Moonlight (2016)


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's unbelievable to me is that you don't think there's a racist bias in Hollywood. I'm not talking about people not getting jobs because the studio head doesn't like black people or EP doesn't think a black guy is talented enough, but we (as a nation) are fed what we want to see and we want to see good looking white men play the leads in our films. We're capitalist and the market says give us white, and following the market can be fine if you acknowledge it, but let's not pretend like it's a level playing field. Aziz's show did a quick take on this on not wanting 2 indian men in the same sitcom. We can dive further into this all day, but I think I made it clear in why I referenced it in the way I did but we want to keep going back to the well.

It's funny that people like Chanur can get SO offended if you make a joke at the expense of white people, but we can call each other faggots. Most of the time it's a joke, sometimes to get our point across and sometimes lined with a bit of truth. Nobody defends themselves from a joke at their expense, quite like the offended white male in a place they feel safe from public perception though.

TL;DR for the third time: This movie is really good. Good enough that I would find it very hard to believe we could go a third year without a POC nomination in the respective fields we've been discussing.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>

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<Bronze Donator>
You're certainly entitled to your opinion. At least it's in reference to the movie. That's a lot of feelings in a 4 hour period if you watched those in the same weekend.

I think you just drove home my point. Nice argument. And I'd point out the irony of you calling me a faggot in this thread, but I think it'd be lost on you.

Manchester under delivers in every aspect. the movie needs editing something bad, which is no surprise with that director. he overwrote the movie, and somehow managed to have flat characters who make no decisions and end the movie on the same note it began.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Guess I'll wait for the screener then. Casey is always a big hit or miss for me, mostly miss


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It's funny that people like Chanur can get SO offended if you make a joke at the expense of white people, but we can call each other faggots. Most of the time it's a joke, sometimes to get our point across and sometimes lined with a bit of truth. Nobody defends themselves from a joke at their expense, quite like the offended white male in a place they feel safe from public perception though.

You have grossly misread the situation . I am certainly not upset, my white male CIS patriarchy shields me from the stupidity of lesser beings opinions. I just think you are a moron .
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Buzzfeed Editor
What's unbelievable to me is that you don't think there's a racist bias in Hollywood. I'm not talking about people not getting jobs because the studio head doesn't like black people or EP doesn't think a black guy is talented enough, but we (as a nation) are fed what we want to see and we want to see good looking white men play the leads in our films. We're capitalist and the market says give us white, and following the market can be fine if you acknowledge it, but let's not pretend like it's a level playing field. Aziz's show did a quick take on this on not wanting 2 indian men in the same sitcom. We can dive further into this all day, but I think I made it clear in why I referenced it in the way I did but we want to keep going back to the well.

It's funny that people like Chanur can get SO offended if you make a joke at the expense of white people, but we can call each other faggots. Most of the time it's a joke, sometimes to get our point across and sometimes lined with a bit of truth. Nobody defends themselves from a joke at their expense, quite like the offended white male in a place they feel safe from public perception though.

TL;DR for the third time: This movie is really good. Good enough that I would find it very hard to believe we could go a third year without a POC nomination in the respective fields we've been discussing.

Black people are over-represented for their population in movie roles. Do you believe to be NOT racist we should skew toward people of color absent merit or other considerations (Because if you believe all people are equal, then only 1 out of every 12-14 mainline actors should be black, when we include English actors in the pool.) Aziz's point is fucking retarded, Indians represent .6% of the U.S. population, they were .3% when Azis was making his show (About 5 years ago, right?) Aziz himself and that chick with the dumb as shit show that got cancelled and the dude from Big Bang Theory, is about equal representation for Indians per population level for all of fucking Hollywood.

Again, is it racist or not to have OVER representation of populations? Because if it is NOT racist to have one demographic over-represented then you have no argument, because even if its all white, its fine. If it IS racist (IE too many white people) then you also have no argument, because these minority populations are minority populations with tiny demographics to choose from and thus you'd naturally see less people capable of performing to the stringent standards in most national industries. (Again, if you believe award winning actors are the top of their field, like Football players vs NFL Football players, then only actors 2 standard deviations from the mean will get roles. Which means less than 2% of any given population. If your population is .6%, guess what? That doesn't give you a very good fucking chance of having multiple actors in the same show UNLESS you specifically choose to over represent them or there is extreme luck.)

Aziz is complaining because he is too stupid to understand basic statistics, and you believe him because he's an actor...He's literally a guy that dances and jokes for our amusement for a living and that's what you're basing your opinion on, a SINGLE anecdotal story from that source. Okay. News at 11, a population pool of 80% whites (When including Britain) has mostly white actors---stop the fucking presses it must mean RACISM>

Do me a favor Ham. Put 8 white raffle tickets in a bag, then put two black raffle tickets in that bag that feel the same. Then shake it up and reach in at random and pull 2 out. Do this about 100 times, and tell me how many white vs black tickets you wind up with. If you wind up with 80% white--does it make your hand unconsciously racist?!?!?
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Ham's needs to leave his safe space and visit us in our political threads
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If someone actually believes racism was involved with having a Caucasian-American only Oscar selection, you will never make them believe otherwise.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Ham's needs to leave his safe space and visit us in our political threads

I want to know when Aziz will start complaining about the lack of white actors in Bollywood films. Is Bollywood racist?!? There are hundreds of thousands of Anglo-Indians and European-Indians in India and I never see them in Bollywood films. Troubling that said minority has so much racism directed at them. I will patiently wait for Aziz to bring it up since their numbers in representation per population most likely skew lower than Indian immigrants in America vs Hollywood.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Watched it. Good movie. Great acting. Great camera work.

It's slow, which I like, but sometimes it's just too slow.



Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Really liked this. Not sure about the Best Picture nod but it was pretty good.

It didn't struggle or try to fit in every characters back story, manufacture motivations for everything, and creat conflict anymore than what just exists around Chiron. Really let you focus on his experience and his internal conflict with the shit going on in his life. I think it would have been a worse movie if they tried to add in more. So great job on them for the approach.


<Gold Donor>
Watched it. Good movie. Great acting. Great camera work.

It's slow, which I like, but sometimes it's just too slow.

Agree 100% with this but I think that the slow feeling was really a detriment to the quality of the overall film. It's already going to have a slow feeling due to the content and nature of the story and the pacing didn't need to further slog things down.

My only other issue would be, and I think that is an issue with all of the best picture choices for the 2010's or since they started nominating more than five movies, this isn't a best picture movie and is almost instantly forgettable. In a year or two or ten nobody is going to be sitting around wanting to watch or re-watch Moonlight. It's a good movie, solid B+ and the acting is amazing but, beyond my first viewing, I have no desire to ever watch this movie again. It's not new or interesting or really anything that would jump out and scream best picture. It's exceptionally unexceptional. It's in a sea of similar movies this year and definitely deserved to beat them out but even looking at nominations from last year, any one of those movies is better than this.


<Gold Donor>
I thought I clicked on Kong Island (damn touch screen). Imagine the thoughts running through my mind with this discussion relating to Kong...

BREAKING: Message board of mostly white men don't think any POC was worthy of a NOMINATION.

Even if people didn't think Michael B. Jordan measured up in Creed, what about Ryan Coogler? Sure we can make an argument that sports movies (and comedies) don't get a fair shake with the academy, but that argument doesn't work when Sly is nominated (who should've won). And by no means do I think Coogler was as good as Iñárritu or Miller last year, but come on, he did at least as good of a job as McCarthy and McKay. The way he did the fights alone... -- And why are the only physical transformations the Academy cares about is the ones that make you obese, skinny or ugly? Because Jordan committed his body to his role as much as anyone who got fat or skinny did (different rant).

Idris was eligible to be nominated (he won a SAG). He just wasn't nominated. It wasn't a strong season for roles for POC, but also maybe that's part of the point too...

Also this was the second year in a row this happened

p.s. maybe you can defend your own point next time, Chanur.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I thought I clicked on Kong Island (damn touch screen). Imagine the thoughts running through my mind with this discussion relating to Kong...

I am super racist against giant mutant gorilla's.


Blackwing Lair Raider
just went thru a marathon of almost every best picture nominee (Except lion and fences) and this was a damn good movie. I think hell or high water should have won but this is easily a solid second. I figured hohw wouldnt win since it's not trying to be 'artsy' enough so it makes sense this won. im glad atleast la la land didnt win i just don't see what was so great about that movie.