MMORPG for 4-5 friends



What would you guys recommend for 4-5 friends who wants to do group content maybe twice a week? WoW would be pretty much perfect, but a few of us have been playing it for too long, so that is not an option at this time.

FF XIV, GW2, Rift, TERA, Wildstar, EQ Project 1999 (probably too hardcore)? Anything else?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I guess this is a forum - but was this question so important? lol

It really depends on your play style. Everything can have a hard core side to it, but honestly - for group content, you're looking at FF14 or P99. Everything else is solo friendly at one end and then raid heavy at the other. Both of which have little to no barrier to entry, so its not like it would be hard to see how they "fit."


Molten Core Raider
Can also check out Neverwinter, it's pretty easy to level and has no raid content, the endgame is basically harder group missions or the Dark Age of Camelot freeshard as a couple of options.


FPS noob
get together IRL and jerk each other off while watching fat tranny porn

any mmo is gonna work but its all the same shit as Wow so dunno what you expect. Wildstar is the newest, FF14 is good too. I dunno wassup with Archeage, if a founder guy gets 4 beta keys maybe one guy could pony up and all of you play on beta


Molten Core Raider
Shards of Dalaya is pretty good. It's free Planes of Poweresque EQ with 100% custom content. Everything from classes to items are custom, and there is a bunch of progression that a party of 6 can do (if 1 or 2 of you want to two box to round out the group). It's also just the right amount of grind.

Shards of Dalaya


For casual group content a couple nights a week, I'll second the Neverwinter suggestion. SuperTurboT fast leveling, 90% soloable with a group dungeon in every area. (I think you can do normal & heroic as well). Quests are all shared too iirc.


Shards of Dalaya is pretty good. It's free Planes of Poweresque EQ with 100% custom content. Everything from classes to items are custom, and there is a bunch of progression that a party of 6 can do (if 1 or 2 of you want to two box to round out the group). It's also just the right amount of grind.

Shards of Dalaya
Hah too funny! I entered my old EQ mains name in the SoD character profile search, and it brings up a level 1 of the same race/class combo I had in EQ. (first I have heard of SoD), and my buddies character is there as well, as a level 2 same race/class. It's not like they are popular names either.


Trump's Staff
If it's going to be 4 people more often than 5 I'd say FFXIV. Casual as fuck until you hit the end game farming. Plenty of content for only playing a couple of times a week.


Trakanon Raider
This has been the problem for me now for probably a year or two. We have a small group of friends that have continued to keep in touch since Everquest and we have floated around to every game you can think of to date. The only game play consistently is LoL. It's not a MMO but if someone suggests it, we never hesitate. Next we played a lot D3. Again not a MMO but a lot instant gratification. We were doing great with EQ Mac until they pulled the plug. We would probably still be playing if not for its death blow from Sony. FFXIV probably left the best taste in our mouth but we only lasted about 3 months.

We've tried Rift and it was ok, better than most but still lacking. GW was unplayable. WoW has been overdone. EQ2 was painful (which we played together for a long time but looking back now it is incredibly sad the direction it has taken post-Hartsman) and Project1999 just didn't work out for us.

I have never attempted SoD but i've heard good things. SWOTR gets some pretty good reviews as well. I wish I had good news for you but the market is a little meh if you are looking for any longevity. FFXIV is probably the most pleasant MMO experience that I can think of at this time. Otherwise, you may just have to try a few FTP's.


I'm on the FFXIV boat for this one.

If you're looking for an ARPG with friends take a look at Path of Exile (Free to play)


It's already been said a couple of times but FFXIV.

Forced grouping (by design) and very easy to stay on the same quests with other people. Won't ever have any 'phasing' issues where you can't help another person who's slightly behind if they can't play for a few days like other games (can also mentor down to help if someone goes nuts and gets a bunch of levels in a day). Plenty of things for party members to do if they want to login on off-leveling days solo (lots of deep crafting, harvesting, fishing, PvP, etc) and they can even work on their secondary/third jobs to get additional skills that won't put them ahead.

Also the cheapest sub in the business at $12.99 and the most content of any MMO probably except for WoW out with more coming in 2.4 very soon.


Molten Core Raider
Challenge modes in WoW are the coolest/best use of playtime for 5 mmo players right now. Beat those then play something else, they're so good though.


2 Minutes Hate
FFXIV is good, casualness GW2 is good if you just want to do achievement hunting but no dungeons. Neverwinter is fun for a short span, but not long term. If you haven't played TERA yet, it's amazingly good for first timers if you're looking for action combat, and the dungeons are really fun the first time through. It becomes super grindy though and the content is lacking for the long term. But it's really fun.