meant to hold the government and citizens accountable for their actions, as well as itself.
It's only going to get worse too


US ends ban on 'domestic propaganda'


Musty Nester
OK, journalists can say whatever they want according to the constitution (as can anyone else), I get that, but not according to their jobs.

Paula Deen lost all the business deals she had going for stuff she said. She was allowed to say it, but there were consequences. Journalists who make their living supplying people with what is supposed to be accurate information should absolutely be fired or made to correct themselves if they aren't doing their job properly.
Are you familiar with the fall of Dan Rather? You may not be. But it shows the nature of the problem.

There are still people that defend Dan Rather and they genuinely don't see what the problem is with what he was doing. Rationalization after rationalization, its nothing to do with principle. These are otherwise intelligent, fairminded, well intentioned people that have created this giant blind spot in themselves. Sometimes you don't wanna look, so you just don't look.

It's one of those problems that nobody knows how to fix. Lots of things you could do, but it would only make it worse.

The only thing that you can really do is just not look.

That's why so many of us watch shit like BBC. When they intentionally bait their audience it doesn't effect us. Ignorance gives us an immunity to the bullshit and we walk away with more facts than we started with.


Odd how we acquired all this Nazi science and things seemed to change after the war.
The news media is little more than entertainment at this point.
it never changed.yellow journalism. hell yes.
difference is people gave a shit about facts back in the days...more than today...and integrity still existed.

not anymore.

"racism," "disfranchised," "privilege" are the new code word for liberals now.


Silver Squire

Ignorant ass holes provide lots of money and eyes for advertisers. They don't give a shit about news anymore its all about eyes on their content.
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