Most memorable comic book moments


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lyrical said:
That sounds pretty terrible. Why not just copy Marvel, and have them jump into Onslaught, come out in an alternate reality where they come out more diverse, younger, and more extreme?

Some of these comics have been out since the 40"s.
Flashpoint"s actually pretty fucking awesome, I would suggest grabbing it and Emperor Aquaman.


Been enjoying Fear Itself, and because of the DC reboot I am planning on picking up Flashpoint as well, if only to just see what causes the "reboot".

Looking forward to Schism the most though atm.


Blackwing Lair Raider
darkblue said:
Been enjoying Fear Itself, and because of the DC reboot I am planning on picking up Flashpoint as well, if only to just see what causes the "reboot".

Looking forward to Schism the most though atm.
The cause is the gayest thing I"ve ever read, but the comics coming from it are pretty good.


Don"t know how it slipped by me, but just finished "The Annihalators" run. I enjoyed it. But then, I"ve got a soft-spot for all that cosmic shit.

And I hope they make the Rocket Raccoon/Groot team a permanent book. Even just a limited run would be good.




I typically hate talking animals, but I"ve always been a fan of Rocket Raccoon.

And yeah, saw that that was coming. And hopefully we"ll get a new Nova run at some point, too. Hopefully with someone new under the helmet, though. They ressurect people way too much...


Tranny Chaser
Sutekh said:
The cause is the gayest thing I"ve ever read, but the comics coming from it are pretty good.
That is my opinion as well. I"ll be damned if the comics thus far haven"t been very interesting. It has plenty of possibility to go eleven ways of stupid with the reboot but for now it"s alright.


Joe "battle chasers" mad is back on a new Spiderman title called Avenging Spiderman that chronicles his super hero life around the avengers.


You know its funny. I was just thinking earlier today about Comics and how they portray Earth. In Marvel how many times have we had interactions with Aliens and advanced technology? Even more so with DC? Yet non of the tech invariably falls down to the common people.

Weve seen representations of Space Stations, Galactic level battle fleets, alien invasions, and inventions of the greatest minds earth can offer. Yet everyday people and military organizations who arent important Never advance beyond what we are. Tony Stark and Reed Richards, 2 of the smartest men in the world dont have time to build something to help humanity as a whole?. Shi"ar aliens have helped only the Xmen with suits and tech, Oa of the GL"s has never helped Earth recover despite many cosmic level events originating and focusing earth. Also like in Thor #3 when Thor beats the shit out of Iron Man he talks about where the heroes were to fight back the tides of water that flooded New Orleans.

I find it all strange that no Cosmic/Galactic council has tried to bring earth into its fold and regard it inconsequential to the universe despite the constant attention cosmic entity"s give it and how often "shit just happens" goes on.

What I find Ironic is that I was thinking all this earlier today and I come home to find out Marvel is making a series somewhat dealing about the alien thing.

Im not ranting or anything and I dont mean to sound like I am, but I just find it a bit odd from time to time.


Ionsniper said:
You know its funny. I was just thinking earlier today about Comics and how they portray Earth. In Marvel how many times have we had interactions with Aliens and advanced technology? Even more so with DC? Yet non of the tech invariably falls down to the common people.

Weve seen representations of Space Stations, Galactic level battle fleets, alien invasions, and inventions of the greatest minds earth can offer. Yet everyday people and military organizations who arent important Never advance beyond what we are. Tony Stark and Reed Richards, 2 of the smartest men in the world dont have time to build something to help humanity as a whole?. Shi"ar aliens have helped only the Xmen with suits and tech, Oa of the GL"s has never helped Earth recover despite many cosmic level events originating and focusing earth. Also like in Thor #3 when Thor beats the shit out of Iron Man he talks about where the heroes were to fight back the tides of water that flooded New Orleans.

I find it all strange that no Cosmic/Galactic council has tried to bring earth into its fold and regard it inconsequential to the universe despite the constant attention cosmic entity"s give it and how often "shit just happens" goes on.

What I find Ironic is that I was thinking all this earlier today and I come home to find out Marvel is making a series somewhat dealing about the alien thing.

Im not ranting or anything and I dont mean to sound like I am, but I just find it a bit odd from time to time.
Thiswillchange, if I have anything to say about it.


Ionsniper said:
Tony Stark and Reed Richards, 2 of the smartest men in the world dont have time to build something to help humanity as a whole?
See the Stark Resilient arc in the ongoing Invincible Iron Man for something that touches on this.

They way I see it is that they don"t have the time to focus on mass producing "stuff" for the general population... with them having to deal with random cosmic threats and villains bothering them all the time.

As for the Cosmic thing, I just feel that the Marvel Cosmic line as a whole is pretty bland and boring, just wish they would put like Jonathan Hickman on revamping it all. Speaking of Hickman, in case people missed it, I highly recommend his S.H.I.E.L.D series, came out in HC a month or two ago.
meStevo said:
With stuff like "Paris is a complete loss" I"m kinda expecting a big reset with few exceptions at the end of Fear Itself.
That kind of blew my mind. Actually, that whole issue (Iron Man) kind of reinvigorated my interest in the Fear Itself thing. Powering up already crazy powerful badguys is a bit crazy if there is actual effect from them.


It just seems like they"re doing so much that we"re going to get a beyonder/infinity gems level "make it like it was" and a bunch of stuff will revert to being OK. Maybe while we"re at it we"ll get a "there"s lots of mutants" to undo the Scarlet Witch"s doing and enter a new era of mutants.

I just hope at the end of Schism there"s still X-Force, because if it ends with Cyclops and Wolverine each having their own X-team and they fuck up the only good X-book that"ll suck.
meStevo said:
It just seems like they"re doing so much that we"re going to get a beyonder/infinity gems level "make it like it was" and a bunch of stuff will revert to being OK. Maybe while we"re at it we"ll get a "there"s lots of mutants" to undo the Scarlet Witch"s doing and enter a new era of mutants.

I just hope at the end of Schism there"s still X-Force, because if it ends with Cyclops and Wolverine each having their own X-team and they fuck up the only good X-book that"ll suck.
I guess they are dumping Astonishin X-Men to be replaced by Astonishin X-men #1 and "Wolverine & the X-Men" (puke). So... after getting into X-Men coolness with San Fran then Utopia, it looks like they"re going to turn me off with this Schizm thing.

Avengers #14 was good stuff. Poor Ben Though I will say they seem to have done a good job making Red Hulk a member of the team.