New Progression Server confirmed


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I can tell you with 100% certainty that a lot of the big boxers on Ragefire have been discussing their plans to farm on the no box server and how they plan on using multiple machines since the day it was announced. Kind of odd you think that the server is going to be some white knights paradise where no boxers play and where Krono are shunned, people are discussing exactly the opposite.

Not to mention DBGs track record with the shit show of promises like Zaide listed that DBG flopped on completely.
As I said I have no doubt people will try - but if they are there farming shit to buy Kronos with and no one is selling Kronos, what are they going to buy?

I've seen the same people of planned krono buyers - but again, they need a market to buy from. Plat/Items without people willing to trade Kronos for would present a complete waste of time for them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been preaching EQ instancing of raid shit since the beginning. And i don't mean to say that from a soap-box....just fact.

I mean let's face it. ALLLLL current EQ content, essentially past GoD save a few additional targets, are instanced. There is no reason no to go back and kinda flush it out. Now on LIVE i can see why not, huge waste of time for no real benefit, but when you toss in progression servers its a HUGE difference.

Again I have zero number to provide factual stats, so it's kinda of just my opinion, but I'd bet they would get 2-3x the paying population if raids/"progression" were instanced and progression were someone tied to guild/character. So many people wanna go back with their small group of old school friends, but when you have track spawning once per 3 days(or now 24 hours as I read above me) and contested by 6 and your homo friends gets no shot, never mind a kill.

Whatever, I don't play so ignore me, but this same bullshit was beat to fucking death when WoW came out and it proved to be a stupid argument over time in WoW too. Guilds that were good beat raids(pre-nerf/post-nerf/whatever) and scrubs that wanted their own shot at life could kill the first 1-2 bosses and never advance. You don't need direct spawn timer contest to weed out scrubs.


<Bronze Donator>
So many people wanna go back with there small group of old school friends
this right here^ is why i've also been saying since the beginning that they need instances. there's too many people with good computers / internet connections / ISBoxer / ZAM up on their fourth monitor / etc etc etc to think that contested open world raids would be ANYTHING like they were like in 1999. the current system just encourages box armies and mass zerg-style recruiting. which is a bummer. i'd much rather hook up with a small group of my homies and do difficult content at a casual pace.

currently its more like a job than a game...


Ssraeszha Raider
this right here^ is why i've also been saying since the beginning that they need instances. there's too many people with good computers / internet connections / ISBoxer / ZAM up on their fourth monitor / etc etc etc to think that contested open world raids would be ANYTHING like they were like in 1999. the current system just encourages box armies and mass zerg-style recruiting. which is a bummer. i'd much rather hook up with a small group of my homies and do difficult content at a casual pace.

currently its more like a job than a game...
TLP would be 100x better with instanced raid content. Some people enjoy socking, racing, batphones, etc but most don't.


Toe Sucker
only 15 atm, but is ass/sup perma camped n shit? i want mah guise before it's gone! need to catch up stat~ or find somebody to hook me up with looting one lol


Trakanon Raider
As I said I have no doubt people will try - but if they are there farming shit to buy Kronos with and no one is selling Kronos, what are they going to buy?

I've seen the same people of planned krono buyers - but again, they need a market to buy from. Plat/Items without people willing to trade Kronos for would present a complete waste of time for them.
How many people really have more than two computers that are convenient to use like that tho? Its gonna reduce the bad kind of anti social 6 boxing by like 99 percent. Sure a few guys will manage to come up with a 4 box mage crew or whatever and box phinny and fire giants or whatever but no one is gonna be boxing naggy and that kinda retarded bs that happens on the current servers.


Apokalypsis broke the rotation twice in less then 72 hours, we had two seperate votes with the guilds associated with the rotation on Ragefire regarding:

1) Whether they broke the rotation,
2) What the punishment was, per what DBG said our options were.

All guilds agreed (except the offending guild) to the votes listed above. We PM'd Roshen, Roshen reviewed the discussion and concluded they were in fact in violation of the rotation. Leadership was suspended. Rumor is Apokalypsis went over Holly's head and got the suspension lifted.

No guilds want to discuss rotation talks right now because they feel its absolutely pointless as this guild has clearly broken the rotation twice and no punishment was given. You can bet if you break rotation on Lockjaw right now, nothing's going to happen to you.

We emailed Roshen asking what the hell just happened. Roshen's response was, I have no idea. There you have it, rotations = No longer enforced.


Registered Hutt
Anything beyond a mutual agreement between the guilds is doomed to fail. DBG doesn't have the spine to be involved. This kind of thing is best handled with deniable griefing against those that break the rules while DBG just looks the other way.


Seems like bad math to me - more access to content = less sales generally. And higher threshold to mass boxing to lockdown item/gold farms to translate into kronos. [Not to mention those that are interested in moving over there probably have a larger than average number of "anti-Krono" folks amongst them - even though I'm sure they'd be allowed, the community likely would be less accepting of Krono traders]

But we'll see, no doubt some folks will try.
Also, the biggest source of people buying Krono are the box crowd anyway. Of course Krono are going to be a hot commodity, as soon as Serakan is offering to buy them for 1k each 2 days after launch. Some people buy krono to power their box army, and some people buy krono to hoard later, when prices get super skewed. Like, Selling krono for 30k and then selling that plat to PA for $1 per 1k.


Golden Baron of the Realm
People were dooshbags 16 years ago and are still dooshbags today there's just more of them now. With so many more games to choose from I don't get the appeal of TLP. Reading this thread is like watching Jackass where people just line up to get kicked in the balls over and over and can't get enough.


Trakanon Raider
Just find two or three 4 boxers and down goes naggy
With 16 pets and the test changes live gl with that.

I am sure with instancing guilds will get leaner and you will see alot of 30 man guilds with a box each but it will be a hugely different game. You will see split raids on the easier bosses like you saw starting in pop on fippy more than you will see true box guilds like CAF


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
People were dooshbags 16 years ago and are still dooshbags today there's just more of them now. With so many more games to choose from I don't get the appeal of TLP. Reading this thread is like watching Jackass where people just line up to get kicked in the balls over and over and can't get enough.
No people are far worse doucebags these days then back then.


Vyemm Raider
This is the generation that was victimized by the big bullies who ran things the first 2 or 3 times around.

Of course they are worse.