No better shows have ever existed than Seinfeld or X-files.


Bronze Squire
I do enjoy me some Seinfeld. Here's a list of golden oldies:

Happy Days - Very popular with several successful spinoffs
All in the Family - also several spinoffs of varying success - very culturally evocative
Mary Tyler Moore - again with the spinoffs

M*A*S*H - the writing and acting for this show was magnificent until Alan Alda started writing and producing more. But the acting was topnotch.

60 Minutes - probably the most successful show in television history
A one season show like Band of Brothers won't ever trump these shows regardless of how good it is, but.. Band of Brothers was awesome and I think probably the best of the HBO/Showtime etc 1 hr show style series'.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How can you guys go on about Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs without mentioning House? It was vastly superior to both of them.

While I absolutely hated the conclusion to Lost, I have to say during its run it was some of the most entertaining television I can honestly say I ever watched week to week. The show was all about the ride and the crazy theories behind it. In retrospect, even I have to conclude that it shouldnt be put in the "best of" anything though. We all know now it was mostly writers just making crazy shit up as they went along vs some coherent grand plan we were promised. Hell, I remember in one of the DVD special features interviews that the entire pitch to get the show on air was to capitalize on the success of the reality TV show "Survivor" at the time. A bunch of strangers isolated on a beach and drama. That was their original vision. (Also, to the jackass a couple pages back who snubbed the show and said they were dead the entire time: you clearly failed to comprehend the finale)

I also cannot stand Seinfeld (the man). He ALWAYS came across as a whiney douche and as a comedian is simply NOT FUNNY at all. The rest of the cast made the show watchable for me, but I certainly wouldnt put it at best of all time.

For me (in no order):
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Top Gear (UK)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Im guessing its because Firefly sucked

I tried watching it about a year back to see what all the nerds were complaining about for 10+ years.

Suffice to say, I didn't even make it through the first episode before turning it off.
I've agreed with pretty much every one of your takes in this thread but I had to chime in on this one. I've tried watching Firefly like 4-5 times because of all the people that claim it's the greatest thing ever, and I just cannot get into it either. I've tried doing Serenity a couple times, tried watching a couple episodes of the show here or there, and nothing about it has grabbed me so far. Maybe someday I'll actually be able to watch an episode from start to finish.

Seinfeld is without a doubt the greatest comedy of all time, and anybody that "hates" it is probably a commie. We should make anybody around here that says they hate Seinfeld wear an armband or something so I know not to read their posts, cause they are obviously a lesser form of life.


Buzzfeed Editor
Serenity was better than I thought it would be, but it did not inspire me to watch Firefly.

Seinfeld is a really good comedy, I don't know about "greatest of all time." That sort of thing is usually generational. I certainly don't think Bob Newhart is the greatest standup of all time, but my grandfather probably would have if he wasn't a redneck.


tour de salt
Spartacus: Blood and Sand is actually the greatest show to exist.

1. Spartacus : Blood and Sand
2. Game of Thrones
3. Walking Dead
4. South Park
5. Breaking Bad

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Archer is already getting stale, its pretty sad for a show that only has ~40 episodes.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Spartacus: Blood and Sand is actually the greatest show to exist.

1. Spartacus : Blood and Sand
2. Game of Thrones
3. Walking Dead
4. South Park
5. Breaking Bad
This.. Well, at least the Spartacus part. I feel almost guilty as listing it as the best show of all time, as people's ability to view it as a serious drama is somewhat overshadowed by the prolific amounts of blood and sex, but imho the acting, dialogue, story, and action were all top notch. The last season was the most epic 10 or so episodes of TV I have ever watched, and the series finale literally brought tears to my eyes. Considering no TV show has ever come close to accomplishing that, it handily winds best show of all time for me.

P.S: Listing Walking dead anywhere +/- 20 ranks from any of the other shows above is pure facepalm though.. Walking Dead has been cringe-worthy ever since season 2.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
...P.S: Listing Walking dead anywhere +/- 20 ranks from any of the other shows above is pure facepalm though.. Walking Dead has been cringe-worthy ever since season 2.
Yea, I never got the hype of this show. After hearing lots raving about the show, including my own brother, I went and downloaded the first couple seasons. S1 barely held any interest and I think I made it halfway through S2 before giving up. It's just another generic zombie bullshit plot. I dont see the appeal at all.


Got something right about marriage
Walking Dead might be the worst show ever made. I'm all for suspending disbelief to enjoy a show that's just supposed to be fun but they try to get all dramatic and intense in the worst ways. It's a joke.

"I'm glad I have these binoculars and this amazing bird's eye view sitting on top of my RV, sure makes it easy to spot those... OH FUCK A GIGANTIC HORDE OF BARELY MOVING ZOMBIES SNUCK UP ON US. EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HIDE UNDER A CAR"


Musty Nester
Walking Dead is terrible in so many ways. It's bad even for a story about zombies and that takes effort.

I was actually cool with season 2. We're just gonna chill at this farmhouse for a while and slowly come to realize that the mores of a society which no longer exists are no longer applicable to our situation.

Basically that's how I imagine Zombie Apocalypse will go. The lucky few that escape the cities will squat on some defensible land. Of those, most will wind up killing each other until we're pared down to widely dispersed village-states. Then, depending on the type of zombies in question humanity will either get their brains eaten (juju zombies) or they'll outlast the plague (SCIENCE! zombies).


I know a lot of people hated the second season, but it had some interesting character development. Season 3 was 14 hours of poor acting and meetings to discuss future meetings.


Molten Core Raider
No love for Boardwalk Empire?

Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever but Boardwalk beats X-Files


<Bronze Donator>
Always Sunny was absolutely on fire for a season or two. They were just hammering it without any rest. Recent seasons are still entertaining but they've run low on the whatever it was they were smoking to make that show as hilarious as it was. There are still moments here and there where as the Episode with Charlie's musical was cranked to 11 for the entire episode. I guess it's a problem with gross-out contests.

I think Sunny suffers from not being bounded. If they knew they only had a set run of X shows rather than writing for "if the contract renews", it would be nothing but Kitten Mittens and D.E.N.N.I.S. and Sad Crying Girl on YouTube and Mac's dad gets out of prison and Who got Sweet Dee knocked up?
I don't know man, fat Mack was pretty fucking funny...."I'm putting on mass!"

It's Always Sunny and Dr. Who gets my votes.