Marvel Heroes 20xx


Got something right about marriage
Storm has never been a single target boss killer, the nerf to freezing tempest didn't do much to her boss killing potential and the buff to ball lightning's direct damage and crashing hail should actually help. She's massive AE. Also, that 2:12 video was inefficient, she had to go back to clean up the missing bounty after she had killed Kurse.
Doomsaw posted something aboutheraldingin the new system and the dataminers have found various files named silver surfer. So unless Doomsaw is super trolling us, we're getting surfer. I just wonder if its going to be part of the anniversary freebies.


Trakanon Raider
Well it was mentioned that Rogue was coming in 2015, the new client name is Marvel Heroes 2015. Groot is pictured as well and GotG movie is coming up. Very possible it could be anything at this point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Doomsaw posted something aboutheraldingin the new system and the dataminers have found various files named silver surfer. So unless Doomsaw is super trolling us, we're getting surfer. I just wonder if its going to be part of the anniversary freebies.
i wouldnt count on it being a giveaway.


<Silver Donator>
I'm more interested in the free stash than any of that shit. Only money I spent on PoE was stash tabs(rest is cosmetics anyway) but it was only to expand it from like 5tabs stock to like 10 or whatever, during a tab bundle sale. In comparison marvel's stash space is REALLY fucking stingy. Fucking one tab that's not even that big and half a tab on team-up heroes and then have to pay for the rest right away plus can't make mules because of shared inventory. I assume they do sales for them so I'll wait until they do and buy a couple more. It's especially bad with all the fucking runes and relics and shit.


Got something right about marriage
I've never seen a stash tab sale and you're right, it's ridiculous how expensive it is. You can create more free accounts to stash tradeable items but most of the good shit is not tradeable anyway, plus that's a pain in the ass. And the only way to get more stash space is to use real money, there is no in game currency to purchase them. It's definitely a nickel and dime tactic. Luckily it's really the only thing in the game you have to spend money for and I've gotten more than my fair share of enjoyment for the ~60 bucks I've spent on it since I started playing in January.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah the rest seems fairly level headed in terms of cash shop, it's still a lot more than what you find in PoE(boosts to drop rate, unlocking heroes, resets, those crafting consumables and shit) but most of it can be found ingame over time or is simply reducing the amount of time needed to do stuff(boosts), so it's not very far off of farming 300 glorious plate and chancing them for a kaom or rerolling high ilvl items with chaos until you get a decent base then exalting/eternaling shit until you get perfect rolls and what not. I guess main difference is heroes vs gems being available to everyone but that's not even that bad, you do get a fair amount of shards playing the game so you can buy tokens at a semi decent rate, it just sucks early on without investing some money since you only have 1 hero and a 2nd one once you finish the story(but only a few or a random which if you're unlucky means same hero token).

Stash is fucking stupid though, it's both way smaller than poe and mules are a lot more annoying to use since you need to dual log/trade and shit, while in poe you can make 24chars per account so you can just hold most of your shit on same account mules. And it's not like you can not loot runes which for some reason there's so fucking many of, or relics, or tokens, or boost consumables(can use these but using rarity boosts at low level is kinda like ehhhh). Surprised they never do sales, like bundle sales and shit, they do these fairly often on poe and it's the greatest money maker from what they said a while ago, when they sell stash bundles everyone buys a few if they haven't before even because it comes out really cheap and is a great quality of life change. Oh well.

Been playing Scarlet Witch after getting Rocket Racoon to 32ish yesterday for the aniversary shit, SW is pretty cool and her blink is insanely good even though it's a bit weird how the camera follows the blink(blink is pure instant travel, but the camera only start travelling after like .3seconds and smoothly, so it feels like you haven't moved even though your char is already at the top of the screen).

I'll probably go back to Racoon when he gets his lvl52 update thing, they say early july so soonish. He's pretty good but he's boring as all fuck, most of his abilities do like no damage so you're kinda forced into specific stuff and a few of it only, he's pretty strong and really easy to play(don't think I died once on him other than lvl 1-10 xdef) but like all you do is drop down the turret that does damage, maybe the turrets that do shit dmg(the low level ones, fucking shit doesn't even do as much as my 1pt basic even with 3 of them down) to tank shit, then just channel the big lightning cone shit that aoe everything on the screen and afk until everything's dead. Fucking Groot is also the most retarded AI, every other AI mobs seem fine, yet Groot often fucking stands next to mobs and stares at them intently without fucking attacking for 10seconds. Shit makes no sense since overall pet AI is pretty good, it's only him that does that.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Never say never, but I highly doubt there will be a stash tab sale, it's one of the main things they can use to make money outside of costumes. I can see where if you are just starting it might seem expensive, and thinking about how I've spent over $300 seems pretty bad, but then I look at my Steam profile to see I've got like 1800 hours in it.


<Silver Donator>
Btw Silver Surfer is confirmed, at least for the aniversary:
Marvel Heroes 2015 Nears |
"Silver Surfer: The Herald nears. Will Norrin Radd's arrival presage doom, bring salvation, or just deliver a cool new hero to play? (Hint: It's the last one.)"

Probably not tomorrow though, since it says during the month.

Also Colosssus was buffed on last build on test, they doubled the bonus so probably no nerf now.

At what time do they usually patch? They don't have an announcement for server downtime that I could find.


Trakanon Raider
I think its usually either 6am or 9am PST to 12pm PST. Servers are usually up early. Doesn't seem like there is a downtime announcement yet so that's interesting.


My buddy Degen streams Marvel Heroes literally every night. Here's the first boss from the new raid if anyone hasn't seen it yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm glad the surprise is Silver Surfer and not someone dumb like X-23 that everyone on the forums seems to love. Surfer was the only 'hero' announced this year I was looking forward to, but not as much as the 3 villains. I was hoping that there would be playable Dr. Doom soon, but no dice.


Potato del Grande
Haven't played this since beta. Looking for a good ranged starter. I played as Hawkeye before. Is Human Torch good?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
human torch is the glass cannon of marvel heroes. one of the higher dps, lowest survivability.


<Silver Donator>
Here is the current plan for Silver Surfer:

Official announcement tomorrow

Test center this weekend (pending final VFX approvals)

Release late next week and shipped to Advance Pack owners on morning of release.

Standard cost. (400 Eternity Splinters, 900G)

Edit: Free random hero box can be found atMarvel Heroes Beta Keys Page - Massivelyno registration, just need to click the thingie(and turn off script blocks so it works).


Got something right about marriage
Wish they would give an estimated downtime. Can't decide if I should go play 9 holes of golf or just sit here and wait.