NBA 2022-23 Season Thread - Wembanyama Tank-A-Thon Is On!


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I just wasted 300 bucks on beer for the bar!

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Happy for Joe Mazzula. He was getting fucking hammered in the media, even had guys on the team giving quotes about adjustments etc. Every talk show host on earth and every podcast was talking about Mazzula falling on his sword and taking the blame for the game 3 loss, he didnt have them ready to play and he lost the locker room. Everyone criticizing his decision to not start Williams and depends on Derrick White too much.


White comes up huge in the biggest moment of the season. Talk about validation. Talk about redemption. Everyone was dick riding Spoelstra, best coach in the league, Mazzula is outclassed blah blah blah, now Mazzula is one win away from beating the best coach in the league, as the youngest coach in the league, having made history coming back down 0-3.

This has to be the most pivotal Game 7 in the history of the NBA. Or one of the most. There has been some Game 7s in the Finals, the last one in 2010 where the Kobe led Lakers beat the Boston Celtics in 7.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Happy for Joe Mazzula. He was getting fucking hammered in the media, even had guys on the team giving quotes about adjustments etc. Every talk show host on earth and every podcast was talking about Mazzula falling on his sword and taking the blame for the game 3 loss, he didnt have them ready to play and he lost the locker room. Everyone criticizing his decision to not start Williams and depends on Derrick White too much.


White comes up huge in the biggest moment of the season. Talk about validation. Talk about redemption. Everyone was dick riding Spoelstra, best coach in the league, Mazzula is outclassed blah blah blah, now Mazzula is one win away from beating the best coach in the league, as the youngest coach in the league, having made history coming back down 0-3.

This has to be the most pivotal Game 7 in the history of the NBA. Or one of the most. There has been some Game 7s in the Finals, the last one in 2010 where the Kobe led Lakers beat the Boston Celtics in 7.

Dude don't get that twisted. Mazulla is not a good coach. I can name at least four instances where ANY coach would call time out to stop the momentum of Miami last night. Another two times where he needed to calm Marcus Smart the fuck down.

Boston has way more talent than Miami. That's what is spurring this comeback of the series. Not once throughout the playoffs has Mazulla been a positive factor.

Spoelstra is getting every single ounce out of Miami. He has One and a half players, and they STILL kickin ass.
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Vyemm Raider
If you want a good finals series it's probably better that Boston moves on to face Denver. They match up better, but after this 7 game grind I don't see either of these teams facing up well against the Nuggets who have had plenty of time to rest. Boston still makes plenty of turnovers and coaching is suspect; Miami is a small team that lacks depth and talent from injuries.

Nuggets in 5 vs Miami, probably in 6 vs. Boston.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My point was its laughable to think he lost the locker room or that he should get fired.

Give the guy a break, he is a first year coach and people want him to be able to out coach the best coach in the league, lol.

edit: The timeout thing is strange, but it looked like he was starting to turn the corner on that in Game 5. Luckily they had at least 1 timeout there at the end.
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Vyemm Raider
My point was its laughable to think he lost the locker room or that he should get fired.

Give the guy a break, he is a first year coach and people want him to be able to out coach the best coach in the league, lol.

If you go back and read your post you didn't really infer either of these 2 points. You just kind of danced around the points you wanted to make by talking about everyone roasting Mazulla (rightly so), but didn't connect the dots.

Boston might have to thank Miami for knocking out Milwaukee and New York. Mazulla wouldn't have had to go on a spiritual journey coaching against Bud or Thibs. If he takes these lessons into next season they definitely should keep him (on top of stability reasons, and also, who would you replace him with?)


Vyemm Raider
Nuggets in 5 but I'll still enjoy the series. Nobody has any idea how Miami even made it this far so it's playing with house money at this point. The supporting cast around Caleb Martin and Gabe Vincent isn't good enough for Miami to overcome Denver.

Celtics fans should probably thank Miami for this because there's no way they give Marcus Smart a large contract after this performance, right? (Althouth if they did I would laugh my ass off!)

Edit: shit. If Boston got swept they might have fired Mazulla and squeezed in a Nick Nurse interview.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Did these fuckers in Boston misinterpret 3:3 as we are 3 games ahead so lets all have a 3-pointer shooting practice? Ultimately, it doesn't matter... they can keep playing like retards and beat themselves, or Miami legit beats them, Denver wins regardless. 0 out of 12 in the 1st quarter.
Also, how much is JBrown getting paid for the inside job? Offensive faul, turnover, missed 3 from the outter stratosphere, guy's taking a last second shot andJB doesn't even raise his arms to try to make i t harder, another turnover right after that. Sums up his first ~5min of the 4th quarter (and pretty much most of all 7 games), and he's still not benched. Or perhaps they don't want to be shit over by Denver?


Vyemm Raider
Or perhaps they don't want to be shit over by Denver?
If you gave every Heat and Celtics fan the option of "You win the ECF but will get blown out by Denver in 4 games in embarrassing fashion", every single fan would take that.

I don't hate Boston because of the Heat / Celtics rivalry; I'm really just an "anyone but the Lakers or Celtics" kind of guy.
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Still a Music Elitist
Let the reset begin.

Just in time for LeBron to become our player GM.

It was a great run. Myers was a baller in the early/mid years of his tenure. But the management in the past few years hasn't been nearly as a good. Quite a few whiffed draft picks, indefensible contract given to Poole while letting other critical players walk, keeping Iguodala around for no reason years past usability.

I imagine this will be the breaking up of the band.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Jaylen Brown is the worse good player I might have ever seen.

Or maybe he is just a good bad player? His handle and turnovers have gotten worse since last years finals. He doesnt want to be in Boston anyway.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Jaylen Brown is the worse good player I might have ever seen.

Or maybe he is just a good bad player? His handle and turnovers have gotten worse since last years finals. He doesnt want to be in Boston anyway.

Him trying to create a shot off the dribble is his problem. (Anything where he is not directly driving) Especially past 15 feet. Miami literally just stuck a body on him, and said let's see what you got kid.

Boston does NOT need to blow it up. Pay both Tatum and Brown, and get it over with. In another year or two they will be in the Championship yearly IMO.

GET RID OF SMART!!!!!!!! His defense just does not outweigh his suck in shooting and decision making. I'd love for the Celtics to go after Van Fleet.


El Presidente
The way the new CBA is going to work is you're really only going to get to have 2 guys you can really pay. There's just so much overlap with Tatum and Brown I think it's going to be hard to really win with those 2 and a bunch of cheap guys. I wonder if teams are going to try and do the 2 guys and cheap dudes, or 1 max guy and a few 20 million types.
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