Mad Men


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Jesus Christ I'm not smart enough to watch this show. Everything being discussed flew right over my head.

On that note, why was Peggy crying at the end?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I love how much of a cunt rogers daughter is, even when her soul has been saved and she's trying to reconnect with her daddy.

Of course I think Roger is right about that. She wants something from him enough to not ask for it directly. Maybe she's just afraid of being cut out of the will.
I saw that scene as showing a contrast between the two characters. Roger's daughter is someone who has fully embraced the "Summer of Love" vibe. She's committed to it, understands it, and is allowing it to give direction in her life. Roger, on the other hand, is only in it for the same reason he follows most fads: Because he's afraid of getting old. He doesn't identify with the mindset at all and is primarily going along with it because he feels like it is what he's needs to do.

He's sort of the inverse of Don. Both of them are seeing the world change around them, and while Don is steadfastly refusing to get with the times so to speak, Roger has never had any problems going with the flow. Yet, both of them are unhappy: Don because he is losing who he is, and Roger because he's realizing he doesn't know who he is at all.

On that note, why was Peggy crying at the end?
Part of it is Ted's return, reminding her of his rejection, but I think the bigger part of it is her new boss. He doesn't seem to take her seriously, and isn't playing by the rules. This has caused her to lose a lot of the ground she was able to build up under Don (and especially what she had when she worked for Cutler, Gleason, and Chaough) since she's now basically being treated no better than when she was a secretary.

I think the main theme this episode was showing who is able to embrace the changes of the time (Pete, Megan, Roger's daughter, Joan) versus those that aren't (Don, Roger, Peggy, Ken).


Molten Core Raider
Her uncle or her uncle's friend. She had her assistant call him up to come fix the tenant's shit.


FPS noob
Who was the guy sleeping on Peggy's couch when she got home?
her brother in law - sisters husband. that was part of the reason she was crying too, she sorta tried to hit on him (stay the night, its such a long way home!) and he just wanted to get back home and keep his wife (her sister) safe. her work life is shit, and she has nothing at all in her personal life anymore, not even an affair.


NeoGaf Donator
her brother in law - sisters husband. that was part of the reason she was crying too, she sorta tried to hit on him (stay the night, its such a long way home!) and he just wanted to get back home and keep his wife (her sister) safe. her work life is shit, and she has nothing at all in her personal life anymore, not even an affair.

That was definitely her just being nice.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's funny, the wife and I are rewatching Season 1; and we just saw the episode "Shoot"; which pretty much has Roger trying to convince Don not to go with McCann Erikson by explaining why bigger companies suck. And pretty much all of Rogers reasoning are present in the office now (Unable to choose work, bland advertising, ect). Lou is like a dick head Mr Rogers, and the other account guy is as stale as they come--they both feel like pretty much the epitome of mediocrity and bureaucracy in a company more concerned with treading water until a pay off rather than climbing.

Hopefully, with the way Pete and Roger are obviously perturbed, there will be a window for Don to come back--because I have to say, the office stuff is just not as good without Don+Roger. The play off between Roger and these other jack offs is just terrible/ I wonder though if Don is having lunches because he wants to force them all into a decision (Word is going to get back to them, eventually--I think.)


Buzzfeed Editor
Peggy was definitely not trying to fuck her brother in law.

Yeah, the way I see it is Don is having lunches to try and prompt some kind of reaction out of SC&P. He's under contract, he is a partner and couldn't work anywhere else even if he wanted to, the legal wrangling required would probably take forever and be prohibitive.

I don't know where it is heading but you have at least 3 partners who are unhappy with the way things are heading (I would throw Chaough in there as well), but on the flipside you have Joan, Cooper, and whatshisname who are pretty happy with the status quo.

I was really happy to see Don coming clean with his daughter, even if it took him a while to come around. I'm an optimist, I hope for a happy ending at the very least between those two.


Musty Nester
Yeah, peggys life has just gone to shit very quickly. No one thing had her breaking down in tears, but all the little things adding up. That apartment is the one that she bought because of her hippy boyfriend, who she subsequently stabbed, and who subsequently got the fuck out.

She wasn't trying to fuck her sisters husband and got upset. Her sister has a husband who wants to go home to make sure she's ok... and peggy don't. That's bullshit man!

I love you long time, peggy! You're kind of a bitch, but that's ok. And you're not even all that pretty. But with a woman like peggy it just doesn't matter. Some women don't have to be pretty, or even nice, to be beautiful.



Trakanon Raider
What Don's absence really shows is just how much he MADE SCDP (and later SC&P) into the agency that it was. They had decent accounts people, sure, but Don was the product. Without him to provide the brilliance, there's basically nothing to sell. The real question is whether Don even has that in him anymore. His Freddy Rumsen pitches sure make it seem like he has that old spark left, but who really knows?


Musty Nester
Even a dull episode of Mad Men is really fucking good.

And that episode was pretty dull. It was very nice to see Don talking to Sally and maybe changing for the better -- at LEAST (and probably most, tbh) when it comes to his daughter who is now just starting to get old enough that he can actually talk to her. It was also really nice to see that Pete really hasn't changed that much. He's still a douchebag, lol. But maybe he's found the right situation for himself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't know where it is heading but you have at least 3 partners who are unhappy with the way things are heading (I would throw Chaough in there as well), but on the flipside you have Joan, Cooper, and whatshisname who are pretty happy with the status quo.
It makes me wonder if Pete's suggestion that the CA office break away from the NY office might come to fruition. There has been a theme of Pete following in Don's footsteps, and it'd be similar to when Don and Lane orchestrated the closer of Sterling Cooper to form SCDP. If so, that leads to the question of whether or not it'd create a loophole in Don's non-compete since he still technically works at SD&P and wouldn't exactly be quitting to work at a competitor. Whether or not Pete would want to poach Don remains to be seen, but it'd certainly give Don something to leverage with if he wants to stay in NY (though after Anna's death, I've figured Don will end up in CA).


Trakanon Raider
Pete and Ted break off, Don moves out to Cali and leaves his contract behind by becoming Dick Whitman again. They start a new agency and fight crime.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
About Don's "fired but paid" leave, people'd have to understand that during those days, as any firm CEO, you'd sign up your most valuable assets on contract so that they won't go into another competitor company over night (most of the time pulling clients and accounts). While it retains people on payroll, it refrains them to "sell their knowledge" or "take the clients away". Don is SC&P's posterboy / BMOC, firing him because he's a asshole wouldn't turn into bad rep. Him going public about getting fired would have impaired SC?P a lot, by losing accounts / staff. Management 101.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm glad Roger shoved it in their faces; he said what I said last week--Don will eat that company alive if they let him go. Also, it's amazing watching the pettiness and hypocrisy--and it's annoying that it looks like Don won't let them crash and burn with it all because of his own self doubt. He's worth more to them than they are to him but he's not acting like that for some reason. He should have said they can take their demands and stick them up their ass.