New Progression Server confirmed


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm so sorry my lack of paragraphs offends you, but please don't let that distract from the raw logic and reason that is pouring from those big walls of text.
"Logic" while directly disputing assertions he made directly while not providing evidence to contradict him? OK....

It's good those people are gone. But even from Dojii's attitude that he presents at every opportunity (or his proxies more recently) - it's clear, shit talking or not, y'all have no intent of supporting anything TL proposes - they could probably propose your idea back to you verbatim and you'd suddenly hate it because it would have their name/stamp of approval on it.

See 99% of Republicans vs. Obama - that's the vibe y'all are giving the rest of the world with your attitude regardless of whatever reality you might see to your righteous crusade.


Trakanon Raider
That thread on the main boards is starting to become beyond dumbfounding and rage inducing. Apok is dragging their feet against the entire server, which now sees even TL as being very reasonable. Responding to that Apok troll that has a witty answer against every single thought of reason is infuriating...I need to just give up on debating before I break something. Everquest is the only game that brings out this level of drama between grown adults. All personal feelings aside, that forum is true popcorn material.
I'm not even playing, but reading that shit infuriates me to no end as well. I can't believe it's even real. It's pathetic that DBG hasn't responded yet to shut them down. Jesus fucking Christ what a mess.

Maybe Apok is actually a super secret alt Guild of TL's to make them look good, because at this point TL is a beacon of reason in contrast to Apok, and that is saying something. What a bunch of braindead psychotic entitled morons.


I like how you try to distinguish that you log on to use the char and not spy yet you originally joined our guild(and are still in it) with the intention of spying, so it's moot. The fact you admittedly have a spy char in our guild says a lot too. I guess you no longer need to keep it logged in to see where were going now that we have a fair and equitable rotation in place. Also to note all the people you SSed in that chat are no longer in our guild. The one individual doing most the shit talking was in our guild for literally a week. He had that mentality from the streets of Norrath we didn't indoctrinate him that was learned behavior being solo and dealing with your guild members in dungeons/the world.Though our mentality has been reinforced from countless instances of you being disrespectful, arrogant, pricks, but honestly the amount of shit talk that goes on is actually pretty limited considering those facts.
You're either A. Just trolling at this point or B. Really that much of an idiot.

Either way, if you believe Apok doesn't have access to characters in TL, you're out of your mind, considering i've seen screenshots of our guild chat posted by Apok members. Not only that, but to think we had to do it to "see where you were going" is laughable at best. You realize, the reason TL was so effective from the very beginning is because most of us have been guilded in multiple(In some cases 4-5 different guilds) with one another? We know how to communicate, and mobilize, which is something Apok has never been effective at(Your own guild leader has admitted this). He could very well have access to a character just for specific things(Rezzes/Ports), hell i had access to officer in Citizen while in TL for the entirety of the server lol.

As for the rotation, you understand that everyone but Apok(And RoE, who have since come around) realize how dumb it is, right? The Apok Rotation was absolutely horrendous for a few reasons, the biggest being that it basically prevented new guilds from joining the rotation. After a ton of backlash, it was ammended under the radar to add new Gatekeeper mobs, but still fails pretty hard. If we're stuck on a rotation, then it has to be fair across the board. Yes, Apok will lose FFA mobs, because, competition is still part of the game, but having access to multiple rotation entry points during the week(Not once every week or two weeks), means that every guild gets their shot to join. Guess what, that means less loot for TL as well, but it has to be equitable for everyone. A rotation(Like the current one) that benefits only the guilds inside of the rotation, is exactly what the rotation was "Created" to prevent. Sorry you can't see past your TL hatred, and realize that your guild leader is drunk on perceived power, and he's brainwashed you into believing he's in the right.


<Bronze Donator>
This thread is a phenomenal example of what happens when competition leaves aspects of life. Fucking entitlement.

I think you guys involved are absolutely crazy, yet I tip my cap.


Where is the thread with GM approved new rotation? I wanna see these psychos whine.
It is stickied to top of TLP forums. Been pretty tame so far


First guild to break rotation award goes to Canadian Armed Forces. Lets see if DBG lives up to their threats.


TLP Idealist
Congrats on your Forumquest/PMquest victory bros. 9.5 hours is a legit sock but at least it was worth it in the end.


<Bronze Donator>
I like how you try to distinguish that you log on to use the char and not spy yet you originally joined our guild(and are still in it) with the intention of spying, so it's moot. The fact you admittedly have a spy char in our guild says a lot too. I guess you no longer need to keep it logged in to see where were going now that we have a fair and equitable rotation in place. Also to note all the people you SSed in that chat are no longer in our guild. The one individual doing most the shit talking was in our guild for literally a week. He had that mentality from the streets of Norrath we didn't indoctrinate him that was learned behavior being solo and dealing with your guild members in dungeons/the world.Though our mentality has been reinforced from countless instances of you being disrespectful, arrogant, pricks, but honestly the amount of shit talk that goes on is actually pretty limited considering those facts.
I like how you try to distinguish whether or not the character in your guild is mine, well it's not. I thought I made it clear when I said I have "access" to a character in apok, meaning when you guys ZERG RECRUITED level 1s in the beginning of the server, and then my buddy stopped playing but never left the guild, he left me access considering its a useful class. I wouldnt pay for an account just to solely stay in apok, lmfao. You guys aren't worth that, you can poopsock mobs for 12 hours then lose it in a DPS race, so whats the point in reading your guild chat? You guys suck ass, you'll lose with or without being spied on.

Anywho, no surprise that those people arent in your guild. I think we have a few ex-apok as applicants currently. One thing for sure with this game is people come and go frequently. It's amazing that you guys think that its just us being pricks, except you have someone named Mastr (aloha) in your guild that trains us repeatedly in efreeti. I just heard of an apok group kicking out TL from an efreeti group yesterday also. So please recognize it goes both ways, which is why I never hesitate to KS apok or steal their groups because of the week long training of twodots/mastr/aloha/smilescleric. There are some good people in apok I try to differentiate unless they're grouped with mastr/twodots.

You guys really have a strong group polarization. Step out and look at yourselves. I would say maybe I need to but Thraka has been extraordinarily patient with all of this so I dont think I'm wrong when I say apok are way off their rocker, or at least leadership is.


I like how you try to distinguish whether or not the character in your guild is mine, well it's not. I thought I made it clear when I said I have "access" to a character in apok, meaning when you guys ZERG RECRUITED level 1s in the beginning of the server, and then my buddy stopped playing but never left the guild, he left me access considering its a useful class. I wouldnt pay for an account just to solely stay in apok, lmfao. You guys aren't worth that, you can poopsock mobs for 12 hours then lose it in a DPS race, so whats the point in reading your guild chat? You guys suck ass, you'll lose with or without being spied on.

Anywho, no surprise that those people arent in your guild. I think we have a few ex-apok as applicants currently. One thing for sure with this game is people come and go frequently. It's amazing that you guys think that its just us being pricks, except you have someone named Mastr (aloha) in your guild that trains us repeatedly in efreeti. I just heard of an apok group kicking out TL from an efreeti group yesterday also. So please recognize it goes both ways, which is why I never hesitate to KS apok or steal their groups because of the week long training of twodots/mastr/aloha/smilescleric. There are some good people in apok I try to differentiate unless they're grouped with mastr/twodots.

You guys really have a strong group polarization. Step out and look at yourselves. I would say maybe I need to but Thraka has been extraordinarily patient with all of this so I dont think I'm wrong when I say apok are way off their rocker, or at least leadership is.
I like how you try to distinguish it as well, lol... Your buddy left you with the account, so for all intensive purposes its your account and you still choose to keep it guilded as well as taking the time to login, read guild chat, and screenshot our chat "LOLZ LOOK AT HOW MUCH APOK CARES ABOUT US". You can try to play it down all you want. By suck ass you mean we don't have 40+ mage boxes at our disposal to out DPS you? Please, I like how you guys beat your chest about how good you are at this ancient game, when in reality the only thing you did that makes you any better was take advantage of an overpowered pet mechanic which literally could be mastered by a child with down syndrome, so well done there gotta give credit where credit is due.

Also no one named mastr is in the guild, but I can tell you from my own experience that long before any issues started with Aloha and TL our camps were stolen by your neck bearded no lifer 12+ man box armies. Without fail after 4 hours+ of camping the efreeti next thing we know entire room is filled with an iso boxing reject who proceeds to sit on our camp and take it. The other scenario that would often occur would be some guild less monk or necro shows up shortly after a huge train comes in and everyone dies or /qs and next thing we know a TL group has just magically moved into our camp. It's amazing that you even attempt to play victim. Honestly though we can thank DBG for this and their reluctance to enforce a PNP in order to look after their bottom line but that's besides the point. Also Twodots was caught up in the middle of some huge train war between aloha and one of your members. The guy is the one of the nicer people you'll deal with so it says a lot when you get him all worked up as well.

Also, I don't get it when you say Apok is off their rockers..that's just spin you've bought into from your leadership and the rest of your shit spewing army of alts that you plaster all over the forums everyday. Already since your rotation has gone into place an issue has arose with someone taking another guilds rotation mob. That never happened with the previous rotation. The hour system rotation leaves a lot of opportunity for wasted time, creates opportunity for late night poop socking and in the end is most likely rigged in your favor considering that 1 person in your guild can log on 30 accounts at 5 a.m and make up half a raid without even trying. It's just a matter of time before everyone else realizes that they were brain washed.


Trakanon Raider
I like how you try to distinguish it as well, lol... Your buddy left you with the account, so for all intensive purposes its your account and you still choose to keep it guilded as well as taking the time to login, read guild chat, and screenshot our chat "LOLZ LOOK AT HOW MUCH APOK CARES ABOUT US". You can try to play it down all you want. By suck ass you mean we don't have 40+ mage boxes at our disposal to out DPS you? Please, I like how you guys beat your chest about how good you are at this ancient game, when in reality the only thing you did that makes you any better was take advantage of an overpowered pet mechanic which literally could be mastered by a child with down syndrome, so well done there gotta give credit where credit is due.

Also no one named mastr is in the guild, but I can tell you from my own experience that long before any issues started with Aloha and TL our camps were stolen by your neck bearded no lifer 12+ man box armies. Without fail after 4 hours+ of camping the efreeti next thing we know entire room is filled with an iso boxing reject who proceeds to sit on our camp and take it. The other scenario that would often occur would be some guild less monk or necro shows up shortly after a huge train comes in and everyone dies or /qs and next thing we know a TL group has just magically moved into our camp. It's amazing that you even attempt to play victim. Honestly though we can thank DBG for this and their reluctance to enforce a PNP in order to look after their bottom line but that's besides the point. Also Twodots was caught up in the middle of some huge train war between aloha and one of your members. The guy is the one of the nicer people you'll deal with so it says a lot when you get him all worked up as well.

Also, I don't get it when you say Apok is off their rockers..that's just spin you've bought into from your leadership and the rest of your shit spewing army of alts that you plaster all over the forums everyday. Already since your rotation has gone into place an issue has arose with someone taking another guilds rotation mob. That never happened with the previous rotation. The hour system rotation leaves a lot of opportunity for wasted time, creates opportunity for late night poop socking and in the end is most likely rigged in your favor considering that 1 person in your guild can log on 30 accounts at 5 a.m and make up half a raid without even trying. It's just a matter of time before everyone else realizes that they were brain washed.
Sorry dude. Apok does look off their rocker to absolutely anyone and everyone. I'm not even playing and I only read bits and pieces, but you guys are batshit crazy weirdos that make people like TL look good. You guys seem completely delusional, selfish, entitled and immature. Like ADHD children throwing tantrums.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"I've told the guys not to complain, and we support Daybreak's decision. Look forward to trying this out." -Dojii
Doesn't mean he'll have any control over those who want to complain. This decision feels incredibly satisfying. It's not like from the start we wanted to do something like wave a victory in front of people's faces. It should never had to have felt like a victory.

The fact is, 11 guilds wanted to work together on a compromise, and 1 didn't. Apok rushed a rotation past everyone with minimal discussion. Then they never backed down to allow any compromise for amending the rotation, stating DBG has approved it and this is the rotation we have to work with. Even as most of the server began to ask for a change, they continued to hold this rushed rotation by themselves (along with approval from RoE which they dragged along, a guild that had yet to establish themselves against rotation targets) over our heads basically acting like they were holding their hands up saying "Hey man it's not up to us to decide, DBG said its the rotation! Take a look at what they posted!"

The meeting is then held by 12 guilds, which lasted 8+ hours and took a huge amount of work for everyone involved. Everyone except for Apok that is. After seeing several votes not going their way (they were the only ones to say no on every proposal), they state "This meeting is in violation of the rotation which DGB has said they will enforce," and leave 2 hours into the 8+ hour meeting. Then once a thread on this meeting is created, mystery troll account comes in ranting about the rotation. Throughout the whole thread it's a never-ending battle of semantics. Everything that this person tried to defend he backed up with "Well here, Holly did say in this email right here that 100% of the guilds need to agree on their rotation." Guess what that means dipshit troll? NOTHING can ever change on this Apok rotation, because there will always be an opposing vote on one side that hates the others' guts. That would have also meant no one would agree to a rotation by Kunark and they would have fucked themselves with FFA(despite declaring this rotation would carry over to Kunark).

Apok acted like they were being bullied this whole time and used that for an excuse every time they were told they were lashing out. The fact is, Apok was fucking impossible to have a conversation involving any sort of compromise that wasn't 100% in their favor. They have themselves to blame for ever feeling like it was everyone vs them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm so sorry my lack of paragraphs offends you, but please don't let that distract from the raw logic and reason that is pouring from those big walls of text.
Yes the one fucking Apok moron here (you) is just blasting us with truths and raw logic.

I take it Apok is the one guild that didn't sign off on it. Do they intend on going along with it anyway, or still going to cause issues?
They stonewalled the discussions and tried to hold their own about feelings and bullying instead of talking about rotations. Apok kept saying that the talks were pointless and the rotation they held the server hostage with was the bible.

Again all of this because they are just bad players, we got beat last night on FFAs and have been before its just Apok who has no chance and mass emailed the Devs / Holly to get this all started.


Trakanon Raider
Yes the one fucking Apok moron here (you) is just blasting us with truths and raw logic.

They stonewalled the discussions and tried to hold their own about feelings and bullying instead of talking about rotations. Apok kept saying that the talks were pointless and the rotation they held the server hostage with was the bible.

Again all of this because they are just bad players, we got beat last night on FFAs and have been before its just Apok who has no chance and mass emailed the Devs / Holly to get this all started.
Yup. Neutral party here as well. My inactive Lvl 30 Lockjaw characters are unguilded and I haven't logged on since the first 2 weeks, but this is precisely the case. It's hilariously sad to watch.


Yes the one fucking Apok moron here (you) is just blasting us with truths and raw logic.

They stonewalled the discussions and tried to hold their own about feelings and bullying instead of talking about rotations. Apok kept saying that the talks were pointless and the rotation they held the server hostage with was the bible.

Again all of this because they are just bad players, we got beat last night on FFAs and have been before its just Apok who has no chance and mass emailed the Devs / Holly to get this all started.
Hah, you know it's bad when one of the biggest degenerates on the forum, and probably the gene pool, is calling you a moron. I'm offended. Apok is called crazy and nuts blah blah but I'm getting negative tuconets that have comments such as: "faggot" and my personal favorite is "burn in hell"..Who is crazy again? It's amazing how affected you guys get from another point of view(a point of view debating a 15 year old video game mind you just so we can keep everything in perspective here)... I'm giving up trying to talk sense into this thread. You people are so deep in your own bullshit you can't see past it. Its basically like trying to talk some ideologue republican to vote for Obama, it's not going to happen.

Also, I find it particularly funny you keep mentioning bad players like you're good players. Lets be real here...Everquest has no bad players at this point ...sure there's always a few keyboard turners laying around but after 15 years most people know how to play their classes and understand how to be successful in a raid setting. However, if not having access to 40+ mage boxes to trivialize all content and out dps other guilds makes us bad then yeah were bad, but please stop kidding yourself into believing you're actually good at this game or anything for that matter.


Ssraeszha Raider
Without reading his multiple walls of tears, has he addressed why a rotation with 10/11 guilds approve of shouldn't be followed? That's significantly more support than the first rotation, isn't it?