Oh FFS not again

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Shenanigans in our FSR. Unfuck please

Tits because tits








Buzzfeed Editor
Check out this thread:http://www.rerolled.org/showthread.p...615#post203615

Next time it happens report the post please, that will email all mods and one of the 643 of us will get on it quickly. If it does not appear to be related to a post, then please email the admin as Draegan asked in that post. Or at the very least post there about it so we can see it and email him for you.


Would fuck dude but that looks like some roast beef coming out there
welcome to the female anatomy.

never ceases to amuse me how many people voluntarily expose their sexual inexperience for the sake of some "OMG yeah bro roast beef eeeeew" replies

/filed in knees too sharp


A Mod Real Quick
welcome to the female anatomy.

never ceases to amuse me how many people voluntarily expose their sexual inexperience for the sake of some "OMG yeah bro roast beef eeeeew" replies

/filed in knees too sharp
Hmm. How to respond to this. I don't know. Lets all make sweeping generalizations about everyone I guess.

Clearly I said would fuck and clearly there is fucking roast beef on that whores snatch. Which points did you need clarified? Perhaps I should've said "wow she's so beautiful with a perfect pussy, I can't see anything wrong with it." Grow up shitbag and stop white knighting for pictures on the Internet.


Hmm. How to respond to this. I don't know. Lets all make sweeping generalizations about everyone I guess.

Clearly I said would fuck and clearly there is fucking roast beef on that whores snatch. Which points did you need clarified? Perhaps I should've said "wow she's so beautiful with a perfect pussy, I can't see anything wrong with it." Grow up shitbag and stop white knighting for pictures on the Internet.
Unless you've only been with a small minority of women who fit into the mainstream porn "slit" then I can see how your assumption that only whores and sluts have larger labia has evolved into truth (assuming more sexual activity equals stretching). Get out more, realize not everyone looks like a newborn baby, and also pornographic material involving extruding labia not only costs more, but is more sought after. Sorry, but I find women with just a slit and a hole rather boring...


A Mod Real Quick
Unless you've only been with a small minority of women who fit into the mainstream porn "slit" then I can see how your assumption that only whores and sluts have larger labia has evolved into truth (assuming more sexual activity equals stretching). Get out more, realize not everyone looks like a newborn baby, and also pornographic material involving extruding labia not only costs more, but is more sought after. Sorry, but I find women with just a slit and a hole rather boring...
I didn't call her a whore because she had roast beef, I called her a whore because she's wearing a whore uniform and posting pictures like a whore (probably her only talent).


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I've never seen a vag with that weird roast beef shit going on



Ive found that the "roast beef" can me attributed to age then sexual activity so just do what I do and only fuck girls 18-20. Don't forget the Mikes Hard Lemonade!!


Potato del Grande
Ive found that the "roast beef" can me attributed to age then sexual activity so just do what I do and only fuck girls 18-20. Don't forget the Mikes Hard Lemonade!!
Where do you live that girls drink that shit? It's all about the Smirnoff Ice in Florida and all the other states worth living in.