Modified Classic Progression Server


Not sure what the interest level is, but after trying a bunch of these shitty progression/custom EQEMU servers I've finally found one I enjoy logging back in to and that I feel deserves a thread.

Kildrukaun's Prophecy - is on the regular list on EQemu so if you've ever set up to play project99 you can play here with just a swap out of the spell file. I'm not affiliated with it at all I just feel like there has been some demand for a server like this for a while (at least I've been looking) and this is the best one that scratches the classic itch without poop-sock levels of grind.

The biggest differences are the fast out-of-combat regen and the raid mobs are tuned for 1-3 groups (and respawn in hours not days). You aren't gonna progress with a 3 box set up past naggy or vox, but you don't need 30+ people either; it's a nice balance of challenge but without the innate time sink of medding for 5 minutes every few mobs. Its been open a few weeks now and I'm pretty sure no one has cleared fear or sky yet. A few active guilds of 6-10 people are already starting to see some fun competition. GMs so far have been great, if there's a mob that should be in game or a drop is messed up they will usually fix it within a few minutes of logging on.

Look up Ripcord / Baffen <Mages in the Mist> in game if you want a hand starting out or a guild invite.

Basic description from the eqemu forum:

Server Features:
Progression Oriented Experience. Players progress and unlock the expansions at their own rate. Upon server release all content through our custom expansion (After PoP) will be live and ready to be unlocked.
Solo and Raid progression quests available. Don't feel like raiding? You can unlock the content Solo or with your box crew. The ability to progress for a guild is still available by raiding the strongest mobs per expansion.
Levels capped based on progression. Level cap increases from 50-60 upon unlocking Kunark, and then once you unlock Luclin the ability to purchase AA will become available. Once PoP is unlocked for you the level cap will then be adjusted to 65, and once you unlock the Custom expansion the cap is raised to 70.
Mob strengths adjusted. Solo players should find an easier time leveling through the game. Raid content WILL require a small raid - generally balanced for 9-12 characters with a few exceptions that players will find might need a few more.
Eastern Commonlands. The zone has received a major overhaul with custom traders and NPCs which include casinos and bazaar style traders that will sell your loot while you continue your story.
Classic EQ style spell acquisition. Classes who receive spells receive them every 4-5 levels. The 1-50 spells are all obtained the classic way and pure casters spells are no long vendor bought but are researched. Don?t worry its not nearly the level of live but just enough to make you casting that level 49 pet the envy of every group member!
Ykesha noobie quests. These have been added to classic to give the players equipment that is similar to pre-planar so that the main focus is leveling and spell acquisition. Also many of these noobie quests stories have been altered to tie in with our custom lore.

Server Rules and Values:
Rates.Experience rates are 1.35x. Skill rates are 150%, AA Experience rate is 1.55x
Regen. Out of Combat Regen is 5%. Downtime is still quick, but it will take a minute or two before players will regen full from 1%. In combat regen for Stamina, Health, and Mana has been increased but is nothing that a player should rely solely upon.
Multi-Boxing. Multi-boxing is allowed up to three (3) accounts.

The KP dev team is very excited to launch this server and bring a unique experience to the EQEmu community. If you would like to know more, check out our forums atKildrukaun's Prophecy Index page.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Is this an account drive thing you guys are doing or do you actually feel this game is worth spending time on? I would be down but the way you described, it sounds weird even with the copied stuff

Toss out some cool info and stuff, you have a magelo type system where I can look up your guy? Whats some badass shit three people can do? Or a necro or a mage, what cool shit can they end up doing with the system in place?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is this an account drive thing you guys are doing or do you actually feel this game is worth spending time on? I would be down but the way you described, it sounds weird even with the copied stuff

Toss out some cool info and stuff, you have a magelo type system where I can look up your guy? Whats some badass shit three people can do? Or a necro or a mage, what cool shit can they end up doing with the system in place?
Also I logged on briefly and saw several level 50's. Whats the average hour length to get to 50?


Yea you can apply for IP exemption. A guy in guild plays 3 chars and his wife plays 1. I'm not shilling here I really do like the server and want more people to come play, that's all. One cool thing they did with EC tunnel is have npcs that shout like players, shamans casting sow for donations at tunnel ent , and a cool casino system. Odds are really small (for balance sake) but you can win stuff like manastone, moss covered twig, illusion masks, but so far I have spent about 10k and haven't won a thing. They also made a script where you can sell items for a set price from a vendor, and when it sells the money is transferred to your toon. A superior version of offline trading that sony wasn't able to do for like the first 12 years of EQ. As always a caster will level faster with little or no gear, but its by no means 1-50 in a day. You could do a mage to 50 in probably 30 hours if you hardcore'd it, but bringing a 3 box combo up will take a week or so unless you really no life it all day. The real challange is going to be killing the progression mobs, unless some massive zerg guild pops up but there aren't the numbers for that (yet).


Awesome, thanks. Request the exemption and hope to give this a try asap.

What is the population like so far? Looks like it is in beta so I assume it is still quite low. What is the progression status?


Molten Core Raider
Why the hell do people keep making EQ emus and then remove what made EQ what it was? Out-of-combat regen alone is a huge deal breaker, let alone removing the entire raiding end game. What's the point? Might as well play WoW and have a superior UI while you 'raid' 10 mans.

I play EQ because it's HARD. It is rewarding to progress in a challenging environment. I don't want easy. I don't want fast. P99 has the population it has because they refuse to make the game easier. (although it is a little easier unintentionally)


The slow pace and intentional time sinks of slow mana regen do not make the game harder, only slower. The raids are still freakin hard, but tuned to a smaller population. Its been open 3 weeks or so and theres only a couple people in kunark. If you want to spend hundreds of hours getting to max just because it takes that long, then go enjoy playing that way. I dont have the time anymore and this gives me a nice compromise. Raiding anything on p99 as far as i can tell means getting up at 4am because trak spanwed and racing a bunch of other guilds full of people with no jobs, not for me.


Molten Core Raider
Oh no! HUNDREDS of hours! I'm not sure MMORPGs are for you. If you don't enjoy the leveling journey then why play the game? I realize WoW turned leveling into a one week linear quest grind that preceded the loot badge collecting, but classic EQ was more about the leveling than anything else. Once upon a time, people played a MMOG for more than a month. Hell every time I play P99 with my friends, they all quit after reaching the level cap. Why would I went it to end in a week?

And out of combat regen changes the entire dynamic of caster resource management. The entire point of mana to begin with is to limit the number of spells a caster can cast. If your wizard suddenly can chain cast spells without worrying about running out, then aside from the extreme balance issues (melee must really suck on that server) what you do is remove much of the decision-making casters have to do: when should I nuke? How many nukes do I cast? Which mob should I nuke? Preserve mana for the next pull or possible adds? The single answer becomes nuke immediately until mobs are dead or you go oom, then get full mana super fast out of combat. The efficiency metagame goes entirely out the window. Bard song? Clarity? Who needs that shit? CH? We got druid greater heals, we're GTG.


You are right, it does make casters even stronger and melee even more unbalanced by comparison, and the mana/medding meta game (just how much time should I spend sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing) has been basically removed. That's why this is modified classic. I don't WANT to have to sink the time required into having the old school eq raid feel anymore, I can get the feeling in a few hours a night. Call me a filthy casual enjoying a sham of an illusion of a real eq experiance, but killing what has to be in the millions of rats and bats over the years just doesn't give me the "enjoy the journey not the destination" feeling anymore. This game especially when does just about a full 180 after your in-game focus becomes high end mobs and camps, you med to full and buff up and have a crack at it. This just takes away the really slow part.

I admit at first glance it sounds cheesy and EZ mode, but its really not. Lumping anything other than "strict classic 1999 everquest xp gain rates and regen methods" into "you might as well go play WoW" is kind of narrow sighted and bias ( I hate WoW for the same reasons many old eq players do). The devs here wanted this this to be something challenging you won't get bored with in a week and so far they have done a pretty good job at giving me something myself least some others are having fun with, was over 50 on last night, new high I think.


TLP Idealist
Who cares what particular flavor of EQ people enjoy? The point is and always has been fun, if it's providing that to it's player-base then that's a successful and high quality server.


And out of combat regen changes the entire dynamic of caster resource management.
I think the newer versions of Live handle this fairly well. Out of combat you get increased regeneration rates, but you have to wait 30 seconds after combat ends before it kicks in. It really helps with solo downtime and limits the regen if you are grouped up and/or chain pulling. My guess is that most people are in favor of the resource management mini-game you are talking about, but not really in favor of extended out of combat medding time. I understand that some people consider sitting and waiting for the mana/health bar to slowly refill to be gameplay, but it does get a bit old after a while.....I can only watch so many cat videos on youtube =P The 30 second thing is a pretty good compromise as it eliminates extended ooc medding while has no effect if a group is chain pulling like it should be.

Also, things like mounts and flowing thought detract from this same resource management game, but are ingame and considered legit.


I don't really understand the point of progression servers. Isn't it basically just going to end up like current crappy modern EQ? It might take a year or two to get there but still, why not just play f2p EQ live?

For me the benefit of some of the EQ Emulator servers (or EQ Mac - RIP) is that they are locked in time. So if you want the 'classic' EQ experience, ie, before mercs and shit, you can get it. All SOE would need to do for me is to make a progression server that is locked at PoP or LDON or whatever. I would pay a subscription and love it.