Life Is Strange


Not going to post a trailer for this as I found it rather spoily. All five of the first season episodes are out. I think I had posted about it in the indie game thread, but this really isn't an indie game: Pro company with square-enix publishing.

This is one of those games that you finish and then think about constantly for days. I'm not sure if anyone here will like it's slow pace and adventure game style play, but the whole package works together so well. I've not been affected so strongly since Journey.

The areas are so well lit, everything either feeling warm or soft or cold and stark. The voice acting is pretty good for american (the upcoming japanese port will no doubt be better), writing is solid (I didn't forsee events like I often do), though the characters are a bit formulaic. The UI has a highschool scribbly doodle look to it, and as you progress stuff is recorded in a great diary with little drawings and such, it's great.

The setting is a small town art school. It has a bit of teen drama to it, but it isn't overpowering. If you ask people that have played what the game is about, you'll probably get different answers. The game changes depending on your choices (seems pretty close to branch-and-bottleneck fromStandard Patterns in Choice-Based Games | These Heterogenous Tasks)

My advice is to go into it blind, if you hunt around on forums you are going to hit major spoilers. It is a polarizing game, so there's a ton of talk about the story right now.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you want to compare the gameplay to something, it's practically identical to Telltale's Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, etc. games. About the only thing missing is the QTEs, not that that's any loss. The main character has a power that allows her to rewind time, which is interesting from a story perspective but also a great mechanic for this style of game because it allows you to explore the short-term effects of choices without having to save and reload the game, sit through a bunch of loading screens, or replay entire chapters. Of course, there are long-term effects that may cause you to want to redo the whole chapter too, but it least it's not like Telltale games where I find myself irritated that I am constantly crossing points of no return that require a full replay to change.

I just finished the game a couple days ago and I really liked it. More than any Telltale game so far, which surprised me a lot considering this was Dontnod's first attempt at the genre. Makes me wish they had done Remember Me in this style too, because that game would have been far better with a ton more of the memory manipulation stuff and without the half-assed fighting system. Waiting for the whole thing to come out was definitely the right choice; waiting months for some of the cliffhangers to get resolved would have annoyed the shit out of me. I don't touch any episodic series anymore until the whole thing is done for exactly that reason.

Don't let the fact that the setting is some pretentious art school in the pacific NW, or that the main character's best friend is a blue-hair voiced by Ashly Burch turn you away if you think the game looks interesting. It could easily have been a SJW shitfest, but it isn't like that at all. There's maybe 2 or 3 eye-roll moments throughout the whole thing. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Donnie Darko and enjoys this style of adventure game.

My only real complaint is that there's two endings and the only one I'd ever choose is much shorter and less fleshed out than the other. That, and I feel like I made the 'correct' choices the whole way through and have little desire to play it again just to see how the one or two things I wish I'd done differently pan out.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I echo a lot of what Vorph said. The initial setting and early previews were totally offsetting to me. In disclosure I have not actually played it but watch maybe 4-5 streamers go through the game from start to finish and thoroughly enjoyed watching everything unfold each time, as well as the person's response to the game. There are a few times when it seems really teen angsty but then again those are the characters and the setting, and it quickly moves on to the story. Puzzles are good, the time rewind mechanic is well done, music is good in that indie type whatever crap... it fits.

Anwways, now that the whole 1st part is released I'd recommend it. I'm thinking about grabbing it as a playthrough for the wife and I for something she'd get in to and would work well for a cooperative playthrough with a significant other. Surprisingly good, not GOTY or anything, but solid.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I loved Episodes 1-3, and have played through them twice. I'd go so far as to say I enjoyed them as much as Telltales' Walking Dead. Half way through episode 4 though I started to lose interest in the conversations, the writing seemed to take a nose dive and whereas before I was totally into the characters and story after that point I found myself getting bored. Episode 5 I still haven't got around to completing yet as it's just weak.


Avatar of War Slayer
Definitely don't judge LiS too harshly on Episode 1. The game only gets better and better until Episode 3 or 4.

The game certainly earns its mature rating.


Watcher of Overs
The second episode of the earlier in time Chloe centric story is out. I really love it.

The first game was nonstop talk about the legendary Rachel. Somehow she lives up to the hype. I don't know if there is even a way to not fall in love with her, but the foreknowledge from the first game makes it all so painful.

Maybe events aren't set in stone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I'm debating if i should pick up Before the Storm on sale and keep a fair bit of cash on steam wallet, or burn it on Nioh

For those who played the prequel how did it hold up? I loved the first and I'm happy to say even the women in my life who don't play video games found themselves engrossed by it, I'm a total suck for the sort of coming of age, outsider story and watching Max transform over that week in the first game was fantastic.....I dated a confused, intelligent art student type at that age, and was totally a gigantic music hipster, IT was almost disturbing the amount of animus and catharsis the game generated for me. Great experience that totally got me pretty emotional and I'm sure made many a young girl cry.

I didn't realize the game was supposed to take place in Oregon as i just assumed Arcadia Bay was in Maine as there's an actual place up there as i recall and it visually looks like that.

Some scene's were so well done, like the "Save Arcadia Bay" ending, the music, the way the polaroid's of Chloe get ripped apart , Max with her black outfit with the Doe necklace, the butterfly on the coffin. Also the ending of Episode one with the montage and the snow in Arcadia bay, great montage scene and the moment i realized i was going to love this game, the song that plays during it is totally perfect for the mood and overall it does a better job then most movies at shooting the picture inline with the music.

This is the one, still a beautiful song. just listening to reminds me of that summer between high school and college. When everything seemed possible and all the thing we had been waiting for what felt like an eternity for,, freedom from our parents, to drive a car, freedom to work where we wanted, to have sex, have a girlfriend/boyfriend, to listen to the music we wanted, ect.. seemed like it had just came or was within our grasp. back at a time before the responsibilities of life took over and the millstone around our neck grew heavy.

I'm afraid if i buy BTS and it doesn't live up it will ruin my appreciation for the game. Please convince me that i need it somehow...
My sister will want to play it somehow also but i'm not sure her i3 7100 notebook with it's onboard gfx can handle it...


Watcher of Overs
The prequel is great, though I haven't finished it. There was a voice actor strike going so Chloe has a different voice instead of the hey-ash-whatcha-playin lady, but before I knew that I didn't even notice. It's really close.

I don't think it is as good as the first, but I'm such a fan I'll take whatever I can get. :D
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Macho Ma'am
I'll second the BTS stuff is great.

I didn't even know about the VA strike until well after I had played the first episode and I didn't even notice that there was a difference in the voices.


Watcher of Overs
I noticed they had the hey-ash lady on as a consultant, so she might have done some voice coaching.


Macho Ma'am
Oh, and also the music in BTS kicks major ass, if you like new age-y type of stuff. If you're into death metal, definitely don't buy it for the music.

A sample :



Blackwing Lair Raider
I believe the bonus episode for those who purchased the deluxe edition of the before the storm game comes out next month. It is basically max and Chloe when they were younger prior to max leaving arcadia bay. I really liked before the storm even though after paying through the first game you you have a sense of impending dread for most of it. These games can really kick you in the feels.


Watcher of Overs
Hmm I have a friend that has both but hasn't done either. I'm thinking of advising him to do 2 then 1, what do you think?


Blackwing Lair Raider
That is a good question if you had no played either what order to do them. Honestly I think you probably should still do them in order 1 than 2. Because playing through the first one and knowing what happens really kicks up the feels in the second one.