Maddox is not better than your kids


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Just some funny drama for internet historians.

Remember Maddox? The guy who made this: I am better than your kids.

He eventually made a quite funny podcast with a guy named Dick Masterson, who did this:

Around ep 100 Maddox goes crazy and Dick leaves. They both create competing podcasts.

Maddox goes even more crazy:

Insert a couple years of Maddox losing his shit.

THE FUNNY: Two years after they ended their podcast. For those years Maddox jacked the itunes podcast feed from the show him and Dick created. Turns out Dick still has access to the feed. As of 10:35 AM, this is Maddox's latest podcast listed at the top of his podcast page on iTunes (just listen the first 4 mins):

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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I saw this yesterday. Funny shit. Now Maddox is trying to get in touch with Apple podcast peoples. I remember when Maddox was funny. What a massive faggot he has become.

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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah he is basically what happens with people like Keg who never grow up from that early edgy angst shit. Eventually, they just turn into collosal faggots and ruin anything good they may have done in the past.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I remember when he had that website he updated twice a year when he got bored at his tech admin job. That was cool. Haven't liked anything he has done since he ceased being a faceless Anon and became an Internet celebrity. The moment someone who is funny as an Anon shows his face you know it's over.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Maddox leaves Utah and moves to California and becomes a faggot. Coincidence?
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Life's a Dream
The 7 legged spider was pretty funny. I don't remember much about Maddox aside from that, kids suck and other things he did.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Nevada can hold the line.

Texas was better defended and a couple cities are already being lost to the californian plague. Your Mormon defenses have a weakness in the creation of both atheist reactionaries and disenfranchised beta males who can't get laid.
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Millie's Staff Member
This review on Dawn Of The Dead (remake), made me think he was "one of us"
Cancel the 2005 Academy Award, the contest is over.
Right off the bat the chick at the beginning (who I'll call Mope Master because she looks like she's about to cry in every scene) gets the beat down by her ex-human now-zombie husband.
So then she bails and gets in a car wreck because women can't drive. Then Ving Rhames threatens to blow her head off, which is cool. They meet up with some pregnant chick and you know it's going to be bad news because everyone hates kids.

They eventually go to a mall where they're accosted by some dude with a badass handle-bar moustache; before he even says anything, you automatically know he listens to Pantera. His buddies, on the other hand, look like they drink Keystone Light and go shopping for purses. Anyway, the Pantera guy totally wants to bang Mope Master, so he lets them stay in the mall. Then they go around killing rogue zombies for about 45 minutes, no complaining from me. All the zombie actors were awesome and deserve best supporting actor awards for their inspired acting work.
i guess he was a faggot in wolf's clothing after all


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've been listening to The Dick Show for about a year, and been catching up on earlier episodes. Dick is great.

Maddox turned into a little bitch after he started his podcast. His website was funny back in 2004, but hes defending cuckdom on his podcast in 2016. WTF. He also sued everyone he could when he got his feelings hurt for a total of about 400 million, but his shitty lawyer just took Maddox for a ride and Maddox lost on all counts and is now looking at counter suits from the harassment he and his GF did.

Maddox lost. Maddox lost. Maddox lost.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I remember reading BPitU in like 12th grade computer class (1999?). The internet was much simpler back then.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
he's the myspace of the famous troll persona, he couldn't adapt to new media and quickly became irrelevant
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've been listening to The Dick Show for about a year, and been catching up on earlier episodes. Dick is great.

Maddox turned into a little bitch after he started his podcast. His website was funny back in 2004, but hes defending cuckdom on his podcast in 2016. WTF. He also sued everyone he could when he got his feelings hurt for a total of about 400 million, but his shitty lawyer just took Maddox for a ride and Maddox lost on all counts and is now looking at counter suits from the harassment he and his GF did.

Maddox lost. Maddox lost. Maddox lost.

Maddox looks like he'd be best friends with Andy Dick today, not a drop of testosterone in that body in 2018. Pellets. Now.
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