kate has a hoof


Golden Baronet of the Realm
makist said:
I hope you get the "reaction" you want out of it. What makes you so much better than her? She makes tons of money off guys like you. If you disagree with it so much, people like you could stop watching porn... All you are doing is trying to reck this girl"s life. Is your life so horrible that you have to find someone else to drag you down with you?

~edit I didn"t want to give the impression that I don"t like porn. I"m all for it
I"m sick of this bullshit. I"m not some kid hard into porn. The last place I"d look for it though is that camwhore"s site. Blaezenfury probably has a more attractive feminine face and you can quote me on that. She NEVER smiles. It"s not hot; it"s pathetic. That and the hoof.

I don"t feed her money. I don"t visit her playground so her spyware and add trackers can count me. I don"t give her shit.

Well, except for the kinda shit that is posting a picture of her hooved feet on her myspace. And why not? The dirty cunt does something I consider both socially unproductive and reprehensible. I don"t have any more sympathy for a camwhore than I do for people who steal metallica"s mp3s.

Also, for the record, I"d like you to prove she"s raking in a fortune off that site. I bet it would barely top the cost of my college tuition. Her pimp or webmaster is probably doing great, sure, but I"d bet she still has to suck a few dicks for coke.

Oh, and you"re still fucking gay and I"m DRUNK ON THE INTERNET and I really think it"d be well worth your time and foh account to reply to me!


Golden Squire
Makist, get off your high horse. Why the fuck are you in this thread trying to make us out to be the bad guys? Oh, that"s right, because we *are* the bad guys here and you know what? It"s fucking funny as shit. So go crawl back to your pastor and suck him off so you become clean once again and then come back here to jerk off to the PGT or whatever you do in the five minutes between bible-fuckings.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Moontayle said:
Makist, get off your high horse. Why the fuck are you in this thread trying to make us out to be the bad guys? Oh, that"s right, because we *are* the bad guys here and you know what? It"s fucking funny as shit. So go crawl back to your pastor and suck him off so you become clean once again and then come back here to jerk off to the PGT or whatever you do in the five minutes between bible-fuckings.
Texas fucking represent.


Not trying to make you be the bad guys... I found this thread to be one of the greatest things of all time. Especially how she responded. After a while though, it just became old news to me. Kind of like beating a dead horse.


Also, for the record, I"d like you to prove she"s raking in a fortune off that site. I bet it would barely top the cost of my college tuition. Her pimp or webmaster is probably doing great, sure, but I"d bet she still has to suck a few dicks for coke.
I don"t know, I have a feeling that she does pretty well. From the things I"ve heard on the internet and around town, I just get that feeling. No concrete proof, but I imagine she does way better than most 20 year old chicks working in Coffee Shops and at McDonalds.

For a guess I"d say 50-75k CND a year.


Just to back up my statement a little bit.

A subscription to her site costs $20USD a month. That"s $240 per subscriber per year. How many subscribers does she have?

1000 - $240,000/year
5000 - $1,200,000/year
10000 - $2,400,00/year

I think 1000 is a litte low, but let"s work with that. After converting to CND, it"ll be 300,000. I doubt her overhead costs are much, nice camera, bandwidth, a few other minor things. Pay taxes, split the leftovers with your camera man, pay more taxes and you"re still left with something decent. I"d still guess 50k/year minimum, and that"s with only 1000 subscribers.

[edit] I just pulled all that out of my ass, feel free to call me on it. I guess advertising wouldn"t be a "minor cost", but I"d still stand by what I said.

Hippos II_foh

Couple weeks back I sat behind a kid in my arts class (300ish people) and low and behold, he whips out a laptop with a Kate desktop background on it. He had his bluetooth enabled so I, under the computer name Federalbureau, sent him a text file with the link to this thread in it. I do believe since then he has changed his background, whether by influence of this thread, or on his own agenda, I will never know.

Samus Aran_foh

RiskyChris said:
Way to flip flop your position.

Either stick with what you believe or don"t say anything at all.

Does Kate still play wow?
It aint a dead horse as long as the said hoofer is still trotting around selling her camwhore cunny for cash on the internet.


Are her tits natural, or implants? I think implants. Is that info available somewhere like on her site or anything?

Point being, she had her little retard cunt rant about not caring what people think of her, can"t and won"t change things certain things about herself. So assuming she has implants, why would she get implants, yet not have her hoof fixed (which I assume can definately be done).

Thats why she isn"t worthy of any respect and should be torn down at every opportunity.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty sure her tits are real, they"re not that big really, and look natural. No scarring that I"ve seen either.

Samus Aran_foh

I am a kate fan and im not afraid to admit it! im of two minds on this thread, one her mangled foot is such a minor issue when the rest of her is a complete hottie that to ridicule her for it is so petty and retarded that yall look like bitter bitches who will put a chick down only becuase she wouldnt throw a fuck your way. the other mind is that when she responds and starts to sound like every other internet attention whore i say blast her back becuase she asked for it. BTW Kate does smile in her pics but rarely, i dunno why she doesnt smile more. her smile is actually quite pretty.

brit dont ban me, i love the hermione too!!


Pretty sure her tits are real, they"re not that big really, and look natural. No scarring that I"ve seen either.
Would agree with this statement.

I was thinking the other day, everything from her ankles up to her neck is pretty much a perfect 10.

Samus Aran_foh

The Sinister Urge said:
I am a kate fan and im not afraid to admit it! im of two minds on this thread, one her mangled foot is such a minor issue when the rest of her is a complete hottie that to ridicule her for it is so petty and retarded that yall look like bitter bitches who will put a chick down only becuase she wouldnt throw a fuck your way. the other mind is that when she responds and starts to sound like every other internet attention whore i say blast her back becuase she asked for it. BTW Kate does smile in her pics but rarely, i dunno why she doesnt smile more. her smile is actually quite pretty.

brit dont ban me, i love the hermione too!!
Lol, Kate is hot, I would fuck her till both her lungs collapsed, but she is still a dirty-retarded-hoofed-camwhore-cunt whom deserves every bit of hate that comes her way.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Frawdo said:
Would agree with this statement.

I was thinking the other day, everything from her ankles up to her neck is pretty much a perfect 10.


I wanna say I"d fuck her brains out, I mean I would, but I"m not sure I"d really enjoy it. She doesn"t really do it for me, as when I see her I see every other early 20 bar skank/camwhore/myspace slut I"ve ever seen. They have the same hair, same body types, same tit size, same inane chatter. There is nothing distinctly special about her, other than her hoof, and thats not attractive.

The other thing that bothers me oddly is she won"t directly reference it. I mean, I"d have more respect for her if she said "YEA I HAVE A HOOF BIG FUCKING DEAL", but I"ve never flat out seen anything she said directly acknowledge it, of course I"ve never actually checked out her site and only recall seeing her myspace and I think some other forums that were linked earlier in this thread with the assorted what the hoof spam.

I say until she flat out directly acknowledges its existence, she is worthy of mockery. Saying "I have things about me I can"t change" or whatever it was just is not the same.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I"m going to part with popular opinion on this one, and say that if given the chance, I"d probably hit her with a baseball bat.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I"d bag her and tag her, but leave the bag on so she suffucates afterwards, then call up blaezen to sodomize the corpse, and then keep the hoof for masturbatory purposes.