Make Up Your Own Movie Tie-Ins

How to play: Connect two movies that share the same actor(s) or similar plots by manipulating the plot to bridge the two unrelated films.

Example 1:Collateralis the final sequel toMission Impossible. Ethan Hunt loses his wife because the IMF betrays him. He changes his name and falls off the grid to become a contract killer. Using his skills for personal gain and to disrupt the system he once trusted and fought for, he slowly slips into madness.


Example 2:Pacific Rimis the sequel toCloverfield. After the monster from Cloverfield is deemed undefeatable by modern weaponry more creatures emerge from the ocean and humanity must come together to build super robot machines and shit.


Can work for books too, I suppose. Can't think of any though.

inb4 "why is this in SS?"

Because you can attach related media from movies, that's why.
Possible Breaking Bad Spoilers Below

Doing a lazy one before someone else does.


Great topic, going to ponder this one today.
I was so crossing my fingers for this ending. Vince Gilligan would have been immortalized if he pulled a stunt like this.

Need for Speed sequel to Breaking Bad amirite?

Totally fits given the series finale.

Glad you guys dig the thread. Keep 'em coming, guys. This is honestly a favorite past time of mine when I have absolutely nothing else to do.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Jack Dawson stole the Couer de le Mer, replaced it with a false necklace, faked his own death, was rescued by White Star agents in on the con, broke up the stone, sold them as untraceable diamonds, became a multi-millionaire in the process, moved to Long Island, and took the name.... Jay Gatsby.

Insert pictures of Dicaprio from Titanic and Great Gatsby.
Jack Dawson stole the Couer de le Mer, replaced it with a false necklace, faked his own death, was rescued by White Star agents in on the con, broke up the stone, sold them as untraceable diamonds, became a multi-millionaire in the process, moved to Long Island, and took the name.... Jay Gatsby.

Insert pictures of Dicaprio from Titanic and Great Gatsby.

Great Ogre Dictator

Golden Knight of the Realm
Joe Turner, after giving classified information to news outlets, disappears. Many years later, he is discovered by NSA officers under the alias Martin Bishop.


Vyemm Raider
Stanley Spadowski was just a regular abnormal janitor when he stumbled into hosting his own kids show on a local access TV station currently owned by the then unknown talent of George Newman, later to be known as Weird Al Yankovich. The show was a major success, but after years of non stop production, Stanley succumbed to the rigors of the lime light and began engaging in heavy recreational drug use. Soon after this began, Stanley went missing for four months.

During this time an unsuccessful string of guest hosts were used to try and keep the show going. Admittedly most of the guests were not obvious choices for kids programming and included hosts such as stand up comic Sam Kinison, punk rock musician GG Allin and probably the most questionable choice of all, Paul Reubens. Stanley was finally located, after reports of a large hairy creature that smelled like garbage and made bizarre clicking noises surfaced near a wooded rest area, located on the Taconic Parkway in New York State.

Stanely was incoherent and seemed to only be able speak with a near paralyzing stutter, rendering speech ineffective. Stanley appeared to be attempting to communicate with sign language, but non of the interpreters could understand what he was saying. After three weeks in the hospital with no sign of improvement, it was decided to commit Stanley to the care of the mental health professionals at the Breezewood Psychiatric Center. Here Stanely spent the next 9 years recovering from his ordeal, until one day he simply walked out of the front door wearing nothing but an examination gown. The staff failed to located Mr. Spadowski and no body was ever recovered matching his description.

No one knows exactly what happened to Stanley Spadowski, but it seems a very strange coincidence occurred. The same day Stanely went missing for the second time, a man, who shares a striking resemblance to the missing child entertainer, was taken in by a couple who lived in Manhattan. The couple had been incapable of having children, and this man had no recollection of his parents. So the couple unofficially adopted the man as their adult son who told them that his name was... Cosmo Kramer.


Natalie Portman dressed as a hooker goes up to a thug standing outside a building in Moscow and in Russian asks to bum a cigarette, the scene cuts away to Natalie Mixing different chemicals and soldering something, the scene cuts back to Natalie and the thug and he says in Russian " This is the third night in a row you bum from me" and grabs her ass she replies "tomorrow I will bring you a whole carton." The next night she gives the thug the carton of smokes he goes inside to his boss on the 7th floor then boom! Then her cell rings someone with a thick accent offers her a job and she says " no women no children, these are the rules."


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
One day while he's lying sick in bed, Cameron lets "Ferris" steal his father's car and take the day off, and as Cameron wanders around the city, all of his interactions with Ferris and Sloane, and all the impossible hijinks, are all just played out in his head. This is part of the reason why the "three" characters can see so much of Chicago in less than one day - Cameron is alone, just imagining it all.
Ferris Bueller, the person, is just a figment of Cameron's imagination, like Tyler Durden, and Sloane is the girl Cameron secretly loves.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
The Rock was a James Bond movie. After the events in North Africa, James Bond comes to America and is accused of stealing the private files of J. Edgar Hoover and is imprisoned in Alcatraz under his real name of John Patrick Mason. This is why FBI director James Womack tells Stanley Goodspeed "This man does not exist not in the United States or Great Britain."


Vyemm Raider
Angelina Jolie jumps from a helicopter over the Potomac River, and is last seen running wet through the woods, next scene she is sitting with her husband John Smith in marriage counseling, after which the typical: I am an Assassin, your an Assassin, antics take place...eventually she leaves John Smith (Brad Pitt) to assume her true identity as Fox and joins Sloan ( Morgan Freeman ) her boss, to help train Wesley in the ways of "The Fraternity"


Vyemm Raider
Not Really a tie-in....but Alice Eve's character Molly in "Shes out of My League" is last seen flying of with "Kirk", only to show up again flying aboard the Enterprise with "Kirk"


Vyemm Raider

Alice awakens at the Raccoon City Hospital strapped to an examination table, with no memory of what happened since her capture. After escaping, she goes outside to find Raccoon City abandoned. A newspaper clipping shows that the T-virus spread to the surface after Umbrella reopened the Hive, creating an army of undead that devastated the city. Alice arms herself with a shotgun from an abandoned police car.
Ultraviolet takes place in 2078, in the years following a global epidemic that causes vampire-like symptoms, including super-human strength and elongated canines.Having been infected a decade earlier, Violet Song Jat Shariff (Milla Jovovich) has become a member of an underground resistance fighting to protect the hemophages from the government