Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Molten Core Raider
It's sad, I really wish they would just kill off the whole team except Coulson and just do a Hydra show with Ward and Garret. I guess now it's gonna go back to the miserable B-grade soap opera bullshit.
Tune in next season for...
1) Tough black dude steals science nerds nerdy girlfriend, science dude gets emo about it, whoopity fuck. It was boring when Whedon did it in Angel, still eye-roll worthy.
2) Coulson and pilot chick experience fruity friction while they slowly learn to trust each other again. Snore
3) Boring hacker girl gets emo because the ding-dong she liked now belongs to Hitler-guy. whatever

How can the producers see shows like Arrow and not think Shield is a complete waste of mega-buget funding. They could do one-offs or short series of different Marvel characters, avengers B team, they could do just about anything in the Marvel universe with the same budget and have it be better than this crap.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The thing is that Arrow has a lot of the same "emo" issues that SHIELD has, and a lot of the same head-scratching stuff happening.

The thing with Arrow though, is that it''s pretty phenomenal outside of those emo moments. It's also doing insane amount of fan-service.

SHIELD rarely manage to get above average...except maybe the last 4-5 episodes which have been pretty good overall...still nowhere near the awesomeness of Arrow.


Vyemm Raider
Coulson: "Tell me something good." Skye: "We have Internet." Coulson: "Yay! (Pause.) And boy, have I lowered my expectations."


When Ward picked up the staff I was really hoping he'd hold on to it, because his character could be a ridiculous badass with that thing. Maybe after he drops the double agent bit that'll happen. Of course, right now Coulson's team has zero fucking chance of facing someone like Ward + staff or Deathlokk or anyone with any powers at all. They have stun guns, whoopie. The show is now worse off in that regard, because they are facing stronger enemies yet have even less ability to deal with them.

At some point they will have to even the odds. Which will FUCKING FINALLY take the show from mundane secret-agent stuff and into actual comic book territory.


Yeah, they will have to even it out at some point.

I assume Deathlok will be redeemed, and eventually we will find out what Skye really is.
They still have Cyborg Garret, Graviton, and probly Blizzard.

There is nothing they can do with Ward anymore, he either has to die saving the team, or stay evil.
He's crossed too many lines to be put back as a member of their team.


Just noticed the whole cast of S.H.I.E.L.D will be at a local convention in Houston in 30 days.

Definitely going to that panel.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sneak peak for next week shows that Patton agent wanting all of Coulson's team to use some ultra lie detector. Of course Ward and Skye look kinda horrified/nervous, although for dif reasons;p


Trakanon Raider
OK so they are going to use that to make the team "whole" again? Ward will be outed, Triplet will be cleared, and the rest will be about Coulson and Mae. TBH I'm disappointed and hope I'm wrong. I like the trust issues.


<Prior Amod>
deadpool is classified as mutant and he was also in the godforsaken wolverine movies as ryan reynolds, so i doubt any affiliation with wade->deadpool.


Millie's Staff Member
it seems obvious now that Triplett will be the new Ward on the SHIELD team. he has all Ward's qualifications and he is black, which completes the team's diversity. unless of course they add a gay person, but this is disney and marvel so it may be a while for that to happen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He's a human who had cancer and was genetically altered with some Wolverine derived stuff by Weapon X. The fact he calls himself a mutant is a running joke in his books. Especially whenever he joins the actual X-Men for a mission.


As for who owns him, I'd guess the fact Fox was actively working to make a Deadpool movie at one point would mean they worked out some sort of deal specifically about him.


I believe it is Fox just for the fact no other studio would want to touch the material (Too gritty). Ryan Reynolds is adamant with playing Deadpool. I think he might have even signed something so he had first refusal. He is very serious about the character and and was pissed when they screwed it up in Origins. He said that he wants to do a hard R standalone and would help with the script to get it right in the event they greenlight it.

Back on topic: Chloe Benet is a friggin dork.


Isn't that the guy who looked back when everyone was escaping from the Fridge?

That's blackout btw, hes from the Nova stuff. So they are trying to bridge a gap here for guardians.

Damn the wiki gets updated fast for this.

Marcus Daniels appears in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "Providence", portrayed by Patrick Brennan.[31] In the episode, he is freed from S.H.I.E.L.D. prison the Fridge by HYDRA agent John Garrett, with Garrett telling Daniels to follow his dream. He will appear in the upcoming episode "The Only Light in the Darkness".[citation needed]
Also i noticed this when reading the comments on that facebook.

So if he was released from the fridge, in episode "providence", I am guessing that the female that yells out from one of the cells that she use to be a psychiatrist might have been Moonstone.[citation needed]
Moonstone is one of the Marvels