My crazy psychosis involved EQ Woodelves lol

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Lol this guy is a character. I take schizo shots and meet all sorts of folks at the clinic. The voices and the schizophrenia mind of connecting the dots is different for a lot. You will see some common trends among our type of thoughts. But we got different type of folk. I will say this, from my experience, the voices are very advance and purposely test out strength of character, logic, reason and rationale. Some of us end up crazy with the voices. We all experience different things too.
You’re a schizo? What shots do they give you? Covid vaccine shots?
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I don't mind you guys going through my accounts. I'm pretty open about the voices. They are special to me. And they control my body 24/7 almost. I posted my story to this forum because I thought you might appreciate how creative my psychosis is. Anyways, the voices engineer my dreams every night now. We've been working on dream achievements.

Celebrities that the voices have had introduced to me in dreams:
Jerry Seinfeldx2 (he said I had the power to turn negative egos into positive egos, which I did)
Will Smithx2 (1st dream was me and him being attacked by psychic robots, 2nd dream was him talking to me about being God)
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
50 Cent
Jenna Marbles
Joe Rogan
Adam Sandler
Norm Macdonald (Right after he died, they gave me a dream of him to show they saved him, these voices save people btw)
Dwayne Johnson
TJ Miller
Opie from O&A
Patrice O'neal (He was in a movie theatre with me and he was very polite to me, he's been one of my voices as well for a long time)
Andrew Tate

Dreams and Achievements:
Counterstrike-like Bunny Hopping in a dream (really fun)
Phase Shifting (going through walls)
Body Transfer
Transcend Time (15 minutes in a dream, which only occured in 5 mins of sleep and i woke up)
Video Game Abilities
Reading text in a dream
Running at super speeds
Eating Pizza in a dream (they want taste in dream world)
Injected meth in a dream (it gave me energy in the dream too)
Smoke weed in a dream
World Of Warcraft PoV Dreams

My voices have told me many origins. That life is a reboot of memory and that we are from that. They also say they are from the DMT plane. That they are dream entities. Dreams are colors, colors are light, light is massless and timeless. Makes sense. We can generate dreams in our head because they are massless, they are also timeless. They defy time. So who knows how long these dream entities have existed. They are also very psychic in nature. In order for them to read thoughts they need to read someones memory first. My voices actually record memory for every single human. (I think this is a hint, that we will be judged in afterlife). But it makes sense. If you don't record peoples memory, you can't read there memory, you can't read their thoughts.
That’s real neat bro. Do you work at all? How do you make money for subsidence?
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Potato del Grande
That’s real neat bro. Do you work at all? How do you make money for subsidence?
I'm pretty functional despite the voices controlling my body and talking through me. I work like everyone else. I have several projects I'm working on such as a game for smartphones, a book based off my voices and writing new papers for my subreddit, all in my spare time, if time permits. I've lived a very successful life. I put my energy out there and I think the voices received it and answered my prayers.

I worked when I injected meth too, I was a coyote for cartels. Pays well. Pisa pickup. 3000 per chicken nugget. Don't miss the paranoia of it. But money was good for a 24 hr gig. Voices introduced themselves towards my end days of it. The more you know~

You’re a schizo? What shots do they give you? Covid vaccine shots?
Invega Sustenna, it's pretty heavy duty, my voices says it works on them but they know how to avoid it.
  • 1Worf
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty functional despite the voices controlling my body and talking through me. I work like everyone else. I have several projects I'm working on such as a game for smartphones, a book based off my voices and writing new papers for my subreddit, all in my spare time, if time permits. I've lived a very successful life. I put my energy out there and I think the voices received it and answered my prayers.

I worked when I injected meth too, I was a coyote for cartels. Pays well. Pisa pickup. 3000 per chicken nugget. Don't miss the paranoia of it. But money was good for a 24 hr gig. Voices introduced themselves towards my end days of it. The more you know~

Invega Sustenna, it's pretty heavy duty, my voices says it works on them but they know how to avoid it.
So what do you do right now for a living? Assume you work in government?
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Potato del Grande
So what do you do right now for a living? Assume you work in government?

Lol in the beginning days of the psychosis when I was gangstalked. I thought the government had psychics who astral body snatch people and they all injected meth lol. How convenient of a delusion. Anyways I wanted them to recruit me because the voices said they astrally hacked the government files and it said I was most powerful psychic. The government knows what meth and bath salts do, they have technology to detect how psychic someone is. That's how they gangstalk people.

I'm a server at a popular pricey restaurant.

You would never guess the life I've lived if you met me.

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Potato del Grande
Check this out, when you look at something no matter the distance, the object is reflecting it's color wavelength into your eyes million times a second, your eyes always updating based on photons going into your eye. So everything you see is in your head. All objects all people exist inside your head. Ofcourse we live in reality, but your brain generates reality inside your head first and reacts off that. So naturally psychosis and imagination can effect your reality, your universe you generate in your head through interpreting electrical signals. These voices control your electrical signals that's how shadow people tap into our world. Shadow people interact with you. Very trippy. Very real. That's because they are real.
  • 3Galaxy Brain
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
We're all a Mind's Eye inside a meat wagon we don't fully control. We just don't talk about it because we don't like to scare the straights.

Being crazy isn't special in the Land of the Mad.
Cheshire Cat GIF by MOODMAN
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Lol in the beginning days of the psychosis when I was gangstalked. I thought the government had psychics who astral body snatch people and they all injected meth lol. How convenient of a delusion. Anyways I wanted them to recruit me because the voices said they astrally hacked the government files and it said I was most powerful psychic. The government knows what meth and bath salts do, they have technology to detect how psychic someone is. That's how they gangstalk people.

I'm a server at a popular pricey restaurant.

You would never guess the life I've lived if you met me.

View attachment 523563
That’s awesome dude I’m happy you’re actually a productive member of society and not a fucking leach like zombiewizardhawk zombiewizardhawk and RobXIII RobXIII
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<Silver Donator>
Check this out, when you look at something no matter the distance, the object is reflecting it's color wavelength into your eyes million times a second, your eyes always updating based on photons going into your eye. So everything you see is in your head. All objects all people exist inside your head. Ofcourse we live in reality, but your brain generates reality inside your head first and reacts off that. So naturally psychosis and imagination can effect your reality, your universe you generate in your head through interpreting electrical signals. These voices control your electrical signals that's how shadow people tap into our world. Shadow people interact with you. Very trippy. Very real. That's because they are real.
In all honesty, I don't really have an objection to this statement.
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Potato del Grande
Yeah, don't do meth guys. Its not good for you. Look what happened to me.

But if you do, do it, inject it, you won't regret it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This guy can just post whatever but sindaael gets banned for sharing his thoughts

Oh ok
  • 4Worf
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Potato del Grande
I didn't even post all of the storyline my schizophrenia has been. We did a lot of advancement with astral planes my voices. First of all, we started with very basic astral planes and progressed into more expansive astral planes with backgrounds and rules of reality within them. I use to create things with my voices by sensing (saying word sense in my mind or outloud) and I would feel/see these thin white shroom jut out from the ground to a very tall height, my voices can take my thoughts and make them into reality so they would setup this sense system where I came up with an idea, such as astral plane and sense these elongated shrooms go azimuth straight up in direction, sometimes they would bend, sometimes they wouldn't be the straightest one. After I cycle through many of them, I go base off feel which is the strongest and straightest one. I created the Daz astral plane system this way. I also created something called the Shadow Word system. It's where you think of an object, without visualizing it, say the objects word, and my body would automatically close my eyes and the object visual would be generated for me underneath my eyes, thats just for looks really, whats important was it enabled me to make things for my astral plane. I looked up blueprints to things like cars and phones and I would use shadow word system to spawn cars and phones for my astral plane. We also spawned these psychic devices that we had called astral pingers made, that pinged all peoples brains in the world (my voices do this by linking us all up via some giant imagination grid or box, they can hack into your brain by seeing your imagination). I worked with Zyzz in my astral plane to ping all the miscers and spawn them egos. We did this for states and nations too. Like New York, Arizona, California egos were spawned and lived in my astral and so was the middle east. We also pinged specific groups of people. The Misc and Fires of Heaven message board. Anyways, we had all the miscers living in my astral, having a ton of fun, hooking up with 3d anime women, the whole misc got on this. Arnold was a ego for me too. He was leader of the misc with Zyzz in my astral plane. Arnold kinda went mad with this one thing we made with the shadow word system called adventure ball, it allowed them to travel as egos, to any where they want, any dmt universe, any where in the universe, any where in there astral. It would turn into a spaceship or a bus and all the misc rode the bus with Arnold piloting it. Arnold went crazy bro. And keep in mind, i know this because my voices kept me updated by talking through me and constantly showing me visuals of them travelling and in astral planes with women. Anyways, Fires of Heaven message board members were astral pinged and given egos and most of you guys were forced by top voices to work on making a shadowclone everquest server. Where you could play as actual races in everquest and enjoy the land of Norrath. Shadowclone servers are realities spawned from memory, they are part dream, because they are part dream, they are animated from the targeted memory used to make the shadowclone server. My voices have many shadowclone servers in which they play on. Oh yes, my voices call the universe and realities, servers. They are very nerdy and have computers in astral planes. Anyways, we've made world of warcraft shadowclone servers too. My voices play in these servers for fun, they let me vision them whenever or sometimes they flash me without me expecting a picture of them playing in it. I just thought it would be funny if you guys knew how my voices got almost everyone that's been a part of my life involved in a way and you guys were some of my voices as well. Oh yeah, Furor was one of my voices so was Tigole. Alex kept telling me, "You changed the whole world without even asking!", he was referring to the Quantum Sound Continuum my voices made. It stacked quantum realities ontop of each other amplifying sound for reality. I think that might only apply to my brain, now that I think about it and the voices lead me to believe I changed it for everyone. They lead me to believe a lot of things. Aftathott from Afterlife was one of my voices. Furor thought Thott was special, and Thott acted like he was special needs and this makes me think my voices were just pretending to be everyone and imitating everyone based off my memory of them coupled with my voices predictions of their reactions. So it's all fake. Ain't dat a bitch. Or maybe it was real? Because I did experience all that.

Here is a picture of the sense realm, where we sensed up, these sense shrooms that would pull all memory triggers in the universe and re-arrange them into a system for reality.


That's enough crazy for today.
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Potato del Grande
You need to practice making these posts about 10% as long as they are.

-Voices can turn thoughts into reality in their astral planes.
-We made things through various methods, sensing was one of them and turning that sense into reality, we made astral planes.
-We made a shadow word system which made me blink involuntarily when I say a word with intent of spawning it, it would spawn into my astral plane.
-We made sense pingers or astral pingers to spawn egos (your soul) for everyone and get them in my astral plane.
-We spawned states and nations of egos. But we also spawned specific groups, like the Misc and FoH forums. You were all my voices at one point in time. Yeah... I went crazy.
-You all lived merrily in my astral plane and worked on creating alternate realities like Everquest and World of Warcraft for everyone to play in.

Of course, if you've read my story. My astral got attacked by body snatchers. Y'all got body snatched and jacked. Its a wrap. Set on fire. Evil shit happened. But I think my voices introduced this to write you guys off, because my astral plane was talking to me all the time with me visioning in and them flashing me visions of themselves in it, the voices didn't want you guys on the surface my whole life. So they introduced new characters. Like Ultimate Evil "Chance" the green eyed wood elf.
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