Movies you'd like to see remakes of?


Molten Core Raider
some of the movies being listed i am scratching my head if they are serious or not. remake the matrix, the burbs, spinal tap, escape from new york, and one flew over the cuckoos nest? these are all classics, why would you ask for such things when these films will all be watered down pg 13 shitfests with generic good looking bad actors playing iconic roles. i hope nobody from hollywood is reading this board.
Who would want to reboot a shitty movie? I'm kind of assuming that the movie will be well made, otherwise why would I want to see anything rebooted.
As for my suggestions (cuckoo/spinal), neither of those movies have "iconic" roles or actors that can't be replaced because of their performance (Nicholson was good, but it's not like Shining). Nor were the movies really ground-shaking or culture-effecting. In the case of spinal tap, I wouldn't want them to redo it to a metal band, so that might not really be a reboot but a rip-off. For Cuckoos, There's some great actors out there that could pull a role like that off easily. The roles of the supervisors and some of the "inmates" or whatever could have some names that could make it work as well.

Just because you liked a movie as a kid doesn't necessarily mean it can't be touched.

Escape from New York *IS* that kind of iconic movie. Russel *IS* Plisken. Keanu arguably *IS* Neo. Burbs could work.


Millie's Staff Member
they already tried to remake the burbs and it was called Suburbia with shia fucking la douche. ok, no you cant touch the burbs, you cant touch cuckoos nest and you cant touch those others i listed. films like cuckoos nest, burbs and spinal tap are like time capsules of their era. they simply can not remake films like that anymore and you cant do it in present times either because it doesnt work.

oh noes the spinal tap guys were booked into the wrong hotel room. better check priceline and all is better. oh noes the spinal tap guys cant get any exposure for their new album. its ok, itunes will sell them. dont worry about that black album cover either becuase nobody will ever see it. also i mentioned in another thread how modern songcrafting is shit. the genius behind big bottom can never be duplicated.

oh noes these creepy neighbors just moved in next door, better google klopeks and find out. also the casual felonies the protaganists commit would really go over well in this day and age. and the concept that an entire neighborhood spends their summers outdoors is archaic in 2013. modern audiences would feel sympathy for the klopeks because they stay inside all the time too.


Musty Nester
Something that managed to capture the spirit of Porky's 1. They really just don't make movies like Weird Science, Poison Ivy, or Porky's anymore.

I'd like to see a remake of some of those DeMille epics. Faithful to the spirit of it. Just these sprawling, indulgent, stylistic, hot messes.


Well true, but I think that just a good re-edit of the existing material <MOSTLY REMOVE RADAGAST> could bring it all good.
No. After seeing this last one, they need to just scrap it all and start over.

I mean, did you see the barrel-riding scene? That shit's unforgivable.


Karazhan Raider
anyone asking to remake a stanley Kubrick movie should be killed. seriously.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Ninja Scroll.
They actually followed-up on the movie with a TV series later on, but it was pretty overkill cheesy. This one dryad chick gets raped like 3 times within 5 or 6 episodes.

There's been a sequel for the movie in production, but no date's been set, so who knows.


Life's a Dream
Haha, for some reason I read your "overkill cheesy" as "classy". I was thinking that a chick getting raped a few times wasn't really considered classy.


CGI Gremlins over practical effects Gremlins?
I'm not sure really...whatever works and looks best. I can see both ways working if done right. I'd love to see a remake done with a more dark and serious tone to it. Not the cheesy comedy of the originals.