New World


<Gold Donor>
Customer Review

Daniel Hansen

1.0 out of 5 starsThis seems a bit problematic
February 11, 2019

Wow this looks like colonizer propaganda.

Let me guess they call the land an "untouched paradise" with nothing but wild animals and monster like humans. All that land free to take by settlers cause nothing "civilized" lives here. Maybe throw in some ruins by a long past civilization and you got exactly how Europeans mythologiesed the Americas, and often still do.

Shit libs will ruin everything they touch.
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
Anything gamechanging/fun happen between the last updates and this new wave of invites?


<Gold Donor>
Made a company, Fires of Heaven, whisper Edaw or Sike for invite. If someone wants GL or if we have existing guild that we can fold into, let us know.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
Leveled to six killing stuff. Seems like right now I'm just trying to level so I can make more trade skills available.

Had a guy trying to get me to get the grizzly bear to chase me so he could "grab some gold out from his cave", assuring me I could outrun the bear. Hmmm...
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Trakanon Raider
Played last night. Very interesting concept with a ton of potential. I don't really want to say one way or the other as I've played just one night but after the tutorial it felt right. I had that EQ feeling as in there was this great big world out there and I have to somehow survive in it. I do feel like other players are going to be vital so that's good as well. I submitted feedback after the first night in hopes that these guys are taking this fairly seriously. My first impression is this could be EQ+WAR+ARK but again "could" be but we'll see. I didn't want to log off last night and i'm looking forward to more which is another good sign.

I need a company though. :)
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Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
Up to level 8 last night, died for the first time to an ambush from a level 18 when I was level 7. I’ll say this, the pvp combat is pretty good. I could tell the levels and gear he had did make some difference, but I never felt I didn’t have a chance and I’m pretty sure I made him a little nervous when his HPs got low.


<Gold Donor>
I put about 20 - 30 hours into this game a few months ago and my initial take on it then was:
  • The engine is solid
  • The world is immersive
  • The gameplay and combat are right on the money
However, after it did start to feel like there was a big black hole as I continued to login. Unless something has changed, and I hope it has, the devs have yet to answer these questions:
  • What motivation do players have to continue to come back after their character is developed?
  • What's the proper balance between allowing players to progress solo and/or as a group?
  • What, ultimately, is the end game and is it fun?
There's no question that this game has been incredibly solid since Alpha, I think the endgame just isn't that fun yet.
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Trakanon Raider
To me that isn't going to be too difficult to implement with what they have in place already. I think if they can tie owning land and harvesting/creating weapons or amor to the raid scene it should motivate players to continue to push their company and their character forward. Investing in your character, company, and the game world should lead to raids and ultimately lead to other companies/players to become allies or fight for those resources and raid opportunities.
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The sound engine is impressive for alpha. Directional sound works very well. (My only gripe is that the position is locked to my characters head, not the camera). So if you're like me and have your head on a swivel when running it's disorienting.

Overall with 30 hours in at level 31, I'd give it a 8/10 for an incomplete alpha. 😊
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<Silver Donator>
I've had a hankering to do some casual MMO. I never played EQ2 so I was thinking about giving it a look. Other than that, looks like it's either this, ESO or waiting for WoW Classic (have not played since soon after launch of Draenor).

I need one of you Amazonians to hook me up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finally got an invite. Played a bit a couple of days ago. Very polished, especially for a alpha. Didn't get far but the beginning is interesting.


<Gold Donor>
To me that isn't going to be too difficult to implement with what they have in place already. I think if they can tie owning land and harvesting/creating weapons or amor to the raid scene it should motivate players to continue to push their company and their character forward. Investing in your character, company, and the game world should lead to raids and ultimately lead to other companies/players to become allies or fight for those resources and raid opportunities.

It isn't going to be difficult to implement what they've implemented? Not shit? Your opening statement is confusing.

Harvesting and crafting is already deeply tied to every part of the game, so much so that sieging/defending requires an entire guild's engagement (read: grinding mats) to participate in the end game in any meaningful way.

Investing for the sake of investing isn't intrisically fun for the same reason making commitments in life doesn't have immediate gratification. We typically honor our commitments because we have an understanding that the long term payoff is worth it, which again, isn't inherently "fun". The devs are asking people to invest a lot of time and log in again in the hopes that some day down the road it will pay off with little to no immediate gratification. There's no inherent fun there.

The devs need to do a better job of showing players how their actions today add real value to the progression of the game. I mean that currently it's difficult to see how a player harvesting wood or cooking has immediate pay off other than already being committed to a bigger cause. Which, creates a big challenge. The devs are requiring players to come in already being committed, instead of leading players to make that decision within the game because "worth it".

Currently, it would seem, the entire premise of the end game is that those who grind more win. That's how heavily resources are already tied to the end game. The inherent problem in this is that other than getting a small bump in XP, the individual player receives no incentive or reward in the short-term. The reward is that a player's commitment will eventually pay off in the end game...maybe...if everyone around them is equally committed.

Compare this to games like WoW/EQ, where there were obvious rewards in the short term. Obvious skill and talent paths, different color loots, dungeons, and zones as an incentive to progress. Then, periodically, entire guilds could come together to pursue even better loots, dungeons, and zones. There was both a short term reward and an obvious reason to commit to something larger. "Hey I've been getting 1x, but if I show up to raid every night, I'll get 10x." New World is way more sandboxy with way less value placed on things like skills, talents, and loot because the game is mostly player-skill based. I don't think they've been able to overcome the challenge of tieing the individual and group incentives together. But, I hope they do.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I got invited last week and had it installed but just decided to try it last night finally.
Main problem is I have zero time to dedicate to an MMO.
So when I was tasked with finding 3 animals to skin, and ran around for a few minutes finding only 2 turkeys which I couldn't use for the task, I called it a night. I'm not going to waste my time on mundane tasks in MMOs anymore. Been there, done that.
Basically if it's literally task #2 and I'm not seeing a herd of animals directly ahead of me, I know the game is built to be a grind fest.
NPCs in general were very lacking out of the gate. It felt very desolate.
But gathering was super abundant, and mundane.

Also, I already got a taste of some toxicity in the chat while working on my 1st task, not directed at me, but someone puffing out their chest for killing someone else, just being a toxic bitch.

And finally, every time I want to jump I'm doing rolls all over. There's no real jump in this game? Stupid. Instead you need to Shift+W to climb shit? Fuck that. A good game would making climbing over stuff just happen without extra key presses.

Graphics are decent, the story elements are decent, the sound and UI are pretty good. But my initial vibe is it's a grindy/mundane task type of game.
Might log in again but not really caring to play it anymore at this point.


<Gold Donor>
I got invited last week and had it installed but just decided to try it last night finally.
Main problem is I have zero time to dedicate to an MMO.
So when I was tasked with finding 3 animals to skin, and ran around for a few minutes finding only 2 turkeys which I couldn't use for the task, I called it a night. I'm not going to waste my time on mundane tasks in MMOs anymore. Been there, done that.
Basically if it's literally task #2 and I'm not seeing a herd of animals directly ahead of me, I know the game is built to be a grind fest.
NPCs in general were very lacking out of the gate. It felt very desolate.
But gathering was super abundant, and mundane.

Also, I already got a taste of some toxicity in the chat while working on my 1st task, not directed at me, but someone puffing out their chest for killing someone else, just being a toxic bitch.

And finally, every time I want to jump I'm doing rolls all over. There's no real jump in this game? Stupid. Instead you need to Shift+W to climb shit? Fuck that. A good game would making climbing over stuff just happen without extra key presses.

Graphics are decent, the story elements are decent, the sound and UI are pretty good. But my initial vibe is it's a grindy/mundane task type of game.
Might log in again but not really caring to play it anymore at this point.

This is the most annoying criticism of a game I've read on this forum in months if not years.
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Trakanon Raider
It isn't going to be difficult to implement what they've implemented? Not shit? Your opening statement is confusing.

Harvesting and crafting is already deeply tied to every part of the game, so much so that sieging/defending requires an entire guild's engagement (read: grinding mats) to participate in the end game in any meaningful way.

Investing for the sake of investing isn't intrisically fun for the same reason making commitments in life doesn't have immediate gratification. We typically honor our commitments because we have an understanding that the long term payoff is worth it, which again, isn't inherently "fun". The devs are asking people to invest a lot of time and log in again in the hopes that some day down the road it will pay off with little to no immediate gratification. There's no inherent fun there.

The devs need to do a better job of showing players how their actions today add real value to the progression of the game. I mean that currently it's difficult to see how a player harvesting wood or cooking has immediate pay off other than already being committed to a bigger cause. Which, creates a big challenge. The devs are requiring players to come in already being committed, instead of leading players to make that decision within the game because "worth it".

Currently, it would seem, the entire premise of the end game is that those who grind more win. That's how heavily resources are already tied to the end game. The inherent problem in this is that other than getting a small bump in XP, the individual player receives no incentive or reward in the short-term. The reward is that a player's commitment will eventually pay off in the end game...maybe...if everyone around them is equally committed.

Compare this to games like WoW/EQ, where there were obvious rewards in the short term. Obvious skill and talent paths, different color loots, dungeons, and zones as an incentive to progress. Then, periodically, entire guilds could come together to pursue even better loots, dungeons, and zones. There was both a short term reward and an obvious reason to commit to something larger. "Hey I've been getting 1x, but if I show up to raid every night, I'll get 10x." New World is way more sandboxy with way less value placed on things like skills, talents, and loot because the game is mostly player-skill based. I don't think they've been able to overcome the challenge of tieing the individual and group incentives together. But, I hope they do.

What I was saying is that if they were to tie land control and resources to dungeons and raid opportunities, they have half the battle already won. It's fairly polished so if they went into the direction of controlling land lead to controlling dungeon and raiding, then the primary system is already in place.

I wrote up something on their forums (short EQ version for this forum), imagine you controlled Qeynos which meant you then had access to Blackburrow and it restricted anyone outside of your company or allies from access this dungeon or at least made it very difficult to reach. Say Blackburrow had resources, loot, and raid encounters as well. Resources that were rare and/or loot tied to specific armor or epic pieces. This would encourage people to either become allies or opposing/competitive forces to overthrow your control of this area.

I spoke more about this in another post and was spring boarding off of other discussions earlier. My opening statement primarily referenced that no matter the suggestion offered in earlier posts here or on the alpha forums, the part that most people do not have, New World has done. The remaining pieces to implement have been done in every MMO in history thus, they have some of the more complicated and/or uncharted waters conquered.

I would like PvE dungeons and raids to be added but as a part of their primary theme and purpose of the game. I think that's the best selling point but it could be used in other ways to add to the QoL and appeal to all types of MMO players.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
This is the most depressing alpha I've ever been a part of since Horizons.

Probably spent a good 30 hours in this. BUT.

You can farm people on common routes and steal all their fuckin loots.

This is Rust 2.0 with good graphics.
  • 1Worf
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Silver Knight of the Realm
It is far more Rust than it is MMORPG, at least right now anyway. It is so easy to grief in these types of games and load up on loot with very little effort that solo players are going to get turned off very quickly.