Moving to Redwood City next week


Trakanon Raider
I get a bonus for moving within 10 miles of the office, so that helps to offset some costs. It's still absurdly expensive to live in the bay.

Packers are here today putting it all in boxes. Amazing how fast they can go.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I had a two-story flat with private roof access in OTR and the entire place was $550/month. My 800 sqft 1br apartment is $1800.

Ya my apartment is a 2/2 and ~$2600 a month. My wife works from home so I hope I can try and claim some of that rent for my taxes but who knows. My mortgage on my house with P/I + taxes was right around $1050/mo after I refinanced :(


Trakanon Raider
Same. I'm leaving behind a $1050 mortgage for a $3475 rent. It definitely hurts.

On the other hand, I've been putting well over a thousand a month on average into my house for the last year at least. And our utilities are higher. Once I factor in relocation bonus money, it's pretty much a wash.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You sure on higher utilities? My electric bill went from ~$35/mo now up to ~$100/mo in California.


Still a Music Elitist
My wife works from home so I hope I can try and claim some of that rent for my taxes but who knows.

You absolutely can. It's one of the biggest tax breaks I get. They factor in the percentage of space your home office takes up out of your entire place. And when your place is only 800 sqft to begin with...

You sure on higher utilities? My electric bill went from ~$35/mo now up to ~$100/mo in California.

Really? My utilities are absurdly cheaper here than back in Ohio. My utility bill is never more than $40. I use so little energy that I get a free month every six months. I'm also way further north where we don't use A/C.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Per month? Seems about right/maybe a bit high. I think all in all I pay maybe $135/mo for my electric, gas, sewer, garbage. Most of which is my electric like I said.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Not even going to point out Faction Brewing or St George Spirits?

I had a two-story flat with private roof access in OTR and the entire place was $550/month. My 800 sqft 1br apartment is $1800.

Should have also mentioned Rock Wall Winery!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Ya my apartment is a 2/2 and ~$2600 a month. My wife works from home so I hope I can try and claim some of that rent for my taxes but who knows. My mortgage on my house with P/I + taxes was right around $1050/mo after I refinanced :(
But the nice weather makes up for it right??? :D It is pretty pricey down where you are though.


Trakanon Raider
Per month? Seems about right/maybe a bit high. I think all in all I pay maybe $135/mo for my electric, gas, sewer, garbage. Most of which is my electric like I said.

My combined bills in GA usually ran closer to $300-350. $150 is a dream, and also includes lawn service.