Need help picking a game.


<Prior Amod>
So shockingly, I've never played Dragon Age: Orgins and I've never played Skyrim.

Which one should I get?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Of those two (ugh) definitely DA:O. I'd strongly recommend waiting though. The bundle that includes DA:O+all DLC/expansion and DA2 goes on sale for <$10 quite often.


<Prior Amod>
Hmmm, I'll keep an eye out for it but I have zero games to play right should I go with skyrim for now until DA:O goes on sale again?


Mr. Poopybutthole
They are both vastly different games. Dragon Age is fairly linear with standard blizzard moral choices and the ability to choose your class, with turned based combat and stuff you would expect from something akin to Baldur's Gate et al. Skyrim is an Elder Scrolls game so it's open world from the get-go and you can do whatever, with "action" based combat done primarily from a first person view.

Pretty different experiences! I've spent shitloads of time in both games, and I would say whichever type of gameplay currently interests you more would be the one I would go with.

To add to the confusion, I'll say Skyrim.


<Prior Amod>
In terms of Skyrim...are the expansions awesome enough where I should pick them up fromt he get go or just play the core game for awhile before getting them?


Mr. Poopybutthole
In terms of Skyrim...are the expansions awesome enough where I should pick them up fromt he get go or just play the core game for awhile before getting them?
I actually forget if Dragonborn DLC has been released, but the first two (Dawnguard and Hearthfire) are definitely skippable for awhile. They don't really add much to the game, imo. The core game is fantastic. But! Unless you are getting this for the console or something, I would definitely check out downloading a couple of the graphics mods so the game looks as amazing as possible. Because when it looks good, it -really- looks good.


Molten Core Raider
I wouldn't go too hardcore into enchanting or blacksmithing if you play Skyrim. They're way overpowered and make the game easy mode.

This is based on playing back when it came out. I'm not sure if anything has changed since then.


Potato del Grande
You should play this game


though you may feel a little uncomfortable killing your brothers!


<Prior Amod>
I wouldn't go too hardcore into enchanting or blacksmithing if you play Skyrim. They're way overpowered and make the game easy mode.

This is based on playing back when it came out. I'm not sure if anything has changed since then.
Do you get a limited amount of professions or can you branch off into everything?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I'd say pull a Two-Face. Both are good games, they're so different and good for different reasons that choosing between them would be a coin flip for me.


If you prefer to play on rails, go DA:O. Prefer to just do whatever comes your way with a ton of exploring and the like, go with Skyrim. Don't bother with the expansions right away unless you really enjoy the game. Even then, the only one worth really getting is the latest one.


Molten Core Raider
Pirate them both, then buy the one you like
You can get a very good feel for both games after about an hour.

My only problem with DA:O, is while it's a better game imo, you have to play the DLC's and campaigns out of order to get the most out of them (items, background, etc...) Either that or play more than one run through.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It really depends on what you are looking for.

DA:O is, as people said, fairly linear. It has a decent enough story, with pause/start action where you can choose tactics within your party. The voice acting is good, and the origin stories where you are playing through why you are in the world from a race stand point are fairly well done. Also, you can get this game very cheap by now I am assuming. With that said, it's sequel is horrible and if you would be hoping for any continuation of the story to make sense or tie in together, forget it. EA will kill what's left of this franchise.

Skyrim will be more open world sandbox obviously. The story in of itself is decent enough, but there is a lot to do in the world in terms of varying quest lines and you are not told where to go. You just go around and start doing things. The bonuses obviously is a ton of content from the mods. I have all three DLC so far. Dawnguard was fun, albeit a bit short and you will choose between two questlines. Heartfire is cheap, but VERY addicting. It's only 5 bucks. With Heartfire you will cut your own wood at various wood mills, which are then automatically transferred to your "house". You can build blue prints to add on and over time make a plethora of wings (Library, Enchating room, kitchen, bedrooms, etc) for lots of storage of your items. The lore is expansive. I have spent hours just cruising around gathering resources and adding things to my house and "living" in the world. It's pretty fun for $4.99. Dragonborn was one of the best expansion packs I have played with a very cool campaign and story line to it.

Graphically, Skyrim takes the cake but this will be subjective. Both are pretty enough games. It's really going to depend on the type of game you are looking for. I prefer open world these days, and have put over 100 hours into Skyrim. While putting about 25 into DA:O.

Price conerned: If you think Dragon Age Origin is more your cup of tea play style wise, you can get the ultimate edition with includes all the content packs and expansions now for $29.99. There is a 20% off coupon so you could get this for the low twenties and activate on steam. This deal is on If you choose Skyrim, you can get the full game now off sale for $39.99 on Steam, which would be better than what Green Man Gaming has it for with the coupon (Still selling for $49.99 there)

Overall, my recommendation would be Skyrim.

Edit: If you can wait it out a bit, Skyrim will most likely be getting a GOTY edition soon and will sell cheap on Steam. I would guess around this summer. If you cannot, look aroudn various places. I saw on Amazon you can get the DVD version for 24 bucks and if you are a prime member, that means 2 day shipping for free.
I would pick Skyrim easily, some of the bits are actually interesting and there's a shit ton of world to explore, then add in all the stuff you can mod into the game and its far better overall.

Dragon Age was okay and I would say its mandatory to play if you like the genre, but I really didn't like it. Its good at the beginning, its good at the end (from what I heard, because I never bothered to finish it) but everything in the middle is a boring slog. Best part about the game were the companions.


I recently reinstalled Skyrim. For mods, I just sort by top rated all time and select the ones that sound interesting. SKSE opens the door for other mods, especially from Skyrim Nexus, and SkyUI marginally improves the the inventory UI. I loaded up heavy on graphic enhancements with some magic and combat animation improvements. Modding the game extensively allows it to approach, and to a limited extent surpass, mediocrity.