Mortal Kombat 1


Throbbing Member
Story mode is pretty good, very cinematic.
You do have to play a lot of fights but you can make them as hard as you wish, won't be a problem as far as enjoying the story.
I would advise you to check out the story since MK9 though, before playing through MK11.
I would recommend both the Injustice games over MK11 probably.
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Trakanon Raider
So uh which MKs are worth playing for the story? I played the first 3 (and UMK3) to death and then 9/X/XL/11. So by my count there are five missing in there. 8 is like a weird crossover game right?

Also for anyone who totally missed it, MK: Shaolin Monks is a REALLY good spinoff beat 'em up style game that basically retells MK2's story (and maybe also 1? I don't remember). That one is totally worth playing. Alas I think it's stuck in the PS2 gen.

Edit: By beat 'em up I mean you do a lot of beating-up in Shaolin Monks. It's probably more comparable to God of War on PS2 than it is to, say, a typical Final Fight style brawler.

Edit 2: Looks like all the PS2 MKs (5/6/7 I guess) are super inexpensive nowadays, maybe $10 each on Ebay. Prolly gonna give them a whirl.

There's like no good way to play Mortal Kombat 4 at this point though. Guess I'm figuring out N64 emulation.
You’re good. Original 1-3 and then 9-11 are all you need story/lore wise. Thought Boon said somewhere sometime back that he wasn’t even involved in several of the games after 4 and that he doesn’t recognize them as cannon. The only characters from 4+ that make an appearance in the reboot that I can remember are Quan Chi and Shinnok and both are reintroduced in 10.

Story mode is pretty good, very cinematic.
You do have to play a lot of fights but you can make them as hard as you wish, won't be a problem as far as enjoying the story.
I would advise you to check out the story since MK9 though, before playing through MK11.

^ Yeah all of this. I actually really enjoyed 9 - 11 for the story and 10 + 11 in particular are practically movies. 9 is basically a straight rip of the Mortal Kombat film and 10 is like MK2 - MK 3 in one. The entire reboot is about Raiden changing things to actually win the tournament outright so theres a bunch of neat surprises, lore changes, and memberberries and nostalgia mixed in. They all build directly upon each other so if you’re really going to skip 9 and 10 to go straight to 11 i’d watch their stories on Youtube.
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A nice asshole.
They had me until "pre-order to get Shang Tsung" appeared on screen. The monetization of characters in fighting games is disgusting and I will not participate.
Yeah, last few MKs were fun but will wait for the final version with all characters included.
Why is it MK 1 all of the sudden? Its not an original MK remake or anything, was Mortal Kombat 12 or 13 just a bridge too far and they hit reset lol?

Looks amazing.
The last MK Jaxx solved slavery and racism so they had no where else to go.
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
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11 was extremely good, so was 10. Just try to avoid the immersion breaking characters and you will be happy.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

The guy who composed Kenny Omega's current theme also did a Mortal Kombat cover and it's goooood
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FPS noob
I'm not a big fan of fighting games. Just not my type of game.

Is MK11 worth playing through? I assume there's a story mode.

i can't play fighting games to save my life but i enjoy the story campaigns of MK and Injustice in "take pity on me, i'm a noob" mode. They are relatively easy and its 20+ hours of cutscenes. Its basically just a long ass goofy but fun TV series.

the mortal kombat ultimate + injustice ultimate combo go on sale all the time, I think its $10 right now on psn/xbox so 100% worth a pickup and playthrough. the injustice games story makes the DC movies look like garbage
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<Gold Donor>
Can't wait to see Peacemakers fatality and brutality. Hope it includes Eagly.
I guess that means Quan Chi, Ermac and Takeda won't be in story mode.
Also interesting to see Johnny Cage in the Kameo roster, since he must be in the main roster, right? they wouldn't go about making a JCVD skin just for a Kameo character.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Really the weakest MK since they started doing story mode is probably the one where they tried to create the "kids" taking over trope. None of the characters were really interesting except maybe Cassie Cage, but that had more to do with her parents and AB voice acting the character. Coincidently she is about the only new character from that game that survived into the next one. If I had to play favorites, the one where you play the unwitting ally of the Dragon King was great because it had you interacting with all of the various story beats and characters from the prior games. I liked the recent one for the most part, aside from the Sindel Retcon and the ending was a mess until Aftermath essentialyl fixed it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Omniman needs a fatality where he literally flies around the world and destroys it, then goes home to his wife


Potato del Grande
Omniman needs a fatality where he literally flies around the world and destroys it, then goes home to his wife

Not sure why this guy was largely ignored in the reboot trilogy. Feels bad.
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Trakanon Raider
A DLC with only 3 mk characters and 3 nerds characters for KP1? I really doubt this "leak" is real.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Liu Kang: I must consult the Elder Gods
Raiden: Wait a minute...
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Wait a minute, so is this MK12 or is it a timeline reset retelling of MK1?

Cause I'm hearing something about Fire God Liu Kang going back in time and how Jax has normal arms in MK1/12 which indicates that this takes place before MK2.

An MK1 remake is what I wanted so is that what's kinda happening here? I hope they don't drastically change too much, but if they added Cole, bleeh