Justice for Zimmerman

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Trakanon Raider
All the evidence shows that he phoned that autopsy in and didn't follow procedure. I refuse to believe he is incompetent. I firmly believe he assumed it was just another dead black gangbanger killed by a gun shot and didn't give it the attention that he would have if it was say a dead white women. Just my opinion, but I think it's really plausible that was his mind set and would explain the mistakes.
You know, reflecting on this case some more, this mentality I think may have done much more to cause this case to explode like it has, in the sense that I think all the authorities involved did not take things very seriously until well after the story broke and went out of control. The cops who arrived on scene did check out Zimmerman and he got medical attention, they take his statement and send him on his way. Martin's family isn't contacted until the next day when they report him missing.... it does feel ( whether intentional or not) that they treated this as 'just another dead gangbanger'. Thus when the story broke and suddenly everyone wants to know what happened, all they could say was:

"Hrmmm, well, we are currently still investigating and ... ummmm... well have to get back you. But at this point everything looks a-ok to us, no charges have been filed."

whereas they should have done their job and investigated that night and been able to say:

"Listen, this appears to be a tragic case of mistaken identity. Zimmerman saw Martin, who appeared to match descriptions for suspects who had been breaking into houses in the neighborhood recently. He attempted to follow to give us directions and a description, but Martin confronted him and a fight broke out. In the ensuing fight, Martin was shot because Zimmerman was overpowered and in fear for his life. We are still investigating and will give a report soon."

Bam, they have outlined the rough details of the events and have set a narrative. Instead, by not being prepared, they allowed everyone else, from the media to the general public to create their own version of the events, which led to shit getting out of control.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I fail to see the connection there, your saying zimmerman is vulnerable to assault during job interviews?


Millie's Staff Member
I have no doubt that zimzam could cut a multi mil deal selling his story and never have to work again. Not to mention the settlements hes gonna receive from cnn and nbc. Job interviews? Seriously?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I hope Zimzam sues everyone who was responsible for putting this farce on and gets a million dollars for every pound he gained. $120 million should set him up nice and easy for the rest of his life.


Millie's Staff Member
You're telling me Jabba didn't call TM's dad and say look out your fucking doorstep your fucking son is in trouble? MORONS
Jeantel The Hutt was busy fixing her hair hat. She didnt give a fuck and only learned tm died from a friend after it was in the news. Bitch wouldnt even watch the news report.


Jeantel The Hutt was busy fixing her hair hat. She didnt give a fuck and only learned tm died from a friend after it was in the news. Bitch wouldnt even watch the news report.
Something is seriously wrong. SERIOUSLY He was steps from his Dad's place, and he wasn't expected? The father didn't come out to see the commotion? This story sounds like bulllllllll.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Something is seriously wrong. SERIOUSLY He was steps from his Dad's place, and he wasn't expected? The father didn't come out to see the commotion? This story sounds like bulllllllll.
The dad and his girlfriend weren't home that night, they were out of town for I believe one of his Masonic lodge events and didn't get home until after midnight.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The father probably encouraged Trayvon's thug behavior. He had a tattoo on his neck of CAT which apparently stands for "crippin all the time" or some shit like that, he had it covered up with praying hands shortly after they turned this into a media circus last year. He apparently went by the street name Fruit or Fruity or something and was well known in gang circles down in Florida.


The father probably encouraged Trayvon's thug behavior. He had a tattoo on his neck of CAT which apparently stands for "crippin all the time" or some shit like that, he had it covered up with praying hands shortly after they turned this into a media circus last year. He apparently went by the street name Fruit or Fruity or something and was well known in gang circles down in Florida.
He doesn't even check in with the cellphone? Yeah, no one loved this child.


I hope Zimzam sues everyone who was responsible for putting this farce on and gets a million dollars for every pound he gained. $120 million should set him up nice and easy for the rest of his life.
Why does he need that much money when "the rest of his life" is going to be 6 months to a year max?


Potato del Grande
Why does he need that much money when "the rest of his life" is going to be 6 months to a year max?
I will bet you fucking permaban GZ will not be killed in that time frame. He's going to make bank and move to some country where no one knows who the fuck he is and live in a mansion on the beach. If he's smart he will loose the 120 lbs and then never be recognized considering 90 percent of people who have ever heard of him have only seen him at SSJ fat on T.V

This fucker could probably sell his gun to some rich white racist for more than any of us cubicle sheep will see in our lifetime.

Kill a black guy, not guilty verdict, praised as a hero by anyone who matters, gets gun back, makes bank....He just won the real American lottery.
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