Most memorable comic book moments


Lawl, I think Robot Unicorn just showed up in Pet Avengers.


Thanos has always been a personal favorite, so I"m looking forward to this, especially since the Cancerverse (a lot like Cthulu-verse reallty:"That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with stranger aeons, even Death may die."and the monster-lords are very thing-that-should-not-be and all the heroes have an ocult theme) seems to get cooler every issue it is in.

Anyways, all the various new Avengers books have been cool so far... except maybe Academy, I just don"t really care about any of these people.


Tranny Chaser
The problem that I have with Avenger Academy and before that The Initiative was that we are being introduced to new, young super powered individuals but one of the reasons we had the House of M is because there were just truckloads of mutants running around with writers introducing more all the time.

No more mutants

But still piles upon piles of new super powered individuals that no one on the street would ever not mistake for mutants. It ends up overshadowing whatever is going on with the mutants and especially the entire storyline with Hope.


Um, so the fuck what? You just introduced multiple characters that manifested mutant powers who are high school age. One of them even had it happen during a moment of stress. It"s the same fucking thing.

But aside from whatever the Fantastic Four is doing I"m still liking Marvel"s main continuity quite a bit. I"m just bothered by present inconsistency regarding who and who is not a mutant and how we came to find ourselves in this situation. Seriously though, fuck Reed Richards. I"d sooner move to Latvia than do anything he was involved with.


damastez said:

Yes, I"ve been reading it. It"s potentially very good.

In summation, our galaxy has a tear, another galaxy that has filled to the brim (because of the absence of death) is invading our space, so they release Thanos to deal with the cancer.
i see Galactus, the 2 Galactus-like beings from Annihilation, there"s at least 2 Celestials in the background and an entire space armada

looking forward to read it


Confirmed Male
Revisiting the idea of subscribing to the digital comics for Marvel. Anyone have feedback on this. I know I could pirate, but I would prefer to have a ready available library
Dis said:
Revisiting the idea of subscribing to the digital comics for Marvel. Anyone have feedback on this. I know I could pirate, but I would prefer to have a ready available library
They still don"t give you their latest released do they?

Every time I"ve looked at this option it seemed like they only had limited back-issue options and little to no current releases.


Confirmed Male
Zhaun"s_Shade said:
They still don"t give you their latest released do they?

Every time I"ve looked at this option it seemed like they only had limited back-issue options and little to no current releases.
Says 6 months delay, which for me being so out of it, is no big deal. But I want to confirm that.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, big delay.
And selected titles.

With full access to old stuff.

Very questionable.

Marvel and DC seem intent on ensuring people pirate. They are beyond dragging their feet with digital distribution. Its outright incompetence.
Diamond might have something to do with it. I"m not really sure, wth is wrong with them.

If you are on an iphone, ipad, or ipod touch, you can use itunes to get digital dist on current comics.
But nothing for PC, or even macos.
There are a few places to get digital comics, but selection is so awful, I won"t even bother linking.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sutekh said:
I know a great place for them.
I meant to purchase.
but yeah,
google name of comic you want and rapidshare or mediafile

Just please support the artists when you can.
Many comics get canceled due to lack of sales. This is especially true if its not a top10 comic.
And we like food and rent.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Caliane said:
Yeah, big delay.
And selected titles.

With full access to old stuff.

Very questionable.

Marvel and DC seem intent on ensuring people pirate. They are beyond dragging their feet with digital distribution. Its outright incompetence.
Diamond might have something to do with it. I"m not really sure, wth is wrong with them.

If you are on an iphone, ipad, or ipod touch, you can use itunes to get digital dist on current comics.
But nothing for PC, or even macos.
There are a few places to get digital comics, but selection is so awful, I won"t even bother linking.
There a saying in business that the hardest thing to change about your product is how you go to market. Sometimes, the middle men that sell your product lawyer up and prevent you from making changes. In some industries, they actually lobby to get laws changed for them. For instance, when I was in the auto industry, the car dealers had so many state laws passed to favor them. We had a heck of a time removing dealers that were totally screwing people and ripping them off, because the laws protecting them were so strong.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If Wonder Woman did something productive like used her lasso to fling me a sandwich then I would care about her.


Wonder Woman was initially created by a male artist, to get his wife to shut the fuck up about begging him to create a female comic book hero.

True story.


Just finished reading Last Stand of the Wreckers. Definitely one of the better story line"s done for Transformers. IDW has taken a much darker view on the Transformer universe and has opened their comics to very broad story line"s encompassing even small little known chars. Some that have not been introduced as nothing more than just a boxart for the toy.

Here"s two of my favorite pages from the first issue of Last Stand that show just how bad it can be for what is considered a kids toy line. It definitely shows the shades of gray for both Autobots and Decepticons.

Edit: Fixed comic size


When I was considering a marvel sub a few months ago, they didn"t even have Civil War 1-7, and that was out in 2006. At a glance they still have no way to view entire runs of a crossover either. You should be able to bring up a page for any given event, like Civil War, have it appear in a list like the checklists you see in the comics themselves, and click through a series. Missing common sense stuff like this makes me think they"re content with the money it"s making as-is and are just tossing on new issues at their leisure, and not improving the service

Even if I wanted to read just a single series, they appear mangled in some cases... Amazing Spider Man... newest issue is 612 from November... but then it skips back to 606, 602, 599....