Justice for Zimmerman

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Molten Core Raider
So instead of those 4 major conglomerates you're going to get 50 small ones who'll magically start reporting fair and unbiased news? Somehow I don't think that's going to make a huge difference. Small media companies can be just as corrupt as big ones. In fact, I live where this is a reality.
As much as I'd like to, we can't touch freedom of speech/press. People/organizations should be able to say whatever they want. We need to learn/educate on bias, propaganda, and stop buying into the conglomerate news sources. It's really the only way to go. A good way to start is to read several independent local/community publications (traditional or internet) rather than the 24 hour entertainment sources. For people too caught up in their own little worlds, this will never happen.

Staying up to date in this day and age is extremely hard, especially as we work 8 hours a day, try to spend time with family, keep oursleves healthy, etc...It's a lot to do and there's no way one person can stay informed, read articles from multiple sides, and perform independent research on all subjects. I don't know that there's an easy answer aside from telling CNN (and their ilk) we want real news and not opinionated 24/7 coverage of one topic other than not watching them, not buying their advertiser's products, etc, which again, would be extremely hard to do. I love my pocket hose!!

I will say, for me, watching this circus that shouldn't even be called news really lowered my watching of other things going on in the world, and I'm sad about it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As much as I'd like to, we can't touch freedom of speech/press.
Freedom of the press does not exempt them from rules governing monopolies. Though the enforcement of said laws have been a joke across the board, including in media ownership.

Though my favorite recent anti-trust success was the AT&T/T-Mobile fiasco where AT&T argued they weren't trying to buy up market share to jack up prices, then a smoking gun memo was leaked where they internally were celebrating their plan to do exactly that. Merger denied, win for the public.



But by so many different viewpoints being expressed, you will be able to weed out the most biased ones and hopefully come to a greater understanding of the facts surrounding various issues.

There's no way to fully separate the news from opinion.
For the most part you only really have two different viewpoints in the US anyway. That won't change just because you downsize companies.

impact would be different and regional.

i am starting to reject globalization somehow....thinking small rather than thinking big is my preferred option..
Hungary tried to limit lobbyists from large corporations buying politicians in their constitution. Their EU overlords wasn't pleased so they had to change it back. Sums up globalization nicely.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't have a Twitter, so I have no idea how that shit works, but it sounds like he was trying to imply that people Twitter was suggesting she follow were actually people she was following?


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
lol that clip is golden. And yes Elurin, he has no fucking clue what hes talking about. I don't even use twitter, but thats clearly what its doing just making recommendations. She didn't actually follow them.


I don't have a Twitter, so I have no idea how that shit works, but it sounds like he was trying to imply that people Twitter was suggesting she follow were actually people she was following?
Either they were hoping no one understood the system so they could spin it to make it look the way they want or the dude was clueless. But the chick was savvy enough to bust them on the bullshit.


Molten Core Raider
I don't have a Twitter, so I have no idea how that shit works, but it sounds like he was trying to imply that people Twitter was suggesting she follow were actually people she was following?
I don't either but that's what it seems like. I have 4 friends on FB and 0 status updates, and it's always asking me, Do you know these people???...Sounds like that's what it was.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
For the most part you only really have two different viewpoints in the US anyway. That won't change just because you downsize companies.
Definitely disagree.

That perception on your part is...one of the symptoms of the disease a nice round of trust busting would perform as chemotherapy for, actually.


Doer of Things
There were plenty of moments like that during the trial it was almost hard to believe that Mark Omara wasn't just trolling the prosecution for the duration of the trial lol.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I think one or two of the people he thought she was following had followed her instead, which makes it even funnier. It wasn't just suggesting she follow them out of the blue, others had followed her account, she never tweeted from it, then the Prosecution thought they were going to 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon her ass and they got slammed the fuck down like Andre the Giant versus the Hulkster.


Molten Core Raider
So I just saw a news conference where Angela Corey stood by her Zimmerman is a murderer comment, stating (slightly paraphrased since I can't find an article on it yet) "There is no doubt that Trayvon was profiled, and if race was part of that profiling, he's guilty of a hate crime".

I would love to see law enforcement not be able to ask or identify based on race. "Dispatch, what's the description of the suspect?" "He look...like a man".

"Ma'am, can you describe the man that raped you? Please keep in mind if you mention skin color, you are a racist and I will have to arrest you".

Getting out of control

OH yeah, Holder press conference in less than an hour, I believe.


Definitely disagree.

That perception on your part is...one of the symptoms of the disease a nice round of trust busting would perform as chemotherapy for, actually.
Except, you're still not explaining why journalists all of a sudden would develop a large variety of rational viewpoints, just that they would. Who can honestly say after thinking about it for more than ten seconds that journalists somehow will go from making up racist stories out of nothing to being fair and unbiased just because you downsize media companies? Maybe it would make sense if your world view is that evil men at the top dictates the discourse in society. How about looking into what kind of people are choosing to become journalists instead? Who knows, you might actually find a real explanation for their propaganda.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
New York City just went thru that. The city council tried to pass a convuluted law where cops couldn't stop someone because they matched a description of a black person if they weren't exhibiting crimminal behavior at the time.

There was a lot to it but as the law read the police department said they would have to stop using color in their descriptions of crimminals.
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