I think he's falsely talking about Mission Impossible movies. The only real boring one was maybe #2. Well, #1 was slow at times as well, but #3 really kicked it up a notch. Kinda like Fast and the Furious. It didn't become a decent movie until Tokyo Drift (also #3).
Ghost Protocol isn't my favourite, but it tried something different from MI3 with the putting the spectactular stunts front and centre of the movie (and even more so the marketing)
The forgot to make an actual movie with a story and characters and such to go with it, but it was excusable at the time for the novelty of seeing stuff like the Burj Khalifa stunt on screen in an age of ever more crappy CGI.
But 5, 6, 7 whatever just tried to phone that formula in with even less story/character/suspense of any kind, and the stunt's also grew rapidly more contrived and boring. Pass.
Nu-Top Gun was decent. Super.-heavy on the nostalgia, but still probably the best gay date movie since 300.