K mode exception not handled


Trakanon Raider
First, I hate win 8

On to the problem, I keep getting the same error /bsod window with


I don't know what to do. Google seems to have limited info on it other than it apparently "can" be related to something called killer networks drivers? Links to a dozen sites where I can download a replacement sys file, which I am not inclined to do from sites I don't recognize.

It can happen if I watch youtube videos, seem to happen a lot more often if I combine youtube and twitch.

Now it is also happening if I play games.

My computer is the ASUS G750JZ 17.3" Full HD.

GeForce GTX880M 4GB,Core i7-4700HQ,16GB RAM,256GB SDD,1.5TB HDD,DVD?RW,Win 8.1


Trakanon Raider
I do have that same system (daily driver) and not having any issues.

Double check your device manager and see what it looks like in there. You can uninstall your LAN / Wireless devices and reboot letting windows update the drivers or you can use the recovery drivers off the Asus web page.

[SOLVED] Frequent BSODs on YouTube in Windows 8.1 x64 - Page 2 - Sysnative Forums

Scroll down and take a look at this guys solution.
Thank you. Read that page.

I ended up deleting my killer network driver and installing the suite again. No bsod since, including the game that gave me an error every 10 minutes. Hoping it is fixed now.

Since you have the same system, do you have any problems with certain games in full screen mode? I get an out of memory error sometimes in certain games, but if I play them in windowed mode, that never happens. Once the game crashes, and I close the error message, the memory is instantly relocated.

Again, I really dislike Win 8. Feels like a new Vista, the bastard between XP and 7. How long until Windows 9?


Silver Squire
I hate windows 8 but Start8 / Classic shell make most of the complaints go away since you avoid Metro for the most part.

I don't have that issue with games. One thing I learned with this system is the default drivers that Asus has for these machines (march? I think) are rock solid. Everything works great. Start updating video drivers and you start to have issues. Most of them can be fixed with Ninspector or the default control panel tools but there can be issues.

I haven't had the memory error you describe. What I have had is issues with Archeage not using the GTX880 and instead opting for the Intel. No amount of tweaking except downloading NInspector and allowing me to select the option via the Nvidia panel (the option to set it did not work) got it fixed. Everything else works perfectly fine though just AA. Odd thing was the bug would sometimes grey out the GTX option, other times if I tried to force it via settings it would show up but then still revert to the intel. Total PIA.

Played Watch dogs, Divinity Original Sin, Wofenstein and Sniper thus far without any issues. All my games are played in Fullscreen unless they have an option for borderless window.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't had the memory error you describe. What I have had is issues with Archeage not using the GTX880 and instead opting for the Intel. No amount of tweaking except downloading NInspector and allowing me to select the option via the Nvidia panel (the option to set it did not work) got it fixed. Everything else works perfectly fine though just AA. Odd thing was the bug would sometimes grey out the GTX option, other times if I tried to force it via settings it would show up but then still revert to the intel. Total PIA.
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Kedwyn again...

I haven't played AA this weekend (my first beta invite) because it lagged so much, and didn't really consider it not using the GTX as default as I have set it to default on all programs.

Indeed, AA was messed up, and only the integrated intel card showed up, Nvidia was greyed out. Deleted the profile using the program you mentioned, created a new one, set GTX to default and suddenly AA looked a lot better and ran much smoother.

Curious, since you have the same computer, what is your FPS in AA? In the very first starting desertish area (asian people) I get around 50-60 fps with everything set to max, but I see occasional dips into the 40s. Asking because it seemed so erratic.


Silver Squire
There are two tweaks you can do to get better frames. I generally run without shadows and everything else maxed (1920*1080) and I think I'm seeing mostly 60-90+ with only occasional dips to the 40's when running in a big, populated city. I MIGHT have AA down to 4x and don't use any of the advanced forms of AA in that game. Use the asus software to peg your gpu fan to max when playing to keep things cool and stay ahead of the heat.

The biggest bottleneck with Archeage is the Hard drive. The game is constantly loading stuff from there. If you don't have it on the SSD portion then do so immediately and you will be much happier. No kidding, the difference is night and day with the stutter.

My biggest drop is usually when looking out on the ocean from shore. I can't recall the exact setting but it has to do with the sky and water lighting. Turning that off makes it almost like butter with only marginal loss in quality. I'd boot it up to find the exact setting but I'm not downloading it until release gets closer.

Overall I've been really happy with the laptop. Runs everything really well now that I know to watch it not utilizing the correct card sometimes. This is an Nvidia bug that hopefully gets ironed out. The default drivers (march or april IIRC) Asus provided this does not happen and only after you update to the newest Nvidia does it become an issue.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks. No time for beta this weekend, but will try next one.

As to this topic, a mod can changed it to [SOLVED]
It is due to the Killer Network Manager.

It defaults an option of Bandwidth control / regulation to on. Battle.net and Landmark would crash every minute with that on. Turned it off, not had a crash since. So it is most definitely due to having that to on. So if anyone have this problem, you can just open the Killer network manager, click it to off, and crashes should stop. For some reason it can default itself to on again, so if you crash again, check to see if it has turned itself back on.