Mechwarrior Online


Molten Core Raider
New patch just dropped. They added leg damage from falling, which was sorely needed. You can still do the "slide" down big mountains but the leg damage adds up, whereas before it was not even a factor.

Targeting computer seems like an auto-include for the Mk 1, but can't find a good reason to install anything larger than that as the tonnage and crit slot requirements go way, way up.

Dire Wolf hitbox got some love, and overall the MM 3x3x3x3 looks beautiful. Lots of forum complaints from red herring or "omg I got solo queued with a 12 man premade" which is just fabricated. I did about 10 drops since the patch and every fight has been fun. Timberwolf still rocking socks... I love that mech. Just mastered it.

Working on my 15k gxp so I can get my radar dep module.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
New patch just dropped. They added leg damage from falling, which was sorely needed. You can still do the "slide" down big mountains but the leg damage adds up, whereas before it was not even a factor.

Targeting computer seems like an auto-include for the Mk 1, but can't find a good reason to install anything larger than that as the tonnage and crit slot requirements go way, way up.

Dire Wolf hitbox got some love, and overall the MM 3x3x3x3 looks beautiful. Lots of forum complaints from red herring or "omg I got solo queued with a 12 man premade" which is just fabricated. I did about 10 drops since the patch and every fight has been fun. Timberwolf still rocking socks... I love that mech. Just mastered it.

Working on my 15k gxp so I can get my radar dep module.
Tweaking fall damage again? That can be ugly. There was a time for a few months back in late beta where lights lost their legs quickly because they took a lot of falling damage from small hills. Hopefully that's not the case again.

I used to play a lot but gave up on it back in the fall. I'm still waiting for community warfare. When they implemented ELO based matchmaking it made it such a pain in the ass to get matches against other units in player run community warfare. I remember one night where over the course of the 3 hour window for a best 2 of 3 match, we only managed to drop against our assigned opponents twice. I understand you can arrange private matches now.

I had a lot of hope for the game back in the early days, especially when they were talking about their plans for community warfare, but it seems that they're been unable to deliver on a lot of their plans. The redesigned UI looks nice and they did fix some of the old issues, but actually using it is such a pain in the ass due to how many clicks it takes to do anything. I like the actual gameplay for the most part, but they have a long way to go on the other aspects of the game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you are good at games, and play this solo, this game just hit the golden age. Matchmaking system without having to worry about fighting multiple groups now means I'm pulling 800-1250 dmg games regularly.

Essentially I'm no longer fighting against organized groups, which allows me to go off and do my own thing. Blob tactics (which are lame as fuck) aren't nearly as important. Harass, confuse, disrupt. If they do zerg me, it puts the rest of their team way out of position. Absolutely wrecking against (nearly all) solo queue opponents.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Tweaking fall damage again? That can be ugly. There was a time for a few months back in late beta where lights lost their legs quickly because they took a lot of falling damage from small hills. Hopefully that's not the case again.
It sure seems like it's bad. I'm a dominate light & heavy player, and the tweaks to the fall damage wreck lights legs pretty fast. I was in my Spider last night on Mordor, and after some scouting and minor hill climbing, I'd lost 6% of the mech just to fall damage. And my Raven in Ice City was taking a terrible beating just from moving over the ridges and buildings. It's going to be far easier to take down the lights now simply because the fall damage when they are using their jump jets or running at full speed over terrain is so damaging. It didn't seem like it was going to be an issue when I read the formula, but my actual play says otherwise.


Molten Core Raider
Jump Jets seem to be a requirement for the most part now both to mitigate fall damage and just for mobility purposes. Wish I could fit them in my Timber :[


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It was awesome. I lost a leg on my Catapult when I jumped over a building on the ice city today. Mind you it was damaged, but still, the drop was barely even worth calling a drop. That said, thinking back over the past week, it *feels* like there have been less poptarts, so maybe it was a good fix to a degree /shrug
I find it hard to keep my attention on this game for more than a little while. Game just begs for something biggger tacked on it, like eve online territory control, etc...

The least they could do is churn out maps at a faster rate

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Yea it's almost as if they dont know about world of tanks and how fitting their background lore would be for some kind of map-based faction warfare. I mean, we're coming up on 2 years since the founder offers, if they wanted something like that at the core of their game they would have added it, no?
Yea it's almost as if they dont know about world of tanks and how fitting their background lore would be for some kind of map-based faction warfare. I mean, we're coming up on 2 years since the founder offers, if they wanted something like that at the core of their game they would have added it, no?
Isnt that what is planned for the mode i forgot its name? Not sure if your post is dripping with sarcasm, not saying its what the devs had or didnt have in mind, just saying personally its too "arcade-ey" to hold my attention for more than a little at a time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, supposedly they are adding some sort of tiered map system, such that you have to beat the first map, then move on to the second? I dunno, it really does need a metagame and I'm fairly sure that's the #1 player request, next to new maps and a mech bay that's even half as damn useful as Smurfy's.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
My post had a subtle hint of sarcasm, yea... Putting that aside, is there any chance for some form of community warfare in 2014? Friend of mine is following this much closer then I am (fed up with PGI herpderping) and from his opinion that's a NOPE. He's expecting another round of gold mech collections before any structured big picture content is added.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I think I might have been able to deal with the pay structure and heavy FPS aspect in community warfare had been in from the start, but by now I really don't know if I'd be willing to start the game this late when community warfare drops. I mean FFS, the Clans are already in the damned game...


My post had a subtle hint of sarcasm, yea... Putting that aside, is there any chance for some form of community warfare in 2014? Friend of mine is following this much closer then I am (fed up with PGI herpderping) and from his opinion that's a NOPE. He's expecting another round of gold mech collections before any structured big picture content is added.
At the "official launch" last September Community Warfare was slated as a fall 2014 release, but earlier this year at an AMA the PGI President "clarified" that fall ran all the way to December 21st, 2014 and he called it "CW version 1". Honestly who knows at this point. I dont think MWO is going to evolve much beyond what it currently is. Community Warfare is years overdue and like what was mentioned above, they seem to be brainstorming money making schemes more than expanding their game.


Molten Core Raider
I'm expecting they will do CW along with adding the Mad Dog, Kodiak, Cauldron Born, Fenris and maybe another clan mech like the Gargoyle at the end of this Summer.


Useless lazy bastard.
Considering how many times over we were supposed to get the CW by now, I think even PGI understands that they need to do this 2014.

They have become waaaay better with information and deadlines lately (they are now so set on deadlines that they push out things the stated date and patch up what needs to be fixed after, this after the VP stated that he dont want to see a broken deadline ever again). They clearly seperate hard dates and intentions and have been decently good at delivering.

It should be pointed out that the VP has posted that CW will come this fall, but that they define "fall" as up to and including december 21st.

Besides that, with the arrival of the clans I have seen so many old players that its next to incredible and what is even more intresting is that most seem to have a really good time. Still, if you did not like the game before you wont like it now, its more of the same, just some new shiney mechs to play around with (if you paid for the clan pack, or want to wait for the in-game cash versions, they start release of those in august-november I belive). Clan tech was implemented in a suprisingly balanced way (lighter, smaller weapons but they fire bursts instead of the "old" pinpoint damage the inner sphere tech do).
Considering how many times over we were supposed to get the CW by now, I think even PGI understands that they need to do this 2014.

They have become waaaay better with information and deadlines lately (they are now so set on deadlines that they push out things the stated date and patch up what needs to be fixed after, this after the VP stated that he dont want to see a broken deadline ever again). They clearly seperate hard dates and intentions and have been decently good at delivering.

It should be pointed out that the VP has posted that CW will come this fall, but that they define "fall" as up to and including december 21st.

Besides that, with the arrival of the clans I have seen so many old players that its next to incredible and what is even more intresting is that most seem to have a really good time. Still, if you did not like the game before you wont like it now, its more of the same, just some new shiney mechs to play around with (if you paid for the clan pack, or want to wait for the in-game cash versions, they start release of those in august-november I belive). Clan tech was implemented in a suprisingly balanced way (lighter, smaller weapons but they fire bursts instead of the "old" pinpoint damage the inner sphere tech do).
Is there a clear description somewhere on what will CW consist of?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
what is even more intresting is that most seem to have a really good time. Still, if you did not like the game before you wont like it now, its more of the same, just some new shiney mechs to play around with
I'm enjoying the occasional evening of stomping robots, but the cluelessness of the team and the constant delays of features that could make the game MUCH better is very annoying. I did leave last fall because I was sick of it, and for now treat like a quake arena matches, because that's all it is for now. A couple of maps, a couple of new weapons and mods and plenty of mechs and back-n-forth balancing is all they have to show for nearly two years? A fan-project made for free in their spare time could probably do better then that (MW:LL probably even did better then that but tbh I never played it so that impression is based on random forum talk).